2022 Facebook Ad Strategies for eCommerce: Prospecting

2022 Facebook Ad Strategies for eCommerce: Prospecting


2 года назад

16,551 Просмотров

💚 Learn more about Adwisely and start 14-day free trial: https://adwisely.com

🤔 Looking for a viable ad strategy for your eCommerce store? Start with Facebook Prospecting Ads - a.k.a. Customer Acquisition.

👉 Facebook Prospecting works great for Shopify stores.

💡 In this video, learn what Prospecting is, what you need to do before you run Customer acquisition Facebook ads and what Prospecting tools you may need for better results.

📒 Learn more about Facebook Advertising Policies: https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/

🔍 Learn more about Meta Pixel: https://adwisely.com/glossary/meta-pi...

📕 Step-by-step Prospecting ad setup guide: https://adwisely.com/blog/prospecting-ads-target-lookalike-audience/
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