How to Clean Your Energy with Jamie Butler

How to Clean Your Energy with Jamie Butler

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@divinekate - 17.09.2016 22:36

Thanks Jamie for an awesome video..

@Allyson6C - 27.09.2016 02:22

I'm so glad this video came up in my feed. And with perfect synchronistic timing!! 😉
I will definitely be using the salt/alcohol energy cleanse!
Kind regards.

@Allyson6C - 27.09.2016 03:46

I'm coming back after using the salt/alcohol to cleanse energy in my home and I want to stress to people that I don't recommend using a glass container to burn the alcohol off in the salt/alcohol mixture. I used just enough alcohol to wet the salt entirely, but my thick glass container cracked due to the direct heat and the container getting too hot It scared the crap out of me because I had to stand by to ensure that the glass didn't snap or fall apart as it was still burning in the middle of the floor. I recommend using metal or tempered glass---something that can withstand direct flame and high temperatures--- in other words, something that won't crack.
By the way, my salt came back almost completely brown and burnt on top after the process. Clearly the room must've been congested with some unwanted or unneeded energies. So great outcome! Aside from the cracked glass. I'll be repeating this process in each room of my home. 😉

@laureferrari8866 - 11.11.2016 12:08

Just love your videos Jamie, you are always full of energy and fun

@CatBornAgain - 18.11.2016 08:53

You could also put some Dry Bay Leaves on the Sea Salt...before burning it.

@lataviasmith2358 - 28.11.2016 04:45

is this some type of witch craft because i believe in god

@mrshery5668 - 08.12.2016 15:11

what to do with salt after this burning process and can we use some other stuff on for alcohol? because its not available in my country.

@forestfairy6653 - 04.01.2017 01:01

I finally got permission to do whatever I needed to do to clear energy or whatever I felt helps our home financially or otherwise from my guy. He's not "into" the things I do even if he finds them interesting. Doesn't even care to know how or what, but up for whatever works. Very excited and glad I was pointed your direction.

@ideoformsun5806 - 08.01.2017 10:07

Rubbing alcohol is toxic. It might be safer to use drinkable organic vodka.

@gloriamanuel8358 - 16.01.2017 05:29

Thank you

@charlesperera9656 - 30.01.2017 11:19

Thank you Jamie

@liliancaraballo7329 - 09.03.2017 05:51


@sunita3062 - 26.03.2017 15:14

Another method we use in India to remove negative energy from a loved one: Take a cotton wick ~3 inches long, use a tong to hold them, soak this wick in mustard oil just sufficient enough that it all get wet, then as your assistant was standing make 7 anticlockwise rotation around her from head to bottom, then go near basin, burn one end of the wick while still holding other end via tong, let it burn completely, if flames drizzle out that means negative energy is releasing.

@mikedj7071 - 08.04.2017 15:14

hi, can I use iodize salt. its all I have.

@s.j.933 - 26.05.2017 14:22

just wondering how come so nauseas after cleansing.

@steffen36260 - 01.08.2017 03:17

you are amaizing person i learn alot from you :)

@merk2killya - 24.10.2017 03:05

Love love love this sweet lady,

@OrionB1498 - 20.01.2018 22:34

'Mom, i swear ive been burning White Sage, i told you, i don't smoke marijuana no more'

(only joking)

Thanks Jamie.

@michaelangelo9871 - 06.02.2018 07:16

Love you sister! Found you channeling Erik! I love you all. His mom as well jamie!!

@victoriacironecaswell2609 - 17.02.2018 01:57

I USE SALT!!! YAYYYY! I couldn't find sage or whatever......(I had a friend who said that burning pine needles help!) So yes, I burned some pine needle in a old pie pan and set off alarms in my home! LOL, the pine went up in flames like gasoline and there was popping and crackling of the pine sap......VERY entertaining!! lol, And my home smelled like I was in the woods at a camp site! Anyway......I have put pure Sea Salt dishes in my room AND my teenage son.....secretly! And a himalayan lamp to calm his neg energy's!! lol......I also sprinkle salt all over! lol, I haven't done it in a while so I better start again! And I put my rocks and crystals IN the salt this NOT good, because it is absorbing neg energies??

