Milo Murphy's Law's Transphobic and Worst Episode

Milo Murphy's Law's Transphobic and Worst Episode

Acesten Harls

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@robertbeurre1825 - 22.08.2024 05:37

What do you mean Phineas and Ferb didn't punch down at marginalized people? Baljeet was a walking charicature of Indian people

@JRexRegis - 22.08.2024 18:56

It's also pretty telling that this character, alone out of essentially the entire cast, has a very prominent chin. After all, the show's artstyle is so simplistic that putting a different hairstyle and clothing on a regular design is what they already do to make their female characters.

@Epicccccccccccccccccccc - 22.08.2024 22:25


@dusktheowlgryphon - 23.08.2024 00:48

Great. Now Dan Povenmire is a terrible person. Not surprised since everyone is nowadays.

@InsanelyADD - 23.08.2024 05:56

The Owl House also had Masha (they/them), The Collector (he/they), and it's implied that all Titans and all Collectors do not fit into the human (or witch) idea of "binary" sex and gender.

@Arionid - 23.08.2024 12:06

wtf is this video? they are clearly non binary, not trans, so effing sick of enbyphobes misgendering us like we dont deserve to exist 💀

@Thesillylittlerat - 23.08.2024 21:02

I gotta say, I think a lot of this video was a stretch (my personal opinion) i am trans, but this Video is about a man in a dress, a muscular, masculine character who identifies as a man, Who is NOT trans, i dont see it as Transphobia, I mean i didnt exactly Like the episode, it fell flat, the most problimatic thing is the song, because Oof those lyrics CUT DEEP. And the Billy bison thing is a HUGE stretch, But i dont see this episode as being transphobic, because the character isnt trans, its a trope used In many many TV shows. But this is all my personal opinion! There is some actual Transphobic things in cartoons, like in family Guy when Glenns Parent transitions, that character is transgender and getting made fun of and put down for it, that is what i would say transphobia truly looks like in cartoons. This episode did not age perfectly though, i do agree with that.

@Benexe-wm6ux - 23.08.2024 22:29

I want someone to remake the episode where the main plot is rather than the "ruse" being revealed, he instead gets the part after all the insane audition stuff, but he ends up turning it down because he was actually really happy dressed as a woman, and wants to focus on that personal journey instead of the movie.

@tafazziReadChannelDescription - 23.08.2024 23:19

Transphobic Ws all the time

@Leblos_Hero - 24.08.2024 14:08

You will never be a woman

@StrawberryFox56 - 24.08.2024 20:08

i love being trans girl

@Mister.Minutes - 25.08.2024 07:20

I couldn't believe it when you said this was your first video essay! This was really great, I can't wait to see what you do next dude!

@Herder543 - 25.08.2024 23:10

I remember skipping this episode.

@Alex-pb8hh - 26.08.2024 00:35

Unrelated to the video topic but I really like that you listed all the music at the end

@CanadianTheGreat1 - 26.08.2024 05:56

I love MML but the A plot of this episode was just rough. I loved the B plot though

@BerriBoi150 - 26.08.2024 11:59

I don't think the scene where Doof turns into a fairy princess instead of an evil monster is too bad. Like, maybe the joke was supposed to be that he's in a dress, but it does work without that. Like even if he were an actual woman in that scene, if his intention was to be a big scary intimidating monster and he instead became a fairy princess, that could be considered a little funny. Tbh I don't remember the show much, I don't remember ecactly what was happening in that scene.

@BigJonB36 - 26.08.2024 12:42

This doesn't seem Transphobic (seems like a guy in drag), he seems like Disney being unusually self-aware

@PsDps - 26.08.2024 13:02

22 22 12 7 25 8 9 2
6 4 2 2 2 0 3 10 1 2 9 5 7 1 23 7 14 5 2

@jordanenby9734 - 26.08.2024 20:57

I loved Milo Murphy's Law but I had no idea this was supposed to be transphobic, I honestly thought it was a Mrs. Doubtfire situation. When I first saw the episode, it was weird but not a bad episode since I usually enjoyed "cross dressing episodes" (which is what I thought it was). I feel sick now knowing the truth.

