Domestic Violence In China - Intermediate Chinese - Chinese Conversation - Chinese Audio Podcast

Domestic Violence In China - Intermediate Chinese - Chinese Conversation - Chinese Audio Podcast

Mandarin Corner

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Wandering Questions
Wandering Questions - 27.08.2023 19:20

?! In America domestic violence may be directed at the husband by the wife. As a child I saw my mother physically abuse my father many times. He mostly lived in our basement to avoid her. I never saw my father ever strike or abuse my mother; he would just walk away from her. It was like that til he shot himself thru the head in our basement (he was “shell-shocked” (PTSD) from WWII). I was married to a women who convinced me she was abused by her first Husband. It didn’t take long before I realized she was the one starting the fights with her X. I was assaulted many times by her but most I laughed at her and walked away. She was only 106 lbs and certainly no physical threat. My mother was much more vicious. I saw her trying to push my father down aiming to make him hit his head on the sharp corner of our piano. I also seen her try to push him down the stairs to our basement; a dirty fighter. She was overweight at about 160lbs. I grew up w/ sisters and knew to never hit a girl.

Kevin Ternes
Kevin Ternes - 30.04.2023 23:26


Raul Carlos
Raul Carlos - 14.11.2022 10:58

That story about Fang Yangyang was really sad, It's hard for me to understand a family not havin the right to protect female relatives, especially closely related ones, daughters, sisters, first cousins. I am from the Southwest United States and am familiar with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation American families of Mexican descent from both sides of the border. In general, men marry into her family, and she usually has several brothers who are watchin out for her.I know 2 men who hit thier girls, the 1st, her brother and uncle beat him badly, the 2nd, her brothers caught him alone and really beat him bad, her brothers showed zero mercy. As sad as the story is, I really appreciate this and your other videos. I started learnin Chinese 2 weeks ago and can now say 11 simple sentences. I listen to your videos and tiktok popular Chinese music, I think its bubblegum music, its easier for me to make out the words. Thank you Eileen for this content and thank you to your guests also!

Angela Roberts
Angela Roberts - 26.08.2022 21:32

It’s annoying that not enough people talk about domestic abuse against men just because it’s perpetrated by women

David Johnson
David Johnson - 20.08.2022 07:21

You're great

Morejoy - 17.08.2022 15:06

Very interesting. I just read the English subs while listening out for Chinese words I could follow. I think you Eileen and your business assoc. Sharon do a great job tackling these social issues which may otherwise be exposed by an anti propaganda source. That is to say, I think many issues you cover are 'swept under the rug'.
Language wise I wanted to ask if there might be another way to become a member as I don't feel safe using Wechat.
Of course, for those who live in China Wechat is the main app but if you live elsewhere then maybe not.
Do, what about paypal etc?

Nhạn Đỗ
Nhạn Đỗ - 14.08.2022 08:25


darryl kassle
darryl kassle - 31.05.2022 21:06

I like how you are being honest about these social problem. Unfortunately they exist are a part of society but only by talking about them and confronting them can we successfully tackle them

Please talk about the drug problem in China such a heroin and ice addiction. Like in the west I understand China has areas where every family has a family member addicted to drugs.

Would be interested to know the Chinese view on drugs, popular drugs among youth and attitudes and acceptance of them etc

Alice Senz
Alice Senz - 19.02.2022 02:49

Great podcast, but in general abusive men will reveal their true colors within months of dating. They don't abuse because of stifled emotions or too much stress, but because they know that violence and anger outbursts will cause their wife to spend every waking moment working to please him to avoid his wrath, so the men end up with a live in slave. Since that's their ideal relationship, they aren't going to waste more than a year playing nice when it would be much faster to find a more insecure and easily manipulated girl to date.

This is according to psychologists regarding the vast majority of abuse cases, at least.

David Dixon
David Dixon - 13.01.2022 23:30

I don't agree with Sharon's suggestion that a couple should live together for a while before they get married. There is a saying, "why should a man buy a cow when he gets the milk for free?" This is just another way for men to take advantage of women. And she doesn't have the legal protection of marriage either.

