What Happens When You Reject Your Twin Flame Connection? 5 Unexpected Consequences

What Happens When You Reject Your Twin Flame Connection? 5 Unexpected Consequences


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@galewilliamss6285 - 08.06.2024 07:34

I’m not going to reject them,I love them too much ❤

@ElleBarthChannel - 08.06.2024 04:25

What if your twin don't even care at all?

@ElleBarthChannel - 08.06.2024 04:24

How true is this

@eric-fg9bu - 08.06.2024 02:40


@Nyuffykah - 07.06.2024 22:11

The AI voice makes it unwatchable .(

@eveweller308 - 07.06.2024 22:09

I've given up I've already been on my own for 9 years ..he wasn't interested in me hes toxic . I don't trust anyone If i can't have love can😅 i have a house

@user-xv5xq2uh1g - 07.06.2024 21:37

Rejecting is free qill of human ....inside feeling somthing is wrong no connected.......❤.

@shandagibbs2192 - 07.06.2024 18:46

People think the twin flame journey is going to be just happiness and essy and love. This isn't the case. It starts that way, but when you start to mirror to the other what needs to be healed is when it becomes chaotic. If you both have many soul lessons and karmic cycles to learn and release then it becomes hard. Your masculine is dark and the feminine is light. So the male will automatically change once it becomes chaotic and he won't treat you right because he will think what he sees it that your the problem. Its not until the female chooses to leave and the male is left alone to heal that he sees what was his problems. The female usually heals first and then he does after separation. The mistreatment the female receives shows her what she shouldn't accept and she learns how to recognize behavior she shouldn't put up with. He learns how to connect with his emotions and hers and both heal their own generational traumas, childhood wounds, and break generational curses. The female must isolate from him so he can heal but must hold love and space for him to pray for his healing while separated. How do I know, because I've gone through it. While I haven't completely separated from mine I watch his healing transformation. God confirmed he was my twin flame and showed me i had to stand up for myself and learned how I should be treated. While I also was tasked with spiritually fighting for him to spiritually protect him and help him heal. I see him learning all the lessons today that i told him he needed to learn a year ago. The relationship is meant to become chaotic to break what needs to be broken. The female becomes the chaser but once she learns her lessons it shifts again and he becomes the chaser. Embrace the pain and find the lessons and that helps you see the beauty of it. The female is usually the older half in soul and the masculine is the younger one in soul. He must learn from her but due to ego he wont want to. Me and mine had many things to break and heal from individually which made it harder plus with the spiritual warfare we were facing. He was easily manipulated and I was fighting for us both spiritually alone. He was being used to attack me. Sadly he wasn't strong enough spiritual to fight it especially with all the emotional pain he was dealing with at the time. I watch him learn make changes and grow stronger. He is still learning but not there yet. So all this talk about the twin flame connection not meant to be painful is false. Its meant to heal you both. Once you both are healed then you're relationship will flourish but only if both people choose to heal the relationship. You both have your individual healing and then the healing of the relationship. Its the hardest path but once finished healing it has the best rewards.

@Sigma_the_Enigma9 - 07.06.2024 13:48

You just have to keep loving and caring and forgive each other through the bad times and the good 💯👍🗽 Generosity, kindness, integrity, respect 💞

@michelleace - 07.06.2024 04:33

Thank you

@FairyEnergyHealer - 06.06.2024 19:49

Thanks for this. Very well said. ❤❤

@snehalchauhan1616 - 06.06.2024 19:05

What if he is a pig who cheated on you?

@AmandaProse - 06.06.2024 18:10

Mine was mean to me and lies I left him

@dr.zoser-raneterkehtel557 - 06.06.2024 05:18

I reject all twin flame connections.... I have the ability to co-creative a new condition and experience.🙊🙉🙈🦁👁️

@dr.zoser-raneterkehtel557 - 06.06.2024 05:08

This twin flame business is nonsense... I am but a small individual divine spark, a fractal of divine light derived from the Divine source ... Therefore, it is not possible for me to be separated from anything in creation energetically... I choose what abilities, attributes and qualities to embody, express and experience in my I am presence.🙊🙉🙈🦁👁️

@thenaturalpeoplesbureau - 06.06.2024 04:32

im not giving up on her. just detaching

@BritishRail60062 - 06.06.2024 04:02

I don't even know if I have one to be honest.