@joannecordelia - 28.03.2018 09:39

Pour salt and alcohol on their desk and set it afire! Like Elisa did! 😁👍❤️

@margaretsol2095 - 02.04.2018 02:22


@sarah6557 - 28.04.2018 15:33

Love you Jamie 🌹🌹

@peacefulwarrior2431 - 02.05.2018 23:15

That is not Cleaning steps, That is just to bring Devil into your life. Your are Soul worshiper

@ascendingspirit186 - 04.05.2018 19:49

Jamie you are so awesome! I watch you channeling Erik medhus all the time and it is absolutely amazing. I even love the way you convey his personality to us like the hand gestures and the cute things he says. It's so comforting to discover the things that he is relaying to us through you. Keep up the good work you are doing a great service!!♡♡♡

@ascendingspirit186 - 04.05.2018 19:56

I always hear people say that if you dream in color that that is basically an out-of-body experience. All my life I've never not dreamed in color. Could that have something to do with me being an empath or is it completely unrelated

@nolenlopez1378 - 05.05.2018 15:48

thank you, and namaste

@bjboyd35 - 14.07.2018 01:33

Thank you for this video I’m cleaning my home now!! Plus you are adorable!! Love you videos with Erik and Elisa!!! ✌🏼🧘‍♀️✌🏼🧘‍♀️✌🏼🧘‍♀️✌🏼

@smert62 - 12.08.2018 11:24

If I use salt method .When should I renew it? thank you..

@amythompson7700 - 26.08.2018 22:01

How about distance cleansing?

@erickiszely9317 - 09.09.2018 22:39

can't I just pelt people with salt? that seems more fun! ;) never heard of the salt idea, but it makes complete sense from an energetic and scientific approach. I like the thought of putting one's crystals on them. really started getting more into crystal energy recently. I don't think I was able to truly feel the energy of them until a more recent awakening. thanks for sharing, Jamie! miss your face and wonderful energy from the Erik vids. hope all is well and abundant for you!

@peacebwithu97 - 12.09.2018 10:30

Aha! I see Erik's energy has rubbed off on you a little bit. I think he's teaching u 2 'let loose' & be more relaxed. Am I right? Ty so much 4 making this video. Much appreciated!

@wolfie13s - 11.01.2019 15:24

Wow! I tried this at work and I felt a noticeable difference. I work the graveyard shift and I am the only person around. For the longest time, something just didn't feel right whenever I showed up for work. Pretty much whenever I was at work my mind would start thinking negative thoughts. A lot of the thoughts were about where I work and that's how I justified having the thoughts. But it's still something that bothered me because I tried to focus on other things so I wouldn't be having those negative emotions. Nothing worked. Even when nothing was going on and everything was "calm" and "peaceful" I would still end up thinking negative thoughts about something work related whenever I was at work. So, after watching this video I decided to try the ritual just for the heck of it. As long as nothing caught on fire or the sprinkler system didn't go off, what harm could it do? And son of a bitch, I don't remember a time when I had ever felt such an instant feeling that something had been lifted. The cleansing feeling was extremely noticeable. I would definitely say there is a sense of peace now where I work. The real test will be how will this new sense of peace affect everyone else during the day. Hopefully, there will be some positive results.

@lilliealbert3548 - 18.01.2019 21:13

Thank you Ms.Jamie. great and funny video, too!!! This came on time, again.

@RebeccaPedersonHessey - 26.01.2019 09:37

I used plain salt and it didn't work

@whitehorse6018 - 10.03.2019 15:01

Burning salt is very effective for purification but please don't use alcohol as it opens the door to lower energies/larves also (smelling alcohol is also unhealthy). The best thing is to create a fire with natural ingredients like small pieces of wood and when the fire is strong enough you can add salt. The purification will be much deeper and attract lighter energies.

@francisramirez9799 - 04.05.2019 20:30

Did I miss what you do with the salt once everything is said and done?

@dianac2956 - 05.08.2019 20:06

Hi!! I absolutely love your energy, I just have a quick question, what do you do with the salt when its time to dispose of it, can you throw it in the days trash, or take it out of your home?

@ella-shanieorbach9520 - 21.10.2019 23:40

Does anyone know what it means when the fires dies after a minute? Is it supposed to?

@dianemuniz2071 - 07.11.2019 07:18

Thank you for sharing

@piganunky - 11.01.2020 18:08


@benicetoanimals8471 - 22.02.2020 03:07

You're hilarious but seriously thanks for all the great tips. Love and blessings

@infinitesoul9853 - 19.03.2020 20:55

Love this... hilarious

@ana85_ - 30.01.2021 05:53

Hi Jamie, 🙏, all my love to you!

@marydawnpafford9969 - 02.03.2021 02:16

Some negative energy got released laughing at you gals having such a great time! Good assistant Amy! Love MD

@pattym9133 - 31.01.2022 18:05

I just watched your video right now,I had alot of fun watching it!!!!!!😂

@TheL4LMusic - 12.11.2022 02:11

I know a democrat voter when I see one.

@judithmartin167 - 06.01.2023 07:00

My phone volume is off, but I can see u. I hope to see this again

@adrianaevseev7655 - 24.02.2023 21:58

Thank you 🙏💖😃
