STARFIELD: All reactions of joining the pirates Crimson Fleet

STARFIELD: All reactions of joining the pirates Crimson Fleet


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Strider - 09.10.2023 09:57

This right here is the biggest problem with the game. You are technically given a “choice.” But there is absolutely no variety or welcomed outcome by companions aside from Jessamine for this action alone let alone ANY other negative actions which always result in the same hate/dislike.

Constellation might be the most boring companion group ever made in a game with no actual variety in place outside of being a boy/girl scouts club.

What was Bethesda thinking here? It just works. But no, it actually doesn’t. It makes the play through feel unrewarding.

Cloud - 09.10.2023 04:32

I had literally no other choice, Andreja wasn't happy about it but because there wasn't a chat option for "they betrayed me" I just said it was for revenge or something and she thought it was too extreme smh.The Sysdef betrayed me said I killed innocents and said I either went peacefully to prison or died. I did everything I had to and nothing that I didn't so I was forced to side with the fleet.😂

GungHo - 08.10.2023 19:21

I just want to be the homelander of starfield. =(

Sasha Mason
Sasha Mason - 08.10.2023 09:54

I didn't even have a choice. Blew up the ship in the first mission, then when I got to Neon, I may have not realized that it was possible to stealth my way through the restricted area. Returned to Ikande and he straight up kicked me out of SysDef.

Akachi Ra
Akachi Ra - 08.10.2023 03:11

Sam sounded like a bicth when he said, " I can't stand to look at you right now!"

OgonPlayzGames - 07.10.2023 20:03

I hate how there's basically nobody but the adoring fan that doesn't mind what we do, there is jessica in the crimson fleet bar and she seems to be ok with being a pirate but not really romanceable. I wish bethesda added a romanceable option for somebody new in the crimson fleet. Sysdef sucks so bad and Ikande was just infuriating to be around.

Trevor Bush
Trevor Bush - 07.10.2023 02:26

"oooh I see finding our work terribly boring are we" um...yeah?

Thatonerobloxfan_antiLGBT - 06.10.2023 04:49

Andreja watching you joined crimison fleet: “YOU CANT DO THAT 😭😭😭😭😭😭”
Andreja murdering entire constellation members because snake god told her to do so: “and yet I still feel nothing”

Marvin Stark
Marvin Stark - 04.10.2023 11:21

I miss X6-88, Cait, even Piper understood some difficult choices, but at least these companions don't start shooting you (?) They just run away

backroadwrenching - 04.10.2023 03:37

In no man sky I I pirate off everybody including other pirates So why not do the same .

Username546 - 04.10.2023 00:18

Hated literally every single person I interacted with at CF. Except Delgado. He was cool and quite an interesting character. Everyone was just an ungrateful backstabbing cunt though. Especially Naeva. God I hope I get to murder her.

Peter Peturis
Peter Peturis - 03.10.2023 05:23

Well they sent me to prison because I open fired in a civilian facility so I took that personal and betrayed sysdef

Le Schroder
Le Schroder - 02.10.2023 22:21

Im pissed that me retaliating against the robots that were shooting me forced me to join the crimson fleet. Thats just fucking bullshit, i spared every civilian and killed every robot but apparently i killed "civilians"

Mohd Zul haimi Osman
Mohd Zul haimi Osman - 02.10.2023 03:43

that why i worked alone, will never hear to a complained like this

Exelixi - 01.10.2023 17:11

Funny how andreja gets mad at you for siding with the fleet like if being a Va'ruun was any better

DJ LECORE - 01.10.2023 16:40

In my game, Sarah actually keeps telling me to "piss off" when i try and speak to her, and walks off saying ive made her "very pissed off". I now can't play the main story due to all the nasty interactions with them all. But in honesty the crimson fleet is far more enjoyable & profitable to side with. Free ships and credits all day with the mission board cargo stealing jobs. And you get to keep and sell the stolen cargo too lol, it's a win win win :)

Storm Breaker
Storm Breaker - 01.10.2023 15:43

So many push is out there joining the crimson fleet money isn’t everything really enjoyed blowing all those bitch ass thieves and murderers out of the sky

malaize - 01.10.2023 05:06

The thing that pisses me off about SF companions isn’t just that they’re all “good”, but that their “goodness” fits into the writers’ distorted conception of politics and morality that leads to them all being insufferable moderates. None of them feel like they have their own beliefs about the factions in the universe, they’re just aligned to this ambiguous “good” alongside both the political factions in the game (which are actually quite evil when you consider them).

It’s an incredibly Americanistic sense of politics that Bethesda has where there’s 2 big right-wing groups with very similar policies and a few major differences and all the companions just treat them like sports teams - not seeing either (or both) as being evil - but also absolutely hating the idea of you supporting the EVIL TERRORIST CRIMINALS in the CF. This game is written for the most boring political moderate to make “complex moral choices” over if they like the fascists who keep the poor literally underground or the corporate-backed cowboy feudalists more.

Brent.2017 - 30.09.2023 23:00

There are 2 very good ship parts you can only get on the crimson Key that you cant get anywhere else, not even the Red Mile. The only partial way around it is if you buy them for your ships ahead of your choice in the story.

Chris Simpson
Chris Simpson - 30.09.2023 22:21

Bunch of potentially the best companions Beth has ever done ruined by the simple fact that their all morally the same thus end up boring

Revan - 30.09.2023 18:53

In older Bethesda games you had at least some companions that prefered the "evil options". In Starfield you have to suffer a bunch of Karens, they all act the same to what you do. It even annoys me during my "good" playthroughs.. especially Sarah. She literally starts an argument with you if you handed over the money to SysDef but tell her that you feel kinda bad for the Fleets leader.. like wtf Sarah.