@gems8426 - 06.06.2024 03:42

Keep cutting the cord weekly and have no intentions on connecting with anyone. End of journey ✨️

@barbarafreeman169 - 06.06.2024 03:39

This man, it's like I can't breath without him and I haven't even met him in person yet. It's the strangest thing I've ever experienced.

@joyace9674 - 06.06.2024 03:04

My twin flame is gay sleeps around for money always broke and doing drugs and he’s a warlock 🧙🏻‍♂️ connected with a Jezebel witch 🧙🏻 neighbor doing sex spells death spells black magic and voodoo to wish the worst of me i refuse to date this peace of trash 🤮 I heard there’s no which thing as a twin flame 🔥 it was invented this is so full of it.. I trust in God he decide what’s is best for me my twin flame 🔥 is Jesus Christ there’s no other like him 😁🙏🕯️

@mermaidinfinityrainbow3183 - 06.06.2024 00:19

Regardless what goes on between my twin flames and I, I will always unconditionally love him. That doesn't mean that I'm waiting around for him, crying, I am holding space for him, and I always will give him a chance if he does show up in the right energy. But if he doesn't, I will always love him unconditionally from a distance. I will always forgive him, always accept him for who he is, and I will always be there for him if he ever needs me. I always feel my DM's unconditional love for me. Because my twin flame and I are always in spiritual Union, and I always listen to his higher self. I Don't worry about what his ego is doing. I trust his higher self. And I've been one of twin flame journey with him for over 3 years. Still haven't met him in person. But I figure if it's meant to be Divine timing, the universe will conspire. If not, that must mean that he or I are both of us still need spiritual growing before we meet each other in person. 😊❤😊

