MR BEER KIT (Instructions, Review, & Blind Taste) ft. @TheBruSho

MR BEER KIT (Instructions, Review, & Blind Taste) ft. @TheBruSho


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JeffTheHokie - 23.08.2023 23:47

I started with Munton and Fison (now calls "Muntons") kits. It's an all-in-one can that makes around 5 gallons. It came with 2 options in the instructions- use just the can for 6 6-packs, or add sugar for 10 six-packs. I would usually split the difference, add half the sugar, and make 2 cases.

I never tried Mr. Beer, but when it came out, it seemed like a ripoff to me because the batch size is too small. Now I'm getting into real brewing, a lot more options, but also a lot more work and it can be a lot more expensive.

Tony Deetiger
Tony Deetiger - 29.07.2023 23:48

Follow the instructions carefully, double the sugar and you got yourself some great beer, relatively cheap.

Borderat - 17.06.2023 05:52

I wonder what a smaller stove top batch comes out too if you find the best combo of ingredients. paired with a kveik fermented in a few soda bottles or something that would hold the pressure once its capped for carbonation.drinkable within a week 12 pack worth of beer, maybe just enough beer to make the effort without whipping out the ole 10 gallon kettle.

79obrien - 17.05.2023 06:08

I bought my dad one of these with a variety pack of flavors when I was 12 years old and have great memories of brewing with him.

Dylan Overocker
Dylan Overocker - 23.03.2023 08:44

Fermenting Angry bovine chocolate milk stout and their Lucky charms milk stout can't wait to see how they turn out!

Trust me, I don't work with the CIA
Trust me, I don't work with the CIA - 23.02.2023 07:46

Yes this is great. It's a great starter to get into homebrewing. I have brewed over 20 batches. From craft brews that they sell, to their competition, and I have gone as cheap to making cheap hard cider from apple juice, brown sugar, and bread yeast from my local Walmart. I have even made cheap wine from just blending some grapes and other fruits and I make cheap wine. Don't get yourself down, some batches will be great and some may go bad and you may have to just throw it out. I am actually brewing some cheap wine right from grapes and mulberries I had.

kkuster1 - 12.09.2022 18:28

Thought the end was kind of "beer snob" How dare those wannabes using Mr. Beer consider themselves home brewers. Everyone needs a place to start...and for some this is perfect for their home brewing if they don't have the time, money or interest to invest much more.

Coreo - 09.09.2022 08:56

Does it taste like water? is it sweet?
What would happen if i bought the refill kit and added double the ingredients into one 2 Gallon batch?

Keffie Deen II
Keffie Deen II - 22.07.2022 14:20

Y’all are just straight annoying…

FishCatBowl - 11.06.2022 14:28

Lack of time forced me out of all grain and back to extracts. I've been using Mr Beer hopped extract cans but with different yeasts, hop additions, and a sealed fermenter. And StarSan just to be on the safe side.
One thing I found with the canned extracts, there is no need to heat them. Using room temp water takes only a little longer, but it eliminates the darkening and caramelizing effect.

Wade Penley
Wade Penley - 14.04.2022 00:18

I like the mr beer kits I've made them since I was a kid. They're really not that bad. I've tried almost all of their kits. They do make a great beginner beer and they have a wide range of flavors and styles to choose from.

LowFlow - 24.03.2022 03:47

Let's be real here. Mr. Beer kits are awesome for who they are intended for. Not to mention the fun it's introduced so many people to. It is what it is and the 🌎 is a better place with Mr. Beer 🍺

Paul Valentine
Paul Valentine - 06.03.2022 12:16

Quit whining. Mr. Beer rocks. I have 16 fermenting in various stages.

HotRodLincoln - 20.02.2022 19:09

" perhaps a Magnum Condom",,,HILAROUS!!!

New edge gaming
New edge gaming - 12.12.2021 22:52

When that mega man X music hit I was so pushed back to my snes days

rtpmedic66 - 05.12.2021 09:51

I love the fermenter for small batches of cider and pulque (thanks to Trent!).

David Corbitt
David Corbitt - 25.11.2021 08:27

Props to CH for instantly recognizing a magnum condom.

Thorny - 25.09.2021 03:29

I started on that shizz. At least it got me brewing 🤣 girls got it for me for Christmas about ten years ago. I had always wanted to brew beer and mr started me on my path. Also, huge zelda fan, been playing since 87’ 😁

Kevin Fidler
Kevin Fidler - 06.09.2021 14:45

Just noticed this video, Im also a lefty.
I did extract for a few years before all grain, eventually I used to just buy 6 pound lme jugs, bulk hops and dry yeast and more or less make my own batches.
The way you put cold water into that "fermenter" then the still hot wort is what I did with extract batches.
Another trick I did was pour the hop sediment into the fermenter rather then trying to filter it out, it settles to the bottom with the yeast. Just leave that mess in the fermenter when you syphon the beer out, then rinse and clean the fermenter out later.

Robert Lander
Robert Lander - 21.08.2021 00:55

What's your discord link?

TheApartmentBrewer - 16.08.2021 23:43

Been looking forward to this since I heard you guys come up with the idea on the Brajcast!!

Hellbrews Homebrewing
Hellbrews Homebrewing - 15.08.2021 06:52

Finally! Cheers 🍻🍻🤙🏼

Jordan Mercier
Jordan Mercier - 15.08.2021 05:21

Lol I love ur video style man, I partially watch just for the editing and comedy, keep it up BRAJ!

wallyshaw - 14.08.2021 10:44

I like Maurey more than CH

PizzaNife - 12.08.2021 22:14


Joseph Schwarz
Joseph Schwarz - 12.08.2021 05:00

I agree that for a marginal amount more you can just buy a proper kit that produces solid beer and gives you equipment that you can use more in the future. MBC from San Antonio, TX!

