This Design of NAGA Race in WC3 is INSANE! - WC3 - Grubby

This Design of NAGA Race in WC3 is INSANE! - WC3 - Grubby


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@mbeyfoe5989 - 28.12.2023 19:09

man this is amazing. Would love to see more players play it on a competetive level!

@Nopejams - 20.12.2023 07:29

This is what reforge should have been, id play this game if they added these races

@MxIxTxC - 19.12.2023 09:30

Why can't I find my maps on my Mac mini? :( I can't install custom maps..

@aaronlindsey2219 - 30.11.2023 23:02

Mindflay aura seems to be a direct counter to windwalk builds

@felipeaglo8699 - 26.11.2023 07:52

They put Slardar voice lines on the overseer?

@bryanlariviere5702 - 26.11.2023 06:34

I had been working on a map like this, only adding the Naga race though (No nerubians)

I had split up the Tavern heroes for races (Archemist and Tinker went to orc, for example, Dark Ranger to Undead and Naga sea witch obviously was a naga hero)
In addition I had created more heroes. (I used Jaina's sprite as a frost mage.)

Every race had 9 heroes to pick from, 8 at any time and a Tier 4 Flying hero (Tier 4 required a level 3 town hall, and a "Dragon nest" which is a new building every race got (Dragon nest was for orcs, but ever race had something similar) which allowed Orcs to summon a Dragon hero. Humans had a thunderbird. (I had custom models)
Also tier 4 gives acees to any hero you have not yet bought, does not need to be teh tier 4 hero itself)

Races had new units as well. like troll axe throwers which acted differently than headhunters, Along with Ogers. (Most things i will mention will be from the orc race as they were the most polished)

Blademaster's windwalk got a massive nerf, as now it could still be used as a harass, but not nearly as potent. It is much better as a disengage now. The illusion also got a nerf as now you get three, but they do not do damage (Level 2 they start doing damage, and you get four, then at level 3 you get five illusions and they do a bit more damage.)
This was all to encourage variety. Lich also got a major rework so Humans could have frost mage. (Archmage also lost water elemental in exchange for something different. Voidwalker. (Only get one but it is pretty beefy for a level 1 summon)

Many creep camps would respawn after a few minutes. And as the game progressed they would get stronger. (Expansions did not respawn creeps)

I also had a few modes to pick from.
Regular, no T4 hero (Still get 4 heroes but not the flying tier 4)
Hero frenzy (You can build any Hero from any race)
Hero Mayhem (And random heroes, tier 4 heroes disabled (You will never get a tier 4 hero, but you can still get your forth hero by building the dragon nest) This is also the only way to get brewmaster as a hero, along with pit lord and fire lord.

You could also select a setting to start with a random hero (T4 disabled)
I should also note that T4 is not extremely powerful in terms of a hero, it just has flight tacked on.

Undead heroes do not get buffs from being on blight. (Can't remember if they did in vanilla, but i know i made sure they did not, simply due to Mayhem being a mode my testers likes playing on a lot, and i did not want them whining becaus etehy got Death knight when playing night elf.
Speaking of death knight, his Death coil was reworked. it heals freindly units and damaged non friendly. So it can be used as pseudo-support even when there are no undead on your team.

There is no such things as medium or high upkeep, you will always remain in the green

Night elves cannot hide an unrooted tree of life. You won't lose if you have one, but you will still be revealed if you are not rooted.

Like i said a lot of reworked heroes. Beast master has a skin swap, and was buffed a given to teh orcs (They got 3 tavern heroes which is why they were the most polished) Their custom hero Was Ogre mage (Ogres were removed from the creep spawns)

I also had 7 maps. One highly favored naga as naga were amphibious and there were a lot of backdoors through water. The rest still allows amphibious to be valuable but not overpowered. Two ice levels, three tropical and one outlands. (Outlands was the worst for naga as it offered very little water, only gave a few shortcuts to disengage)

I was also working on making small sizes of the maps (As each one was 8 player FFA. ( teams also worked as the bases are close enough to assist allies but not so close that an FFA won't work)

I also had one that was 9 players. 3v3v3 only. but it was unfinished when i put the project on permanent hiatus. Plus WC3 got reforged and I gave up completely. If i were to ever get back into it, i would rather have a team.

