Migrants try to force entry into US at Mexico border

Migrants try to force entry into US at Mexico border

Al Jazeera English

1 год назад

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eddyh - 19.11.2023 10:35

people.need to analyze what is making these problems all over the world. i know one of the major factors is overpopulation.

leomarkaable1 - 15.11.2023 01:09

People who run to the USA for their salvation will run to the nearest welfare office here too.
Apparently Biden the dumbbell thinks everyone in the world is hereby granted citizenship and a right to a job and housing in the USA. And that no law needs to be passed to allow it.

Vince A
Vince A - 12.11.2023 21:53

You knew you were breaking the law! Now you want sympathy? You people are destroying America! Why do you feel Americans should support you, when they’re struggling to feed themselves already? STOP !

MP77 - 12.11.2023 19:43

“If you are ordered deported, you will NOT be allowed to take your children with you at the time of your deportation, and you will not be given time to make arrangements for your children.” ICE is being rearmed and guess what? They also confiscate your property. 👋 You are not welcome here and the American citizens are ticked off at your freeloading criminal ways.

Danny Purdy
Danny Purdy - 12.11.2023 13:29

She’s got one on her hip one in her belly 3 or 4 on the ground an trying to get her to get a check , when Biden has already broke our country an we’re already over populated over the once’s that are trashing New York an all the other states,,

Neyaz Rahpo
Neyaz Rahpo - 11.11.2023 22:23

What happens when Mexico finds out immigration crisis is because of Israel

Jamie Moore
Jamie Moore - 11.11.2023 16:53

Send them all back. This not a good time. We have our own problems. Give American homeless , poor, and our military more help. These people are gonna add to the chaos and they dont care about usand our country.

Itlnstalyn - 09.11.2023 02:11

F'ing ridiculous, how is this allowed?? Our government and this administration is F'ing terrible job. They should all be held accountable and put in prison for treason. Pretty soon the American citizens are going to have to go down there and stop them, its getting to that point. We do have that right. We pay you F's to do your job, but you refuse and you just sell us out for your own gain.

Artist Heart
Artist Heart - 03.11.2023 05:40

So they’ll fight to get to the US but not willing to stand up and fight the tyranny in their country to create their own better future!!!
This is not their country!
Fight for their futures I. Their own country!

gio rn
gio rn - 02.11.2023 21:27

Regrésate pendej

VAPatsFan - 22.10.2023 23:47

If these people came from anywhere buy Mexico they are not entitled to enter seeking asylum. Read the law. You can cross one border. Send the rest back. Thank you Biden for sending the message of come to America with your hand out and your wallets open. We will give you whatever you need because your are the future Democrat voters and we hate American citizens.

The Wrench Master
The Wrench Master - 22.10.2023 07:41

These people are just going to be a drain on our economy!!

Santo - 13.10.2023 05:31

Asi no se puede señores , ban a caminar todo eso por nada . CON RESPETO PAREN DE TENER HIJOS SI NO TIENEN CON QUE SEÑORES

Yippi Ya Ying
Yippi Ya Ying - 12.10.2023 19:01

Lol 400 years ago the so called legal citizens of the US killed the native Americans and occupied USA and today acting all privileged when the migrants coming in. Those migrants are closer genetically to the native Americans than white people.

jason meehan
jason meehan - 12.10.2023 13:48

Stay and fight for your country.. put this energy and effort into organizing in your home country so you can inflict real change there..
The US is turning into what you are fleeing from..

Steven Osburn
Steven Osburn - 11.10.2023 07:47

The law says seek asylum in the first country you reach. They just want American handouts.

Island Boy
Island Boy - 05.10.2023 13:30

So many ppl crying in the comments saying they wish they can help .. what a joke stop lying 🤥 let them come in the Chinese are doing the same thing

Young Lee
Young Lee - 04.10.2023 20:58

US owes these people nothing

JoseRX95 - 28.09.2023 23:12

For 15 years they said all loud "Death to USA" "Celebrating 911 attacks" and praising their socialism. Venecos don't fool nobody with half of a functional brain

Gary Jaguar
Gary Jaguar - 26.09.2023 16:10

They won't stand up against there own government but flee to a government what says YES TO EVERYTHING
we in the UK have done exactly the same .

darlene lollar
darlene lollar - 25.09.2023 01:28

you have to put alot of the blame on Biden him and his goonies caused it

Gary Bryson
Gary Bryson - 21.09.2023 02:36

Razor wire, walls, fences, pepper spray, no food, water, shelter or medical care , jobs, schools, drivers licenses for those entering illegally. Then deportation asap. HIgh fines for any US employer hiring illegals. High fines for any American selling or renting property to illegals. If I were in charge, that is what I would do.

