Sort all even numbers in ascending order and odd numbers in descending order | GeeksforGeeks

Sort all even numbers in ascending order and odd numbers in descending order | GeeksforGeeks


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Surendhar V
Surendhar V - 03.10.2023 03:27

That's the great approach...

Kalpesh - 13.09.2023 06:40

How is this even a tutorial? I come here to see the step by step explanation. If I had to see the solution I'd have gone to the website. Pathetic content.

crazy hormone
crazy hormone - 25.06.2022 07:22

can anyone please tell me , arr[i] % 2 != 0 can be replace by air[I] & 1 ? do both means same ?

abhishek kotkar
abhishek kotkar - 11.06.2018 15:43

second solution provided will not work for negative numbers

Hardik Sanghavi
Hardik Sanghavi - 14.04.2018 07:58

Thanks once again for an informative video.
One suggestion, for all the solutions proposed could you add a small snippet on how you arrived at the time complexity. That would definitely help instead of just stating the time and space complexity.
That would help us know and determine the same by ourselves the next time we look as any code or think of any proposed solution.
Thanks again. :)
