How to BREAK The Binding of Isaac: REPENTANCE

How to BREAK The Binding of Isaac: REPENTANCE

My Name's Collin

3 года назад

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Big Hex
Big Hex - 20.06.2022 19:58

God I hate Juniper, I'll never forgive her. What a floozie.

(also fantastic video dude lol)

Nikolas_Schreck - 16.03.2022 02:19

We need videos on how to break the console version I own Isaac on PS4 Xbox One X and my switch OLED. I'm a major Isaac's fan and I feel like unless you're playing it on the computer there's just so many things that like he can't access and Isaac I feel like console players need more help is far as ways breaking the game.

Harlan Mariaca
Harlan Mariaca - 23.01.2022 01:52

This is wonderful, i recently start to play with TCain, will try this RN.

tf2gamer - 16.12.2021 23:52

690 likes please note me I want severable peiple to see it

Елизавета Лебедева
Елизавета Лебедева - 28.11.2021 22:49

great video :3 new to the game so kinda needed some help. tyvm

Cyanide YT and Curious Sea doggo official
Cyanide YT and Curious Sea doggo official - 03.10.2021 21:51

One thing you missed with this build path on T.Cain. Crafting the wiz is ironically a good idea since we have Tractor Beam.

Note T.Cain is just a catalyst for breaks

Purpyl - 22.09.2021 12:00

Why you didn't mention R keys ?
You can basiclly unlock everything on 1 run when you have R key.
You go to the chest beat ???(blue baby) then you beat delirum (if portal not oppened just press R key) after that you press R key and you can go for boss rush or hush because R key restarts your time. when done you go dark room beat the lamb and mega satan i must say mega satan is the most risky boss because you have 50% chance to end your run
The best way is to have 1 R key in inventory and 1 in crafting bag

MustardSock - 05.07.2021 01:53

Just wondering, couldny you just craft death certificate and get all the consumables you want? Great video btw

MR. FISH - 21.06.2021 03:45

And they say AB+ is broken…

AshTen - 06.06.2021 01:11

I respect you

Infinignite - 17.05.2021 20:51

A good way to break tainted cain is getting rock bottom, most damage ups, brim, and soy milk because it doesnt matter what fire rate you have with soy brim

KeinNiemand - 15.05.2021 16:39

but what about a true game break (breakfeasting the game)

kilix - 13.05.2021 20:20

I have a super op combo to easily win with cain:
unlock dad lost coin, enter a game with tainted cain, craft the item dad lost coin (you can search the internet for bag of craftin recipes to know how to craft this and the following) this item drops you a lucky penny grab it with the bag of craftin , craft dr fetus, which is very easy to craft, you only need the lucky penny that you already have complicated, then re-craft dad lost coin to have another lucky penny, take it again to craft pyromaniac = instawin

If you want to ensure your game you can craft items that give you more life or more damage with the bombs to finish the game faster

Remember that you can craft the mega breast to enter the boss rush or hush so you should not be harassed

Gabriel Pires
Gabriel Pires - 08.05.2021 03:49

that start was too much specific, it's everything alright?

Samuelito ooo
Samuelito ooo - 06.05.2021 19:15

hahahahahahahaha I laughed my ass of at the start of the video lmao, good video bro.

Poblado Restringido
Poblado Restringido - 05.05.2021 19:29

You are getting a new subscriber my man, I really liked the style of this video, and yours is one of the few guides that aren't outdated after the alabaster box nerf.

Kaleii08 - 29.04.2021 12:27

Rock Bottom before Soymilk, you keep damage

ÜberMorpth - 25.04.2021 17:56

As of Update 4.0.3 this is not possible to do anymore R.I.P