@beatricefoust7030 - 05.06.2024 18:53

My soul mate is my person good bye

@rhondawright-yf4jd - 05.06.2024 15:16

It's been 8 years since we've been divorced yet we still see eachother sometimes on fb or in the same area at the same time. I chose to let go after he broke me. He now is going through what l went through. I needed to grow spiritually. I felt something was missing, it was me, l needed to love myself. My soul is beautiful, it is ancient, l had tried to explain this to my husband, sometimes he got it, or he had his own opinion, often. We loved eachother, but he lied and betrayed me. I forgave him, and tried to move forward, but then he would repeat this behaviour again, and again. I decided it was too painful. Break up, get back together. It was the same. I never loved this much before. We had the exact same traumatic childhood. My twin flame remarried. I know he misses me, recently. He was caught looking at photos of me and crying. She said what are you doing? He said I'm sorry, l miss her. She stormed out. I think he has realised he married her too soon, after we broke up. Just 1 year. I woke up and knew where and when he was getting married. I cried, and l blessed him, and wished him good luck. He would have heard me. Just as l knew he was marrying on that day that l woke, and at the place we once had a yacht mooring at. He would have gone for the cheap food. 😂 He looked better than she did. The bride is supposed to outstand everyone. I did at my wedding even with my dress being 5 dress sizes too big. Lucky my mother was a seamstress. I was thinking about going down the shops after my hair then buy a white gown from Myers. On my credit card. My mum insisted she could fix it. Then l put the dress on she made a few more adjustments and it looked like a lovely dress that was too big for me. So what? I still made it look good. Our wedding was beautiful in a little church surrounded with flowers in bloom, in spring, and my soulmate looked like he did when our eyes first met. My heart was beating out of my chest then once he held my hands all my nerves just disappeared. We always had this thing where we could connect and then no one else in the room existed, it was like they were on pause, or very slow motion. Time stood still for us. We had the most beautiful vows, and my husband made these booklets up, for everyone. He did it on the computer, he didn't forget a thing. Even our parents names. All our siblings, not all could make it, on both sides. But even our life with half brothers and sisters. I had 3 half sisters and 1 half brother, and 1 biological little sister. He had 5 half brothers and 1 half sister, and 1 biological big brother. How cool is that? We had so much in common that it felt like he was my mirror, sometimes you see the ugly sides of yourselves that you hate to come out, but they push your buttons. Each would know the others sore spots. And put the knife in and twist it. No one can hurt you like you twin. No one can love you like your twin also. He must be feeling that emptiness now. That's why l decided not to marry. It was my fault he married. It was always like a competition for him, l had a man we had feelings for eachother but l warned him l just came out of a long-term relationship and mending a broken heart. This guy was perfect for me. I came up with a great idea move things to the next level, he said oh OK, l will have to divorce my wife first. I started laughing no no too soon honey, l could move in. He said ooooh, sounded relieved. What a sweetheart. He was sissy and passionate too like my ex. So even though he wasn't my twin flame, he could be just another soulmate. So l decided to ring and see what kind of response I would get out of him. I called my ex, my heart was beating so hard and fast l was worried he could hear it. I heard his voice hello, oh dear god just hearing his voice l went weak in the knees. I said hey you? That use to be our thing, but it's probably there's now. He said yea what ya want? I just have 1 question l won't take up much of your time. I said to him, do you have the exact date the divorce is finalised? He said aaaargh yeah, could you give it to me please? And have a copy sent to my sister's place. What for? His voice was lower than usual, l know he seemed concerned then. I said that is my business, can l have a copy sent to my sisters on that date also please? I would much appreciate it. He said Rhonda are you getting married? I should have stuck to my guns. Because l said l would never love another like him, and l would never remarry. He said the same when we split. And l really believed him, because he was a Fboy. They are better off single, yet everytime they marry again. It's their safety net. So l told him, I'm getting married and his response is exactly what l wanted, it hurt, stung like a bee. But l should know better if he thinks your trying to play a game ultimately he will win. And you walk away far more hurt and broken than he is. He will make sure of it. You hurt him, he will hurt you worse and so much deeper. He decided oh I'm going to beat her to the finish line. I will get married 1st. But l would never marry that guy, l loved him, but it was more like puppy love than what we had experienced. Sometimes it was too scary, yes l was the runner, at the start, l think he felt insecure. I didn't realise that. He was my world my everything. The air that l breath, the ground that l walk on, the sun that shines on my face, the wind in my sails, l love him more than all the stars in the sky, and for as long as infinite galaxies go further and beyond. I will never stop loving you, all you have to do is come dive into my ocean of love. This love we have felt is like nothing that words can describe, he is my one and only, l call out to you my love, we have spoken this love language before. There is no need for phones, to contact, as we have used dreams and thoughts before. I was recently dreaming nightly about you, and it was always the same. We get back together we're happy for a short period of time then you deceive and betray me again. This might be my insecurity that l need to work on. Though l have learned trust is earned. There shouldn't be lies of any kind in a relationship, lies always come to the surface, so always use honesty is the best policy. So a new beginning means. A fresh start, not dive in where we left off. Begin as friends first, if you want to date, then we will, take it slow and and have fun. Getting to know eachother again, we're both new people now. No swearing and cussing at eachother. Never bring the other person down. It can hurt their feelings. No mean stuff. No anger or negative behaviour. Because it can bring evil into your home, or into you. Don't leave your self a victim of Satan's work. He would love more than .anything to prey on tearing twin flames apart. They are divine souls. Twins are devine feminine and devine male come together as one. I can tell you one time through sharing karma sutra, l saw our spirits lift just a little not out of our bodies l could see a blue light chord that was attached to both of us. So l didn't know what it was until later on down the track. With my spiritual journey, he thought some of it was OK, as he was both Cherokee Indian and aboriginal, l too had aboriginal on onside of the family and then there was the UK on my other side so welsh and Celtics, Irish, goes as far as Spain. Generations intertwined into my DNA like a spiders Web. How positively thrilling, that, your DNA gets to travel and build more to its building. So that's me, l hope this gets to my beloved somehow. Forever Rhonda

@ma.dannilyntactay9604 - 05.06.2024 11:24

I feel that he is my twin flame but why he came back when I have another man in my arms😔 and we have 2children I know that my relationship with this person I'm with is toxic but how? How could I be with my twin flame 😔

@melissasmith663 - 05.06.2024 09:39

The purpose of the twin flame journey is recognizing you are WHOLE all by YOURSELF.