@mcplatterpig - 27.08.2024 02:00

The domestic abuse trial you talk about was blatantly false, she lied and everyone knew it then and now, it’s perfectly fine to shit on amber turd, and I’d argue ill treatment towards people who lie about real domestic violence and trivialize it for their own gain is good, do better genuinely…

@animeotaku647 - 27.08.2024 05:20

If I ever did watch this show, I would've seen this episode and immediately stopped watching it soon after. The exact reason why I stopped watching High Guardian Spice and it's horrible trans episode with the professor taking up like 5 minutes to explain how "he" used to be woman but is now a woman because he felt "not like a man."

@chronomage4939 - 28.08.2024 06:19

interesting analysis aside, I know where you got that elevator music from. I know what you are

@rjs3099 - 28.08.2024 22:06

tansphobe? W milo no need to watch

@zoroproductions1152 - 29.08.2024 13:51

I didnt know about this episode. It was never aired in german disney channel.

@Kamurjan - 29.08.2024 18:51

Or, hear me out: A man pretending to be an, exaggerated, stereotypical and obnoxious version of a woman is just funny? Especially to kids? Just as a woman pretending to be a super masculine man would be funny too?
But nooo, can't poke fun at concepts. Especially in a kids cartoon...

@BeeTreeOil - 29.08.2024 22:38

A lot of this feels like reaching...

@lakeswirl6985 - 29.08.2024 23:00

i feel like the absurdity of “anything that can bison will bison” would have honestly been a hilarious bit if it were in, like, any other episode

@rhysellis6887 - 30.08.2024 06:13

I'm trans and I thought it was funny

@rhysellis6887 - 30.08.2024 06:35

this is chronically online asf. the episode is not transphobic.

@Cavi587 - 30.08.2024 23:53

I was like "I don't think it's THAT bad" until you put the song lyrics on the screen. Yeah, that's not okay. One thing that is certain to me, I really doubt there was any bad intent by the creators when making this episode. Sure, the problems here stem mostly from very deeply rooted stereotypes, but at the very least they didn't make it for any malicious purpose, because if they had a horse in the hate race, they would do it a lot more often in these shows.
But no matter how everyone feels about this episode individually, it is still great that you brought it up and made your points. People not being afraid of sharing their perspective is what makes us all understand each other better.

@sjwsmasher4398 - 31.08.2024 02:08

Get Woke Go Broke

@sjwsmasher4398 - 31.08.2024 02:08

Ok Social Justice Weirdo

@Whitetigerking88 - 31.08.2024 21:26

WTF is this? Dude people are starving to death in the street. If you can't tell if your a man or a girl then you have you issues. The we problems are outstanding. Thuggery is so pushed by our nutcase government. People with an injury are pushed out the military but people that think they are a chick get four stars and pushed upward. The weather is racist is not a point of view I would like to live by but that is the most famous saying by Rachel Levine. To be oppressed you need the oppression. I mean small penises are made fun of, large penises are made fun of but all penises are discriminated against. Its a joke but saying that something is above humor is dangerous. We are all going to be made fun of. Too rich, too poor or too middle class Its all there to poke fun at. I have been the butt of many jokes. I think homophobia is funny and like to play with those that hate homosexuals but everyone is so damn sensitive now days. I mean I love vagina but we are ruled by two pussies in the parties which we have been forced to suffer.

@Snurphle - 01.09.2024 21:14

okay it has GOT to be a coincidence that the main character's TWO BEST FRIENDS have the last names CHASE and UNDERWOOD, right?

@sexhaie - 02.09.2024 07:37

you know what would be refreshing to see? a movie or show of a character dressing up as a woman for some kind of ulterior motive, only to discover they actually feel more comfortable dressing and identifying as a woman and showing their struggle and conflicting of transitioning or staying in the closet in a world they know will treat them differently if they admitted they identify as a woman and want to be treated with respect as anyone else.
but that's too much to ask for as people believe this makes you instantly a "groomer" and will shove some crap down your throat that it's not valid.