The Tacos
The Tacos - 11.08.2021 18:12

Dis you say waste the measurement beer? Do you not sanitize everything? Why would. You toss it?

Hops & Gnarly
Hops & Gnarly - 11.08.2021 17:27

The ending 👌🏼🍻

that dude you used to know
that dude you used to know - 11.08.2021 08:04

Maybe the first time that what you actually did was stranger than what you said you were going to do at the beginning. I suppose it's good for people who are thinking about getting started. But I agree, these things are only bought for gifts by people who know nothing about beer.

MJ Hoss
MJ Hoss - 11.08.2021 06:05

Are you sure that's Trent... I think Murry is missing from Impractical Jockers (haha for the humor impaired).

TheStraycat74 - 10.08.2021 21:23

I've used several of their kits over the years. they work as long as you follow the directions and don't allow them to expire.
that being said I only ever found one that I liked, but that only worked once. the next time I did it was nowhere near as good and I don't know why. Sunday morning Coming Down coffee beer kit.
anyway, I don't care for Most commercial beer, and I tried a TON of MB kits, but I stopped buying because I just don't like beer I guess

Solis Invictus
Solis Invictus - 10.08.2021 19:51

Would LOVE to see you review the BEERDROID!!

bob bob
bob bob - 10.08.2021 19:02

Never made a bad (undrinkable) batch it is like saying your own baby is ugly.

bob bob
bob bob - 10.08.2021 18:56

Still thinking an air lock is not needed.
I would like to see a discussion about air locks.
But Mr beer is a nice cheap set up to have around for small batches.
The recipes can always be made better from stuff out of the kitchen.
(As home brewers we do not complain we adapt.)

Dann Diego
Dann Diego - 10.08.2021 17:44

Finally got to check out this masterpiece. Hit all the marks braj

Vali - 10.08.2021 17:08

Great video! We all have to start somewhere and I'm sure this has been the gateway kit for many a home brewer. And beer is beer after all!

Nikita Vorontsov
Nikita Vorontsov - 10.08.2021 10:36

Fantastic video!

Richard Aguirre
Richard Aguirre - 10.08.2021 07:25

I made my worst beer with Mr Beer. Brewed 3 batches and the last one was so terrible, it hurt my teeth when I drank it. I was the only one who drank those batches. First batch with a normal setup after that was worth sharing with friends.

Jim Bartosevich
Jim Bartosevich - 10.08.2021 07:17

The 2 problems with extract brewing vs. all grain are that
1. You do the same amount of waiting for fermentation, but for a yield of only 2 gallons vs 5 or 10 (or more. Personally I find 5-10 to be the sweet spot).
2 (and most important). While you still do all that waiting, it's the FUN part of brewing that you skip. I enjoy bringing my strike water to temp, relaxing while I wait for the grain to mash, iodine testing it for starch conversion, the 60-90 minute boil after, the hop additions, smelling the wort as it evolves, watching the hot break, then the bubble and roll. I tried an extract kit once, and felt such a loss from not experiencing that I never looked back.

Notice, I didn't say anything about quality. There are some people in the world who simply can't dedicate the time or space to brew all grain, and still put out some amazing product. I'm not going to put down what they do. But I'm certain that we grain people have more fun in the process!

kricketdude - 10.08.2021 06:30

Always wondered about Mr. Beer so thanks for finally answering the question. Keep it up CH!

Jon Gerenski
Jon Gerenski - 10.08.2021 02:33

I started with a gifted mr beer kit. Little over a year ago and am now 40+ batches in. Mostly do all grain BIAB but will occasionally still do an extract kit here and there. I love the LBK’s and have actually fermented a couple of award winning beers in them. Great for splitting up larger batches for different hop or fruit additions. Love the channel!

Mike P
Mike P - 10.08.2021 02:14

One of the only brewing shows that aren't PC or G rated. Really appreciate the comedy on this channel

TOM MANNING - 10.08.2021 01:54

🤣🤣🤣 I had one of those, Yeeeaaarss ago haha

jcinsaniac - 10.08.2021 01:42

I used the 2.5 gallon Brewdemon and a 3 gallon fermzilla with a spigot - loved them both. Didn't love the BD kits, but used the 2 gallon kits from Northern Brewer - those rocked! Still use the fermzilla - all tricked out with a thermocouple and a blowoff tube, always ready to make a test batch of liquid love. Brajilicious! Totally agree - way better beer from real kits than these 'starter' systems...they are a gimmick...spend you money wisely and once. Great vid!

Connery Otto
Connery Otto - 10.08.2021 00:18

Mr Beer was what got me started with brewing 3 years ago. God awful first batch, but with an ACTUAL brew kit, it gets better. Thanks for the laugh boys!

Kindfish1 - 09.08.2021 22:07

Mr beer is a great way to get into brewing. It's really the basics with extracts, that's how I started out.
Now I have a big bad 3 vessel all grain setup, but it all started with that Mr beer kit my wife got me for Xmas some 8 years back.

Sangberg - 09.08.2021 21:20

Or a magnum condom, must be ha,ha !!!!!!!!!

William Rodrigues
William Rodrigues - 09.08.2021 21:07

I got started on a Mr. Beer "Shock the Moon" kit. It was a 1 gallon Blue Moon clone kit. It came with a glass big mouth fermenter. It came out pretty good though. The steps were more like a standard extract kit and it was only $24.00, but had it come out terrible, I might not be brewing right now. :)

David Heath Homebrew
David Heath Homebrew - 09.08.2021 19:51

Thats outrageous!!! No mandatory beer chug?! Fun video though :)