@lauracrady6702 - 05.06.2024 09:12

He won’t give up nor will I. I cannot even watch this.

@Pebbles0831 - 05.06.2024 09:02

My twin flame kept coming in and out , running then running back , putting me through it ! Humiliated me many times , said ugly things that hurt . Went through it fir two years til I cut ties with him by changing my number and blocking him on all platforms! He was hurting me emotionally to much and draining me so I had to make the healthy choice to walk away though I was still hurting after that and still could not get him off my mind but I knew I had to do what was best fir me ! Unfortunately, five months after letting him go he passed away in a single car accident . . I was devastated and blamed myself for a while but had to realize I had to let go of what was hurting me ! I still can’t seem to get him out of my mind ! I miss him so much ! I still think of him like he’s here in the physical but I know he’s with me in spirit because he gives me many so many signs he’s with me all the time ! I know he’s no longer suffering on this 3d earth because he was going through depression, drinking and drugs ! He was very impulsive not thinking of his actions at all !! He was living destructively so the higher power saved him from himself because he was not trying to change at the age of 40 ! I still love him so much but now o know we’re never separated! He’s with me all the time !❤

@soralantern3073 - 05.06.2024 07:46

Not if they're A Narcissist. I'm in no way ready for or interested in any Social Relationships. I still have a lot of Healing to do, and I'm still living with my parents. My Mother doesn't think I'm Ready to even start dating, much less actually searching for a Special Someone. I'm trapped in a place I don't want to be, and the Monster is about to come out.

@vickyrowe393 - 05.06.2024 04:29

Tha can blow hot or cold air from your mouth that's a twin flame what is she banging on abart i can't watch this psychological crap shove that soft voice where sun dont shine

@ernestcotton9324 - 05.06.2024 04:18

How do you know who is a twin flame

@KINGDOM_walked - 05.06.2024 03:12

This person that I was with thinks that he was a twin flame but he doesn't realize that he wasn't I did love him but I wasn't in love with him and he can't accept that I appreciate everything that he's ever done for me but I did find my true love it's hard to say because nobody understands what true love is and how it can become it can come within seconds of just eyesight or encountering with this person but he doesn't understand that because obviously he's not in love I'm not out to hurt him or to story him but he has to understand my feelings just as well as I understand his feelings and he doesn't give me that respective aspect that I give to him when we first got together it was an agreement because I had a child and I needed to care for my child but that's all that it was and he has been a very good person to me and my child is the godfather of my child and I am very grateful for that but he should have the right to fall in love with somebody just like I have he needs to respect me just like I respect him and he needs to understand to what is to understand he needs to accept

@nevillehaire1981 - 05.06.2024 02:56

Divine entity you are done you have ended you and would you play the shameful game. When I come to pass it is over. No more will you be. This I guarantee I'm not of this world and out of this matrix and not they did take ownership be a greater power or greater wisdom for that was me. I am what comes to put things right. And all things will be put right upon my passing. And there's nothing but in here that can keep me living longer. I have a definite fight night Time end. You know why this doesn't fly with me you speak these words cuz it is not my twin flame is not my soulmate. You have had no idea to whom you're playing games with do you. And you will pay the price for this ignorance you claim. Cuz I know for fact that you do know who I am. And now you know your end. I'll give you your way out that you didn't create this problem for yourself no hands of mine in that. You have one hour to be in my room in the image I did pray for you as a bride. Or you meet your end final.

