Peace Domain (Cleric) Build Guide in D&D 5e - HDIWDT

Peace Domain (Cleric) Build Guide in D&D 5e - HDIWDT

DapperSnapper Gaming

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@kwaksea - 21.05.2022 08:26

While I miss, old "Light Armor Wearing", "Prideful", and "Martial Weapon Wielding" Hopgoblins, new "Helpful" Hopgoblin is kewl as well.

Teleporting Buddy (and this is just 2lv dip) would be fun, but as far as I can see, Fire Buddy competes with many other features of Hopgoblin.

When you start out as Druid, DM can imply danger of Heat Metal at Session 0, but otherwise, it is really lazily implemented feature, especially when Nature Cleric which shares theme quite a bit has no such restriction. (Not to mention, Ranger has no such restriction either.)

@DragonmasterCire - 13.06.2022 07:01

In RAW it says (druids will not wear armor or use shields made of metal); this might be a reflection that Druids live in harmony with nature, Since metal armor is mined, it might be seen as destroying nature, though it won't answer why they can use metal weapons.

@Beer_goggles - 16.06.2022 13:39

Its a shame that wotc seems to have dropped the ball on this druid rule.
I agree, due to the wording, druids cant use metal armor and shields.
It was a traditional druid trait born in 1st edition that has been continued on and handed down the other editions.
However, another tradition like this was that wizards could not use shields and armor, however this doesnt apply in 5th if the wizard multi classes to a class that can.
Its a shame that duids dont get the same treatment

@jeffreythompson6013 - 30.09.2022 01:27

The volume is a little low. Would be better if it was louder.

@aidanfelker3636 - 11.01.2023 08:53

playing this build right now and i gotta say 1. my DM hates it, but its payback because he broke my last campaign near the end so he deserves it 2. My 14 year old hobgoblin child who is obsessed with making new friends annd bonding with everyone is one of my favorite characters. Thank you for the great build!

@ryanwall1470 - 20.01.2023 01:55

I heard going wizard instead of druid is better if that true

@FaustTheIX - 10.01.2024 08:35

The Druids are based around fey magic, iron is something the fey don’t like. So iron based armor technically would inference with the magic. But I think mithril and adamantine should be fine. Just not iron based.

@opie5314 - 08.05.2024 21:26

I added rune carver background to this to get free spells with flavor. Making runes from constellations. Which is also scaled by proficiency bonus

@BradAnderson-nb4hy - 12.08.2024 19:21

Excellent idea, one thing i noticed, Vine whip druid spell comes into play on druid level 1 to drag enemies into spirit guardians.