(Undead got another Nerubian hero too, one that focused on debuffs) Was actually very useful for ganking a hero that was out of position (If you have the units to back it up) But can also disable the threats in an engagement. Bad by itself but great when use properly. One of my map testers would actually use it perfectly and began to main undead just to use that hero.)

And yes, there is an option to play a random race. It was a little buggy as it generally defaulted to human and sometimes it would not spawn a rooted or haunted mine if you did get Night elf or undead.

No, you could not play against CPU, i could not figure out how to script them so they would do stuff.

I do like the overseer feature in this. Would have been fun to tool around with. kind of like the queens from SC2.

@andreiznexus777 - 23.11.2023 22:51

I will never understand why the people want to play with this outdated graphics and not with reforged graphics, who has much more detail.

@SuperMewKittyKatGaming - 22.11.2023 23:29

but i did this long time ago in my map named warcraft extended,its still in the website epicwar,made naga gnoll and goblin playeable

@AbzuLifeweaver - 22.11.2023 19:24

I want naga so badly :(

@phnix6242 - 20.11.2023 11:35

Balancing 6 races, what a nice task must be easy

@CornMaizeGames - 17.11.2023 02:17

I made a mod just like this when I was a child. I beat frozen throne and wanted to keep playing naga so badly I opened up the world editor and spent probably dozens of hours just taking all of the naga units and structures from campaign and making them into a new faction. Never released it because back then my family were still on dialup and I wasn't allowed to have an email account. But man. Talk about nostalgia. I didn't even think to combine the naga from the blood elf campaign with murlocs. So my faction wasn't as fully fleshed out.

@TheSorrowfulAngel - 13.11.2023 20:35

Huh, interesting. I made a custom naga race YEARS ago. Think I uploaded some of the maps, too. This mod seems to use some of the ideas I had, which is pretty cool to see.
My mod was definitely playable and decently balanced, but not quite as polished and refined as this mod.

@dylanisonfireOG - 13.11.2023 04:10

That'd be really cool if they added Naga officially eventually--everything in this custom race look really well done. Of course there needs to be some adjustments and some more units that could be added, but, it's the best I've seen so far.

If thinking about how it'd effect ranked-play is too much, then they can just allow it for unranked-play :)

@michalvrabec454 - 09.11.2023 02:37

these naga maps are pretty underwhelming

i'm pretty confident i could make a basic naga playable race and i could even make it more interesting by introducing new and balanced mechanics, i like how overseer makes murlocks work harder and the productivity increases, that's a nice touch

@manta567 - 08.11.2023 03:46

His design choices are better than Blizzards.

@manta567 - 08.11.2023 03:44

If you type the "=" sign into the chat it repeats your last cheat code, so you can toggle the cheat codes on and off, can you imagine

@cyberhaunterthelivingghost - 07.11.2023 17:57

But that still not a naga theme, that's is nightelf theme ! So that naga race is still not good enough

@sabinbruma1525 - 07.11.2023 03:04

Loving this. Would like more!

@drogash97 - 06.11.2023 02:26

Warcraft RTS with all the races playable would be the greatest thing ever, prey warcraft 4 can do that one day, they can just add new races in as DLC, Murloc's quilboars, gnolls blood elves trolls taurens, Dwafts gnomes, Beast, its endless warcraft needs a new RTS and all the races need to be playable, add them all, they already have all the stats and HP of everything in warcraft time to turn them into the greatest RTS ever

@vandieyahya1024 - 04.11.2023 06:27

Bro cannot just make the same overpowered units that is seen from the frozen throne night elves campaign (the naga royal guard, Coatl, and tidal guardian tower). Also can you showcase the Nerubian race next?

@mnadeau1992 - 01.11.2023 03:59

The naga map I made a while back had an Hydra that would consume corpses to gain +1 dmg and +5 health permanently. It also got 0.5% size per corpse consumed and it was quite a fun unit.

