How to Post on LinkedIn | 3 Tips for MASSIVE Reach !!

How to Post on LinkedIn | 3 Tips for MASSIVE Reach !!

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@RichardWalls - 20.02.2021 18:22

🙌🙌🙌 QUESTION: What are YOUR best practices when it comes to posting on LinkedIn and reaching an audience?? Leave a comment down below! 👇👇👇

@dennydannyjosephdanny6628 - 16.10.2023 13:28

Thank you, this has boost my confidence in learning to post on LinkedIn.
God Bless you

@marios.castaneda3341 - 19.08.2023 20:54

Hello Richard, my name is Mario and am new with this LinkedIn platform. I once used Facebook and it just did not work for me since I had to first built my network with connections. Here am kind of having the same problem where I post and if I do not have connections, it just does not work. Now, I do know that paying Facebook or google for advertising is the best way however, I am starting my business and for me to be able to come up with 500 dollars each month is just inside, unless there is a way where I can have clients each day and therefore pay 5000 USD instead of 500 USD and I will happily advertise.
I noticed in the past that with only 1 client i can make from 40 USD TO 200 USD and all depends in the type of job or workload.
For instance: I am a specialized Official Translator able to translate from a simple covid 19 certificates at a low cost, to translating a specialized orthopedic medical report or IDC10 diagnosis with metric scale conversion. I did charge once that specific document at 150 USD per page since only a physician is able to do that, if he happens to be bilingual.
Richard, if you read the entire comment, thank you for reading, and if you can contribute with some feedback or plan so i can get clients of this type, can make some payment arraignment also thanking you in advance.
My name Mario, I do have 15 years of medical experience as a Physician's Assistant, 3 yearr of experience an Aviation Maintenance Manager using the Nalcomis Platform and about 5 years of experience with some immigration Visa, Permits or Parole procedures with the proper jurisdiction and venue since I am not in the United States.

@chrislumino2890 - 13.02.2023 10:20

Thank you Sir, This helps me a lot!!!!!

@marvserhan9710 - 29.01.2023 11:56

Very helpful, Richard. You covered all the I needed to know regarding posting. Well done. I have a question unrelated to posting. You have excellent eye contact with the camera. Can you help me understand where is the camera located to enable your ease of connecting with an audience through the camera? I've been searching for the right configuration and not having success. If you have time to answer, I'll thank you in advance for your feedback.

@homecreations5226 - 11.01.2023 10:15

Sir aapko leads bnana aata h linkdin p

@homecreations5226 - 11.01.2023 10:13

Sir aap kya karte hain

@kerry1383 - 05.12.2022 00:44

You clearly know nothing about how LinkedIn works.

Editing one’s post after publishing it is a no-no for the algorithm, which punishes the author by reducing the post’s reach.

@lpgilber - 20.10.2022 20:52

Awesome content and explanations for newbies!

@karenbradford4314 - 18.09.2022 01:47

Thank you for an amazing video. Just came across your video and it was so clearly outlined and explained in such a way that I want to check out all your other videos. I feel I'm on the right track. Karen

@VictoriaHannahStudio - 18.07.2022 12:54

Thank you, Richard. I have only just gone back onto LinkedIn after giving it away a few years ago because I did not find it useful and also quite boring. Your tutorial was super helpful, I did not know how much they have changed. The comments below are also an incentive to get me in action again.

@aminan1604 - 05.01.2022 09:45

Hi Richard. Thanks for the video. I have a doubt. Iam a freelance designer, can i post my works and designs on linkedin ? And is it okay to post having zero connections?

@ernestosabatercalvet - 09.07.2021 17:32

Thank you Richard , I am really into it now. Discovering my Writing skills.

@ABetterJones - 24.02.2021 01:56

Hi Richard! Great advice. LinkedIn is such a powerful platform for anyone in business. The ability to search for your ideal customer allows for far more narrow targeting than any other platform. It's awesome! I love sharing all the tips and insight for getting the most out of LinkedIn!

@michellesun-forbes30under38 - 20.02.2021 20:29

Super great tips!! LinkedIn is underrated and have so much virality right now.