After my first playthrough I just ignored Constellation all together. I only interacted with them if I had to in order to get the main story going. But other than that I ignored the companions.

Funny thing by the way: Constellation has some interesting and charismatic people.. but they are all non-companions. The companions from Constellations are all a bunch of Karens.

kuromaze - 30.09.2023 05:33

nope, this is not about joining. this is finishing the questline by siding with crimson fleet. me personally, i hate crimson fleet so much. everyone treated you like trash, especially naeva and you can't even get the chance to kill her at all. at least everyone all over the system treated you with high respect after eradicate all the crimson fleet if you side with sysdef. not just the sysdef themselves.

DeadlyPants_N - 30.09.2023 02:40

No one reacted when i sided with them... if we were to comparem the UC SysDef and UC overall feels like the institute from FO4 and Crimson Fleet as BOS

TheBest - 29.09.2023 18:15

Why nobody of my companions care about my side with crimson fleet? Nobody said anything... It's normal?

The Gray Owl
The Gray Owl - 29.09.2023 12:27

Damn, people in the comments are really salty about people having a normal fucking response towards bloodthirsty murderers.

The Chuck
The Chuck - 29.09.2023 10:27

The followers are the worst part of the game they suck horrible followers for a rpg it takes a lot of the fun away from the game.

Ecco - 29.09.2023 05:57

Its fun being evil.

aviatorEngineer - 29.09.2023 04:30

Everyone in the comments is talking about how much they hated SysDef for how they were treated, meanwhile as a Vanguard pilot I had a downright cordial relationship with them. Just another assignment, really.

Karvoc - 28.09.2023 10:01

as a pirate player I hate constellation club I wish I could kill them

Light 1988
Light 1988 - 27.09.2023 18:20

Screw the constellation, bunch of goody two shoes good for nothing.

战斗熊猫 - 27.09.2023 00:58

Vasco is my favorite Constellation follower. Just for the simple reason that he does not give a fuck about what you do. Never any bitching from him.

HKPirate - 27.09.2023 00:16

To be fair, why would anyone want to deal with Neava. She is the worst character ever created in any video game. Not only that Bethesda made her immortal because they knew everyone would put her down.

John - 26.09.2023 17:38

Man, I hope the next elder scrolls isn’t like this what do you mean you join the dark brotherhood? What do you mean you join the thieves guild?. 🤔

csnation - 26.09.2023 16:23

If you side with the Vanguard, you will not be forced into working for SysDef.
Also getting caught for contraband (which why 90% of players get forced in) is really just poor player planning imo.

Especially since you can access the Den extremely early and can sell contraband easily.

Higgs - 26.09.2023 16:20

You know who doesn't disapprove?

The Adoring Fan.
The Hunter.
Other You.

EvilGodAsura - 26.09.2023 12:41

A heads up. You can join sysdef voluntarily from the uc vanguard.
Its straight up just an assignment that way.
They only kidnap you if you are a criminal and even then they just arrest you for a day and let you go once you pay the super small fine.

If you say no the fleet still contacts you after as well.

John - 26.09.2023 11:08

I started with romancing Sarah but she got on my nerve REALLY quick, Andreja really keeps me on the good path. And about good, Constellation aint a good faction either. When you think about it Crimson lusts for credits and Constellation lusts for playing god in there own universe. Nah me and Andreja traveling the stars and step aside is the best option. Funny i am in the Crimson storyline at the moment and didnt do the Neon/Artifact mission yet, wonder how that will play out with Ikande after i have helped him against the Crimson fleet.

Jyrados - 26.09.2023 10:17

Love the complete lack of emotion in their voices it’s super immersive haha

Du bist Ein Monster
Du bist Ein Monster - 25.09.2023 19:40

To join the Crimson Fleet is to give the Finger to the establishment. And to find the true One Piece

Gibster - 25.09.2023 03:18

After they came at me sideways for picking the Aceles to be released I figured I might as well finish my villain arc.

Silent But Dudley
Silent But Dudley - 25.09.2023 02:25

Yeah I don’t bother with companions now. This game is bland when it comes to relationships and companionship. First playthrough it’s fine but I don’t care now.

Golden-Leaf - 24.09.2023 23:31

Having the empath trait, by the end of the video, you do negative damage.

Save Ur Mind
Save Ur Mind - 24.09.2023 20:57

Barret is the most annoying person in the game :D

Diana Barnett
Diana Barnett - 24.09.2023 20:56

I'm not sure what's more annoying: their incessant whining, or the fact you can't tell them to shove it where the suns don't shine and blow it out their exhaust vent. "i'M sOrrRy ThAt YoU fEeL tHaT wAy." Pfft!
The wimpiest single dad cowboy ever, a violent snake cultist who is weirdly squeamish about the violence, discount Lando Calrissian who doesn't want to get his hands dirty, and a finger-waggling middle-aged British professor who acts like she's your mum. Laaaaaaaaame.

Arthur Morgan
Arthur Morgan - 24.09.2023 20:17

They literally need and beg you to join their dry azz faction. Im still yet to even bother with the main story becuse the missions are boring af.

Wheels4lyfe - 24.09.2023 08:55

You guys join a faction of liars, traitors, and murderers and some of you are mad because people are angry at you for it? 😂😂😂

Basic Simp
Basic Simp - 22.09.2023 23:41

I seriously don't get how some people cant understand that siding with the Crimson Fleet will mean worse for everyone other than the Crimoson fleet, and you guys are surprised genuinely good people like the Constellation group don't approve of it? Really? 😂

RocRolDis - 22.09.2023 13:40

Constellation, aka The Fun Police. Theyll hate you even if you're defending yourself

PSYCHO SPARTAN300 - 22.09.2023 13:28

Sarah is a Karen