@uyigga7116 - 01.11.2023 00:08

I wanted nagas in WoW

@What-go8ng - 29.10.2023 06:41

these custom races are old as TFT

@ryankelly8428 - 29.10.2023 01:31

Am I the only one who feels bad when they use cheat codes against the AI? 🤣

@DickTrickleqt - 28.10.2023 19:31

more work went into this race than wc3 reforged

@Georelic35 - 26.10.2023 14:44

Bit of a numpty aint he?

@the-Revanchist - 25.10.2023 10:59

I love how almost all heroes are intelligence based, because they were high elves that loved arcane magic. Except that beefy Naga Royal guard hero who can steal units and a structure and summon some units. That is so so cool. I would install back Warcraft to play some campaigns with this race, if someone would make it.

@Blacknarock - 25.10.2023 00:06

Where the naga royal guard bruh.??

@alexanderxyz6146 - 24.10.2023 02:30

I tried the map. Unfortunately the 2nd time I had a chance to play though it crashed in the midgame... (already hard to find ppl to play with and then crash, it's almost like the 8 races map but it crashed a little more often = every game at some point)

This is very unfortunate for those beautiful maps and designs. I love both maps but not that playable. PS: We played 2 versus 2 on twisted meadows!

@alexanderxyz6146 - 23.10.2023 15:43

Hi would be nice on bigger maps, for ffa, or like 3v3. (but the download only contains very small maps) Cause most people are really more casual. Not everyone is about those competitive 1v1 maps. But you go from there, after you got to know the map in fun atmosphere, you will try the map vs players, maybe 1v1 then. Also this is nice to find players to play with quickly/quicker. (Because most casual they do not join a 1v1 match map, but what people join is vs AI, or bigger maps vs player because they can't rushed be so easily there. Don't forget: Casuals of today might be your next good enemy tomorrow! Just some minor feedback. Thanks for the map showcase, it seems less buggy than the 8 races map with demons and mech, which crashed almost each game at some point.

@Xatalion - 22.10.2023 19:01

We need Warcraft 4 with Naga as playable faction

@Moluminati - 22.10.2023 18:03

honestly the Naga heroes seem so creatively designed, it would be super cool if they were available in the actual game

@ub3rfr3nzy94 - 21.10.2023 17:04

If I were to design a naga race I would add some faceless and old god related units to it, like how the undead have some burning legion units, the naga are servants of the old gods so I'd take that route.

@hafizsidiqin7126 - 21.10.2023 14:42

and he never do the other races

@zenithquasar9623 - 21.10.2023 12:54

I am so pissed off that Naga are not playable in WoW either!

@domacleod - 21.10.2023 11:34

Taking over a building on a 1 minute cooldown but aura that increases your movement speed off-water is 5 minutes cooldown the balance is whacked.

Taking over enemy buildings is interesting though, Maybe a 2-3 minute cooldown on it.

@alanauelia7526 - 19.10.2023 19:40

Kinda dense to understand skills for the new heroes, reads it, uses it, and still doesn't understand what it's doing, overall new content is good

@aragornii507 - 19.10.2023 11:36

I hope Microsoft takes note and adds what Blizzard always failed to add to this game

@ASHFAR578 - 18.10.2023 00:28

Nublizzard would be incapable in creating anything thats fun like that or anything good for that matter

@yorkploop7850 - 16.10.2023 20:03


@Epzilon12 - 16.10.2023 06:55

Did he ever review the other race?

@robertval898 - 15.10.2023 02:31

where do i put the folder? which folder in W3 file?

@AquaticSkipper - 12.10.2023 23:36

I remember playing as this race modded years ago, the building animations etc gave me so many flashbacks oh my god dude

@burghardbartmann677 - 11.10.2023 14:03

Crazy how good thiss is. Very creative and sound like much fun. Wish there would be a tournament with the new race

@joelperalta6797 - 11.10.2023 03:25

By far the best NAGA is the EMPIRE OF THE TIDES LEGION Mod, although it is for wc3 1.26

@lma708 - 09.10.2023 14:42

I can't play it in warcraft 3 1.26