@nevillehaire1981 - 05.06.2024 02:53

Don't worry my dear to which is you that I did put into society once again and greatly tinted skin. Not to which was yours once who had you shackled better than beaten and put the death. Only claims to be a love of you in another lifeline this one but somehow he thinks it's me I have nothing to do with he and never did. But you have my dear. I need to use the choice is yours within society already. Cuz I recreated you to be and greatly Ginger skin that you are. So you find your way to him if you choose. So it's not for me to judge what you shall do. Just know that you are deeply loved by me and why I put you back in your hole completeness and greatly tinted skin instead of white flesh. It is so that you would have a second chance of Life would you or denied. So there you have it my dear go forth find the mate. Ortegon ridge was one who had a hand in which was your demise. It's all for you to decide. I will not hold judgment on you if you choose to go back to him. That is your right and that twin flame was murdered by intent are the past life cycle do what she was. I assure you my words are true I command and decree what I say here is true. Final

@SquarePegDivergent - 05.06.2024 01:06

it's HIM who's rejected ME - the happiest person on earth turned morbidly suicidal by the rejection. f-ing stupid. i wanna hate him but of course i can't. so he could literally kill me by this broken heart?? i don't doubt it. this has been THE MOST miserable 6 months of my life & i wish i never met the asshole.

@StevenCrabtree-bp5ll - 04.06.2024 23:56

❤ yes and amen ❤️🌞❣️

@eternald6708 - 04.06.2024 23:33

This video frustrates me, it contradicts itself a few times... I guess some people are just incompatible with logic. Remember folks, there's no excuse for emotional abuse.

@poornimakura8405 - 04.06.2024 23:01

Wisdom people know the clarity between karmic and twin and soulmates.... If u r confused then you are in wrong relation thats it 😅.... In world majority of the people dont know what is true love ...so pity of them ...may god bless them with some.wisdom ....

@MHJazz - 04.06.2024 21:50

My rejection of "my" so called, I feel honestly like a wonderful relief !! I am so happy to be free of all his very bad, criminal and insulting behaviors. I am feeling much much better without him !! This is the very very truth. He almost spoiled my life for long time, just until he slow brain and I myself told him, that he was unwanted !!!

@darinthomas-zztop - 04.06.2024 21:07


@Ry23748 - 04.06.2024 20:27

My twin flame gives me guidance all the time in the astral dream state, he just does not communicate/acknowledge me at all in the physical. It is really tough. It’s been two years since I’ve had an actual conversation with him.

@mirela... - 04.06.2024 16:37

I was so crazy about my twin and now I don't even think of him anymore.

@user-hp8ev5xf2u - 04.06.2024 13:11

Thank you universe 🙏

@rosepetals8181 - 04.06.2024 12:37

Say that AGAIN...WE ARE ALL ONE😏👍💌

@user-ul1gv6pp5f - 04.06.2024 12:20

2. If twin flames mirroring each other through their innermost core of their soul in this life, then if one grows in all kinds of blessings despite being dishonest, hypocrite, a bad person & other fails doesn't it mean that one is betraying while getting all the benefits they need from the other to reflect on their own to survive in this lifetime? Who needs that type of twinflames? Rejecting this type of traitor is better.

@abigirl6114 - 04.06.2024 12:15

I am happy with my rwin flame🎉🎉🎉

@user-so3he4gt9e - 04.06.2024 11:46

Yes. It’s not easy at all.

@lynnhall8720 - 04.06.2024 11:23

What if it's the other way around? He rejected me. He accused me of controlling his thoughts because he couldn't stop thinking about me. But that's how it is with me too, unable to get him out of my mind since the day we first met eight years ago. It's been four and a half years since he ended our friendship and I haven't heard from him since. Yet the universe keeps reminding me of him, with signs, synchronicities, messages, dreams and videos such as this one. In my dreams, he tells me that he misses me and loves me; is this just wishful thinking? There have been times when I have felt him close to me physically, felt his presence, his lips on mine. I have been trying to move on, but he haunts me. 😞

@sabrinatheone88 - 04.06.2024 10:54

You are the one
You are your twin flame ✨
You choose you 🙏🏽

@michaelflaglerjr6060 - 04.06.2024 10:28

10 Soulmates and 1 Twin flame per universe
