How to Get Good at Poker Fast (Just Do This!)

How to Get Good at Poker Fast (Just Do This!)


1 год назад

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just a hobby
just a hobby - 13.10.2023 16:14

What is the difference between A2o and A2s?

Thomas - 20.09.2023 14:55

1. Top 20% of hands: A9o+, A2s+, KTo+, K9s+, QJo+, Q9s+, JTs+, all pairs
2. Cutoff and button are the most profitable positions because you get to act last
3. Raise preflop and C-bet the flop
4. Make value bets - you need to build the pot to win
5. Don't bluff on turn and river - bad players over-call

6. Poker is a statistical game - prepare to loose often even with good hands

shmeb - 03.09.2023 02:08

Get a job lil nigga

BattleVET92 - 29.06.2023 19:51

What’s the little o after the hand on the land hand side mean?

Guitarmaster7272 - 08.05.2023 12:14

I'm kind of convinced I'm just cursed and I'm the unluckiest player in all of poker. I've straight up had 4 good hands all get beat by something a little bit better. Bluffing never works, and nobody ever bluffs. Every time I call a bluff, they just have a better hand. Every time I have a good hand, they have a better hand. Every time I have the best hand, everyone will fold before there's a sizable pot. I'm sort of convinced this game is 90% luck and I don't have any.

Kam Novak
Kam Novak - 17.04.2023 02:56

the last thing is the most important. it blows my mind that any so-called professionals tilt when they get bad beats. it's pure math. accept it or don't play. babies cry. adults don't

dillon hollinger
dillon hollinger - 12.03.2023 22:48

bros plugging everything

Jacob Reash
Jacob Reash - 30.01.2023 08:55

He sounds like off brand squilliam

Brian West
Brian West - 19.10.2022 21:44

Very good information. Solid. As a Rec player in a casino I don’t have the option to “scout” out games. I just take the first open seat. Concur? Then play hard based on my position. Raise or fold. Never limp. Right?

Scott Dumont
Scott Dumont - 30.09.2022 23:31

Blackrain- Isn’t this contradictory : point 3)raise pre flop and c bet flop with A high against opponent 77 in Q95 to get them to fold out but you also say in point 4)take them to value town as they won’t fold a pair…So which is it do they fold a pair or not? You advise if they call not to bet turn and river as they won’t fold but often 77 at low stakes will call flop but fold turn to over cards. If you check back turn and river when weak and value town over-pairs as your example shows you also expose yourself to floats no? If all your turn checks are weak and you C bet everything for 50-60 percent of pot it seems even a simple opponent will pickup on this and adjust quick.

FlyDave17 - 20.09.2022 18:13

Your talk on bad beats, and not just a little 10 second segment, is probably some of the best wording and emphasis I've heard about the topic. Once you realize that it's gonna happen your poker career is going to be a lot longer.

Empire Inc
Empire Inc - 06.09.2022 10:25

Do you also teach how to manage your bankroll in your University

Eric A
Eric A - 31.08.2022 10:08

8-minutes of truth-bombs. Before you dive into "ranges" and "hand-reading" good cards...from good position. It's boring as watching paint dry, but it will pay off in $results$.

rsv13 - 31.08.2022 07:56

These obviously take a lot of time to plan and film. For the love of all that is decent, please take another 90 seconds for each video, and just choose a frame FROM THAT VIDEO that you feel captures your intent. These recycled backgrounds and headshots from what seem to be half your life ago just make me think I've already seen it. If I had a main event buy-in for every Heart-King Diamond-Ace Spade-Four flop you seem to be distressed by in your video title screens, I'd be a very happy man, and may have even cashed a few times.

Tawee Pianchorb
Tawee Pianchorb - 31.08.2022 04:30

Ooopppppps.... :))

George Buller
George Buller - 30.08.2022 23:11

I've said this before and I'll say it again, if I had to pick out just one thing that I REALLY hate about Poker - or most card games for that matter is that they rely too much on pure 'chance!' And before everyone tells me to go do something else then (and I can understand why they'd say that!) can I just say that - chance or not, I DO enjoy the game! We Humans are a weird lot, aren't we! LOL

Mike Fitz
Mike Fitz - 30.08.2022 21:36

Play heads up!….A lot!

John T. Mickevich
John T. Mickevich - 30.08.2022 21:35

Just curious if you still make the most of your income from poker, or from poker training? Not that I'm doubting your skills, just wondering if the environment has changed so much that making a decent profit at poker is so much harder today than it was when you were most profitable a few years ago.

Vlad Sandu
Vlad Sandu - 30.08.2022 20:31

Talking about bad beats, I often run into them. I see players going in with 2-10 or 8-6 and still make a straight against me. But I'm used to it. Just play the game as is, I always say.

Tyler Smith
Tyler Smith - 30.08.2022 19:30

I wish your chart was color coded. To see which hands to play EP, MP.

Sander Meister
Sander Meister - 30.08.2022 19:13

I have played poker now for 3 weeks. One morning I woke up and decided to learn the game, and I was in love. I found you and 4 days after I won my first tournament. Everything you say and teach is pure truth. Specially the mind game, and the understanding why you do it. The long game 💪 totally agree. My second job is in the topic of spirituality. I meditate daily, have done a lot of emotional work overall in life, and understand completely the mindset aspect of the game. I have used my knowledge of it in my games, and this truly is the key. I have also felt tilt and everything, but there is always tomorrow! Your words and so true 🙏. It’s just funny how two days you get the feel that the poker gods are out to get me, but then the third day it’s rock n roll and everything goes your way! That’s so cool 😎 & thank you 🙏

Ps. Read your free book, and totally worth it! Will read again definitely. Easy and good read!

Clap Forboobies
Clap Forboobies - 30.08.2022 18:54

$1/$2 live rooms standard open is $10-$12. $6 nobody is folding

orbitaLrecon - 30.08.2022 18:50

Perfect, your best video yet! Simple and easy to follow, thanks.