@Pyrablitz - 02.09.2024 18:07

i'm sorry you guys way to soft when it comes to lgbt like its just a show if you fill the episode is transphobic don't watch the show also
you can call me out but its gonna prove my point that you soft af grow up get over it or just get a helmet

@JESSEM19987 - 04.09.2024 02:44

This is called crossdressing, not being trans. get educated.

@guagboy6911 - 04.09.2024 09:14

umhmghmmmhmmmmmm duhhhhhuhuuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu my favorite show is amphibia

@Cephalie - 04.09.2024 17:50

i think making fun of the depp v heard trial was okay because at the time it was every where, and it was making fun of someone who wasn't liked, so its fine

as for men in dress jokes i (transfem (nonbinary questioning)) think they're fine as long as its simply a man in a dress by circumstance not their own volition, because that would point more towards transphobia and hate towards people questioning their gender.

@Joe___schmoe - 04.09.2024 18:17

We shouldn't have any sexuality in children's media, not queer or straight. It's a problem and i believe partially why some kids are having sex as early as 12.

@mk-aka-morgan8386 - 04.09.2024 18:19

This is the first video of yours I've seen, and I just gotta say you did an amazing job! Keep up the great work 💖💖💖

@tristanathunder - 07.09.2024 02:03

not trans, just a guy in a dress, theres nothing transphobic there

@HalfLiam - 07.09.2024 03:51

(tldr; This episode is a stab at Disney, the company the show is written for)

Even if it were, isn't it criticizing needless identity changes made to script? Of course they're going to take jabs at the other side of the culture war at the expense of those it serves. It's sort of evident by the long fields of dialogue from the movie executives interspersed throughout the episode. "Recast all the men as women? You got yourself a green light!" "Who cares about the script? We don't even read those anymore!"

I'm not saying you're necessarily wrong, what I'm saying is that you're pointing it out like you have to correct something they missed, evident by your disbelief that nobody on the board saw it. They did see it, they went with it because they're criticizing the modern state of film culture with what they believe. While it's a cheap episode, they can't make a real critique without mentioning that element.

They are criticizing gender changes for characters while at the same time offering the argument that even in the case where the previous lead were to become a woman themself they would fail to live up to the ideal. They are calling him ugly because he is bodaciously masculine, the demographic his franchise served. The cherry on top is giving him the role as the villain, something Disney has done numerous times.

If you couldn't tell the writers are making a jab at Disney, the company they write for. Usually when writers aren't happy for the company they write under they criticize them.. they can write whatever they want so long as it doesn't breach S&P.. I just thought I'd provide an actual explanation on how you're wrong rather than just saying you're wrong. This is a criticism of Disney and the culture, and things were a bit more tense in 2018. Regardless, they're writers.. they're allowed to criticize culture, even in cartoons, even when you don't like it, even when it's using an element that's transphobic to provide it's point. They can't serve a demographic they are openly criticizing. So approaching this moment like it was some sort of mistake to be corrected or some form of injustice that was delivered is just to ignore the writers intent.

They don't like writing for you... and it's evidently clear they aren't fond of the executives that request that they do... Disney didn't show Lady Krillers in promotional material because they knew they had to run this episode in its finished form, not because the team behind it knew they had made some sort of mistake. Disney was salvaging it, and by the looks of it the effort paid off because nobody seemingly noticed. Season 2 probably experienced a delay because they had to deal with this conflict.

@ZipZapTesla - 07.09.2024 12:01

I don't really agree with the transphobia angle... at worst it's just sexist, and I don't even agree with that. The episode was just mocking Ghostbusters 2016 for being a crappy remake that randomly swapped the sex of the original characters without doing anything interesting with them. Nothing hateful about that. Sorry, disliked.

@omasumi - 08.09.2024 02:49

every homestuck song i recognize in this video, especially since i'm right now in the middle of a reemerging homestuck phase, delivers so much psychic damage LMAO

@lilspaceking - 08.09.2024 07:18

i was agreeing with you, but I think the buffalo bill connection was a BIIIG stretch