BTS KINGS 💜 MAMAMOO QUEENS 💚 - 20.12.2021 16:03

How shameful that China still has this backward thinking. 💔

陈瑞娜 - 16.11.2021 18:07


Danielle Shu
Danielle Shu - 15.10.2021 01:53

Perpetrator of domestic violence (physical, psychological, emotional or mental ) are deem LOSER because they are insecure and backward. Domestic Violence are considered crime because they have malicious intent to cause grave harm to the victim. Domestic violence cannot be taken lightly by law and should be punished severely to deter similar violence to occur. It has to stop by legal means. Domestic Violence is inhumane. How can a husband claim to love his wife when there is domestic violence? It makes no sense!! Husbands are suppose to protect and not cause harm!! Any violence is clearly wrong.

fridge magnet
fridge magnet - 09.10.2021 09:23

This lady sounds Taiwanese, where is she from?

lisa - 06.10.2021 15:15

incredible video! so well spoken and movingly discussed by both of you <3

方子鉴童童fang zi jian tong tong Chin Shia Tjan
方子鉴童童fang zi jian tong tong Chin Shia Tjan - 16.09.2021 04:56

I have been domestically abused for 3.5+ years till now, my husband and his families hide neglect not so serious abuse my son often for 2+years, on and off. If my son cried or when it was time for milk, i need to make milk fast clean sterile quiet perfect temperature without allowing to try, if i tried, he would abuse me . not allowing to give breastmilk first, his sister and my husband often touched pressed my breasts disgusting angry hate look at me said,"you have no breastmilk! your breasts are sagging flat your breastmilk has no nutritional value." If I cook, I need to make for my husband too, I need to cook and eat like my husband's sister. After cooking, he would check utensils pots and pans to see if i make any scars. Sometimes, he would hide all kitchen materials, milk powder diapers, anything my son needs and only allowed to change or give milk whenever he thought was time or right amount. If i drank left over milk, he would hide lock milk powder thermal flask. If I breastmilk first or not eat /cook like they are and pay extra bills, i will be abused and my son left crying sleepy. I begged kneeled in front of police officers security guards and doctors nurses, but they lied and I was put into mental hospitals due to abuse, I began hallucination but I never hurt anyone at all. And my 'mistakes', my histories my mental illness, my husband and his families used them against me sue punish me , saying " I am incapable unfit to take care of myself. I often argue with my husband. She never work before spoilt by her father always give her money to embarrass/give troubles to my husband." .I was never visited neither they brought my son to see me while in mental hospitals. I was given a lot of medication , forced full body checkups and lost weight severe constipated. After 3 days in hospitals, I was healed by God, I wanted to see my son and stop being abused. But no one believe me. They gave me more medication and got angry irritated at me. After 1 month a few days, I was discharge from mental hospital, Judge lawyer doctors policemen just told me to leave go back to my parents , it was the past, and yes i still have to pay for child support,even if they hide my son. Some policemen Embassies and strangers told me never to give any money because they are taking my son for money, some money are used for flirting , small gambling, eating playing games and sleeping most of the time. My parents are afraid my son will not have good healthy well balanced organic milk food and play, sometimes we just sent money becuase we are afraid of putting in jail. Most money goes to my husband and his sister who often verbally psychologically spiritually financially abused me in front and beside my son. My husband's sister and my husband said," I dont know how to take care of my son! I am crazy! I am incapable of being a good mom! I am selfish! I only wanted to go to work and not wanting to take care of my son!(I want my son to go to school with me , instead of staying at home left playing by himself, one small mistakes my son yell at beaten kick ignore throw out house lie to my son teach my son to tell me go jump down go and die! "湖北省鄂州市华容区庙岭镇界元龙2号/湖北省鄂州市华容区庙岭镇靠近往鄂州市巴士702家/山西省朔州市朔城区京城港一期一单元18栋702家。 my son Fang Zi Jian 2019 August 16 born before due date due to domestic violence and forcing to give a lot of money to my husband because I was in pain discomfort sleepy hot summer and the nearest atm is 20 minutes walking, even when my mum and grandma were about to die in ICU, they do not care,"hope my mother die soon. She deserves it! She is crazy noisy person! Her kamma! Your families go to hell! " please help my son. I miss my son. I have tried my best to love my husband and his families by also begging Chinese authorities to have professional counselling therapy and job, but instead I was put into mental hospital--lied convoluted brainwashed given a lot of medication severe constipation. Doctors nurses were not friendly and they stared at me "Dont teach tell anything not Science to your son. Your son is too small. Dont follow Confuscious or how to be a good person to your son. Americans will not help you. China is so safe. Find another man who is sincere love you."
Please help my son and I reunite and live healthy safe peaceful life in God's way.
19 days block delete their contacts, ignore messages, chinese and Indonesian governments also ignore and told me to go here/there (meaning We dont care or wish we die soon)

香肠哥🌭 Hans Wurst
香肠哥🌭 Hans Wurst - 05.09.2021 07:55

Ohhhhhh nooooo. Stay Safe Girls.