Hasan Mohammad
Hasan Mohammad - 20.09.2023 18:52

Best way to stop illegal entry is by removing the testicles of Male refugee or asylum seeker into USA, they will be safe in US but will think Thrice before entering into US

Joyce Stanger
Joyce Stanger - 18.09.2023 22:37

Go home. We have had enough paying you all freebies. We have our own problems

Marland Carney
Marland Carney - 18.09.2023 19:52

And by the way no one understands yells whining and crying when you're speaking spinach show the f*** back home yet not welcome

Marland Carney
Marland Carney - 18.09.2023 19:51

Take your own countries that don't come here and ruin hours please you are not welcome President Joe Biden is an idiot if you're going to rape kill and steal start with the Biden family this m********* is trying to give our country oway

Gerald Arnoult
Gerald Arnoult - 17.09.2023 18:58

There not Mexicans D..A..

Missie - 16.09.2023 05:07

These parents have created this mess. They drag their children into a dangerous situation then cry when their child gets hurt…

Chad - 16.09.2023 04:51

Send em all back they just wanna bring more drugs and gangs please let us in NO😂😂😂😂

Quest Keepers
Quest Keepers - 15.09.2023 06:07

This is annoying.
We have enough problems here in the US.
Why would we want a additional issue.

Got_GlintSP - 12.09.2023 02:12

And these people are going to respect our laws? I don’t think so. Deport!

User_5tjk42gj9 - 11.09.2023 13:03

Im tired of the bleeding hearts letting these invaders in.

Jasjot Gill
Jasjot Gill - 11.09.2023 04:27

Send these latinos back

Gustavo Sinclair
Gustavo Sinclair - 03.09.2023 07:15

They already have the answer. It's NO

Gerald Arnoult
Gerald Arnoult - 03.09.2023 01:45


Carlos Martinez
Carlos Martinez - 01.09.2023 03:05

Go back to your country we have our own problems here. Go back

Cyber Hacker 1
Cyber Hacker 1 - 30.08.2023 23:23

💥The border Arizona doors are open for the monsoon season. More then 100 doors are open and migrants are walking in

Michelle Applegate
Michelle Applegate - 30.08.2023 21:33

My question is how are we going to feed all these people from other countries if we are having a food storage and how are we going to house them when they can't even find housing now. Look at New York they are putting them in buildings like schools tents and they are not happy with this outcome.

Lazlazor - 28.08.2023 02:05

Cry more, please.

Silver- Box
Silver- Box - 26.08.2023 05:00

No need feel pity or sad for they. They do not deserve right in the first place ! Ruthless migrant can't be trusted ! Is no our people ay the tax to feed they and help they !

jess97 - 25.08.2023 19:39

The jobs are horrible here, little pay, housing is extremely expensive, food & gas is expensive & healthcare sucks are you sure you people want to come here? You're also not going to get a free ride either. You'll find out I'll be worse than where you're living now so if I were you I'd just stay there. So many Americans are moving to other countries & getting out of the U.S.

Annie497 - 23.08.2023 03:46

I have no empathy for their "plight" because they have none. They are bringing their disease and filth and drugs and violence and crime to our nation. They are not wanted, nor should they be allowed to stay for one moment. The only "help" they should expect or receive is a swift boot to the behind to help them find the road back home. What our own citizens are housed, fed, clothed, receive proper health and mental health care and all that American Dream stuff, then they might be considered. As it stands now, they get nothing. Get OUT.

dilligaf - 21.08.2023 23:03

The crying garners no sympathy from me whatever.

MEX1CANPAPI .. - 21.08.2023 13:16


THEE - 21.08.2023 00:38

They need to send everyone back that came in sine Biden has been president because if they dont America will become just like the country's those illegal immigrants are fleeing.

maurices levines
maurices levines - 20.08.2023 11:46

Your own people did this to you and now you beg white people to throw you a lifeline but no one asked you to come here.

Oval Room Ministries.- Dr Ronald Devin Beverly
Oval Room Ministries.- Dr Ronald Devin Beverly - 16.08.2023 20:17

Unfortunately, Obama and the current administration would welcome them with open arms!

Queen King
Queen King - 16.08.2023 04:44

Go back home

Cathy W
Cathy W - 14.08.2023 20:08

Biden is letting them in so they can all vote for him😢

Tim Martino
Tim Martino - 13.08.2023 11:13

Hmm sad seeing them. I tobe proud live in my country Indonesia though mycountry is the third a country...What are they looking for in USA..Home sweet home..
