The Definitive Guide to Picking a Class in Guild Wars 2!

The Definitive Guide to Picking a Class in Guild Wars 2!


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Arozin - 26.11.2023 20:00

Nice guide, I now have a good idea what class to pick.

Hey Fell!
Hey Fell! - 26.11.2023 13:27

The idea of having all weapons for any elite spec is VERY appealing to me. There are weapons like the longbow for Guardians which I really like but are on a spec I don't enjoy playing. The main reason I even considered playing Dragonhunter was to get that bow, but the traps felt so clunky I just couldn't get into it. Now I can slap my holy archer flavor into my beloved Firebrand and be happy.

In contrast, there are specs that I really liked but couldn't really enjoy their main weapon. It felt like a bit of a waste to grab the spec and NOT use their special weapon, but that just meant that for stuff like the Tempest I was stuck with the horn, which I thought was boring and didn't really wanna use. Now I can just put a hammer or a second sword on that and it will work like a charm.

As someone who has just returned to the game and was only informed about this change through this video, I am glad to hear such good news.

Stu - 26.11.2023 03:12

This video is amazing! I'm playing GW2 for the first time and the info overload was too much for me, but the fun way you explaind the clases gave me a better idea of who i want to be

ima go with elementalist, it seems very fun

MoistWater - 26.11.2023 00:12

The Viktor and Archemorus banter between them is absolutely the best it's one of the reasons why I main vindicator

Sir Justinius
Sir Justinius - 25.11.2023 20:11

haha "unique gunblade", that's funny. I think I'd prefer a wrist-mounted dog launcher, or a giant moogle robot being ridden by a cat robot that hits people with a megaphone.

Sizzel - 24.11.2023 09:43

i cannot for the life of me figure out this accent

Razomir - 24.11.2023 01:07

Easy question. None of them. The game is horrendous. Play GW1 instead. It's superior in every possible way.

QuietFury9 - 22.11.2023 19:50

By far the best and most interesting video I have seen on this game. If I was deciding to get this game for the first time, your energy and pure joy about this game would convince me!

Muffinconsumer44 - 16.11.2023 20:08

Just go druid

(Please I’m getting lonely)

Bastien Legare
Bastien Legare - 14.11.2023 05:41

its easy pick your favorite color the end :D

Arcane Feline
Arcane Feline - 12.11.2023 08:58

If you're new to the game and you're planning to play Ele, I have advice (being a long-time Ele player):


Unless (!) you're planning to make Ele your main and play seriously for a long time, building up muscle memory. Even then, if you ever quit the game for a while and then come back, be prepared to suck and re-learn the profession.

Be also prepared to hug the floor regularly and watch Necros and Rangers breeze past you.

I've been playing MMOs for two decades, and Ele is unique. I love and hate the class at the same time.

Raion - 12.11.2023 06:59

I was going to check out gw2 but the class design and visual effects kind of look like a mess.

Great video though!

EZack Lee
EZack Lee - 11.11.2023 07:30

36 classes.

Hollowfrost - 10.11.2023 10:18

this video is completely useless.

Luh Krank
Luh Krank - 07.11.2023 23:33

What is the weapons she’s using throughout the video? The clear glowing ones?

Yoips - 07.11.2023 05:08

Which class is the most popular healer?

Mitzi!🌷 - 06.11.2023 05:59

i choose mesmer because i like the color purple :D

iimFibs - 05.11.2023 07:39

Great video, thanks for the help!

izzyG - 29.10.2023 03:25

Ranger and Thief seem about right for me. As usual. xD

Cracker - 24.10.2023 19:13

So many classes and specs but none that intrigue me. It is like theyre all just about not it. I would love to tame mobs/collect but I hate bow and arrow/ranger classes. I normally go for dual blade or assassins but the thief class looks so boring, nothing interesting to it.
I don't enjoy mage classes or support ones, and the engineer doesn't attract me at all.

Maybe I have grown too old.