Google JPN
Google JPN - 04.09.2021 20:02


Sheldon - 03.09.2021 04:11

In the very backward rural areas of China, the man will marry flawed women with the purpose of passing on the lineage. After more than a year of marriage, the man’s parents were angry when they learned that Fang Yangyang was unable to have children and began to beat Fang Yangyang. Soon, the 22-year-old Fang Yangyang was tortured to death.
The woman on the right in the video is not objective and conceals many facts..Zhang Bing’s father Zhang Jilin was sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment, his mother Liu Lanying was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment, and Fang Yangyang’s husband Zhang Bing was sentenced to one year and eight months’ imprisonment, three years probation

Greg Trencher
Greg Trencher - 02.09.2021 01:06

Thanks for making this video. This is really informative and interesting to learn about

महाराज - 25.08.2021 16:44


Ann Vandegrift
Ann Vandegrift - 20.08.2021 22:54

I learn so much about Chinese culture not to mention vocab from your videos in a way that feels very relevant to my interests! Thank you so much!

汉唐Heavensent - 12.08.2021 23:42

If you need police to solve family matters then it’s better to just let go. The best way to solve family problems is to have the parents talk to each other and if they can’t come to the same solution then they should come up with an exit plan. Using police as the main solution for family problems is only digging a deeper grave.

汉唐Heavensent - 12.08.2021 22:26

If you want to know the domestic violence trend, all you have to do is look at the divorce trend. You can say that domestic violence is two people fighting to stay together when they should have just let go. domestic violence is a symptom of a broken family.

SwissRoLL - 11.08.2021 21:28







Asdfghjkl Qwerty
Asdfghjkl Qwerty - 09.08.2021 03:59

This video teaches us to open your eyes widely. There's no such a perfect relationship like chinese drama. So be grateful if you find a good man as your husband. Dont complain if your husband is a kind man even if he isn't romantic at all.

Turnip Society
Turnip Society - 05.08.2021 16:55

Why don't you read statistics to make general statements? what are they based on? anecdotes?

馨馨 - 05.08.2021 06:02

Amazing channel!!!!!

BangkokPoet - 03.08.2021 09:25

Excellent video and your guest speaks very clearly.

Peeradech Lee
Peeradech Lee - 02.08.2021 21:29

A bit sad to hear this kind of story. I cannot finish this lesson.

PK Like
PK Like - 02.08.2021 13:20

四川软耳朵表示你们在胡说八道 哈哈

༑Youtube Lak༑
༑Youtube Lak༑ - 02.08.2021 00:11


Sebastián Huertas
Sebastián Huertas - 01.08.2021 16:49

Want more of this! These podcasts are great!

Chamroeun Rattanak
Chamroeun Rattanak - 01.08.2021 08:49


Panas - 01.08.2021 03:06

really cool to think , but a little quick or my grama not high enough to hear that quick xD

康郝麗 Hollie in Taiwan
康郝麗 Hollie in Taiwan - 31.07.2021 17:13

我覺得打妻子的丈夫應該有一些資源可以去求幫助。需要一些系統可以幫助他們應付壓力,控制傾向,要不然下一個情人也會收到暴力.治標不治本. 還有他應該有一個紀錄,就是說,在過去有報告這種暴力行為的話,他的紀錄會一直給他人隨時能夠知道,這樣也會讓他打之前好好想想他行為的後果

M Sbim
M Sbim - 31.07.2021 09:41

Confucianism is incompatible with women's empowerment. It has no place in the 21st century.

mofang zhe
mofang zhe - 30.07.2021 15:39


Nivo Morvant
Nivo Morvant - 29.07.2021 20:47

Thank you Eileen.
What about religions in China ? Who are confucianist, christian ? What is the position of the state ? People are free to chose their religion ?
Keep going!!

Mikhail Goncharov
Mikhail Goncharov - 28.07.2021 22:43

great thanks

littlebumgorf - 28.07.2021 06:12

太可恶了 😭

Davi Coutinho
Davi Coutinho - 28.07.2021 00:05

oi como vao voces, falam portugues tambem? salve

Sean - 27.07.2021 16:56

I've seen men beat women on the street in Shanghai countless times and in the multiple apartment buildings and lanehouses I've lived in here in the 4 years I've heard women screaming like they're being tortured an innumerable amount of times. What is going on in the lives of these men that lead them to beat women? I've never seen anything like this the western countries I've lived in.

Catalin Bordea
Catalin Bordea - 27.07.2021 14:06

You're wrong that domestic violence is more common in the rural areas than in the cities. Psychical (passive) abuse is as fatal as the physical one, and in the cities there is much passive abuse fueled by lust, pride and love of the world. In general, the more populated a city is, the more miserable it'll be.

Sara Haghani
Sara Haghani - 27.07.2021 07:59

This video was so informative and great! Thanks to Sharon as well for having done so much research and being so well-informed on the topic.