Hm I was installing the game but I might just uninstall lol.

Buffaløø - 22.10.2023 20:19

Just discovered your channel, very informative and well explained, good footage of how spells looks. Thank you for making this video fun to watch as it helps understanding what you are talking about.
I'll be sure to check your other video as well !

Wellshem - 22.10.2023 03:23

A fellow TF2 player?

Yami - 16.10.2023 23:00

I wish I was cool enough to play necromancer, but as it may be the world has not blessed me with such powers

Kai - 14.10.2023 18:28

Hello, what would you recommend as a full-time support or healer? And can they solo as well? Thank you

Matheus Mohr
Matheus Mohr - 11.10.2023 18:39

this video is gonna cost me so many character slots, goddamn... also, really well paced video, couldn't stop watching

Markye Takamoto
Markye Takamoto - 09.10.2023 17:29

Just a small thing to add to this otherwise 10/10 video, is that in the holosmith class, dont worry if you dont wanna manage heat very well, there is a trait option to basically spam away and then explode (you still get damaged overtime, and even then I don't remember if there is a way to cleanse that dmg overtime ((maybe with condi cleanse?))) but what I mean is that there is a way to just spam the holoforge skills overriding that "oh no, I have to manage and be careful about heat".
This is also a very much constant thing in Gw2, on each class and spec there are many ways to customize ur build to your playstyle, it's so cool!

X - 09.10.2023 14:20

What's the point of classes if everyone can pretty much do anything? This is way to complex and only attractive for very experienced players. They should just make it possible to completely swap your characters class at this point, like in FFXIV. But I guess this will never happen because GW2 is free to play and all those classes helps selling more level boosts.

MustBeWeird - 08.10.2023 21:52

Super helpful! Thanks alot!

Eyl0rien - 05.10.2023 02:58

I did give a try to the game, back in a day. Since i always play rogue like classes in any game, i did choose the thief, which was a huge disappointment for me. Daredevil is kinda okay. The power and the condi version as well. The deadeye looks cool, but in pve it's pretty much useless, if you wanna get in to trials. Specter is out and honestly i'm not impressed.

What actually discourged me from the game were 4 things:
-One of my friends promissed, that we gonna play together
-Didn't like the "rogue" class
-Chronomancer is THE only acceptable main tank (If i'm not a rogue i usually play eihter tank or healer/support)
-Didn't like the PvP (WvW is really enjoyable tho)

Gonna give a try to eihter a Reaper/Scourge/Harbinger/Bladesworn/Firebrand

MP - 04.10.2023 15:29

thank you for this video. you sound like you had a lot of fun recording this, was really pleasant to listen to it.

Itchy Wool Pants
Itchy Wool Pants - 29.09.2023 15:05

I immediately gravitated towards Necromancer, and I decided on Reaper for elite. There was a learning curve, especially once I went to Reaper. But I persevered and I have no regrets. I barely ever touch my alts

allan amaya
allan amaya - 29.09.2023 13:00

Can you change between jobs? I mean if your a warrior can you change between speelbeaker and bladesworn? Is there a skill, stats reset? Can you change your character appearance? Etc

ZeroDimes - 29.09.2023 08:09

Returning casual player, great video!

TheRagingMan - 27.09.2023 10:18

They all boring just pick one

morteza salemi
morteza salemi - 26.09.2023 18:51

The heroes are a bit childs taste. Wow is better

ricardo thielen
ricardo thielen - 26.09.2023 03:32

Complimenten voor je Engelse uitspraak

Dr Ashyn
Dr Ashyn - 25.09.2023 14:47

If you're at the top of the dps list with a staff ele - you might want to look for a new group :D - RIP staff ele 2012 - 2015

Profesor Z
Profesor Z - 23.09.2023 19:04

Im just about to start playing this game as a long term WoW player and Im looking for a class that is the most viable for solo playing and grinding gold/gear/questing/open world boss killing and pvp since I dont plan to spend too much time doing raids and dungeons which was my main problem with wow (u have to constantly do raids and mythic+ dungeons in order to get the best gear which then becomes obsolete in about 3 months, and I simply dont have enough time for all that). So I would appreciate any tips from experienced players.

Old-School - 23.09.2023 03:11

This game is confusing af to me with the whole rotations, especially when putting out max dps. I come from playing WoW since it first came out so this is a huge change to me, especially whats bis for weapons. Im just trying to find a good ole hack n slash using a a guardian right now but starting to think hes not the best for what im looking for....thoughts? I love mages as well but ele looks complicated af

Lars Kock
Lars Kock - 22.09.2023 18:27

im curious if im one of the few or even the only one who has no trouble at all soloing fractal bosses as a weaver without dying

Vicarious XIV
Vicarious XIV - 22.09.2023 00:31

I haven't played since before Heart of Thorns released, thinking of getting back into it again but omg the changes, what I really want to know though..... can you still do Bleed stacking Warrior builds? I know it was considered subpar back when I used to play cause Bleed stacks were shared by everyone and capped, but I used to play with friends who left the bleed stacking to just me and it was super fun ramping up that damage while getting to still be quite survivable as a Warrior. Also looks like the frenzy mechanic was just shunted to the Berserker specialization?

Also... ALSO... how about the dodge tank Thief? Where you'd dodge around, dropping caltrops and throwing off daggers, then turning invisible, before repeating. Was purely for PvP point defense, but MAN was it ever fun lol

MittenVonScrufflears - 20.09.2023 10:38

My first character was a mesmer. I played it for an entire year before I even made another character. I've played all the other classes as well but none are quite as fun to me as mesmer is. I just think mesmer is amazing, its so unique compared to any class Ive played in any other game, and I think it's really well made. The clone mechanic is so fun to me, I also love glasscannon as well so one shotting people with my mirage or chrono is what I do best in PvP. It wasn't until MUCH later that I learned that mesmer isn't very noob friendly. I hadn't played or barely played any other classes so I didn't know how difficult the other ones were in comparison, all that time and I thought I just sucked(or maybe I also sucked in addition XD), but I mastered it... eventually. 🥲 It's been nearly a decade now so I can basically go on autopilot doing the mesmer rotations that a lot of people find difficult to grasp/execute. The HoT and PoF elite specs are also amazing too(us mesmer mains don't tall about EoD), I seriously cant pick a favorite between the two because they're both so good. I have 22 characters and my first character I have spent a third of all my time on. My other favorite classes would probably be thief, ranger, elementalist, then necro

Nobody - 19.09.2023 21:50

I wanted to see a high level overview of all the classes so I could just pick the one that looks most fun. This video is perfect.

Draelos - 17.09.2023 16:38

Great video! I love some your takes on the classes and their concepts, instead of just focusing on gameplay, which is also represented here. Lovely!

You also have some wonderful skins here! Just beautiful. I have to ask, what is the top and bottom for your Reaper? And Firebrand and Untamed. Thanks so much for the video and inspiration!

zenguro - 17.09.2023 04:05

What outfit is the character of the thumbnail wearing? Awesome Valkyrie/Paladin style!

Z1pZ1p3r - 17.09.2023 01:33

Downstate is part of the rotation. On another note and not to sound to corny I fell in love with you voice.

Misharu - 15.09.2023 06:27

That Zoolander reference caught me offguard and made me laugh.

ZZZergling - 12.09.2023 19:11

That was reaaly entartaining even though i'm vet and made my choices long ago

ShadowZealot7 - 11.09.2023 17:16

I recently got back into GW2 after a couple years... starting from scratch now. Have been bouncing between Necromancer and Engi cause both have been fun.

Tried elementalist cuz you made it sound super fun! It is! And now i have three characters and i cant decide who to focus on XD

Such good class design.

Barbok - 11.09.2023 14:15

Been playing since 2013, still cant decide on a main
