Cleaning Expert: My Secret System to Cleaning Fast & Effectively!

Cleaning Expert: My Secret System to Cleaning Fast & Effectively!

Clean My Space

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Every Stitch a Prayer
Every Stitch a Prayer - 11.09.2023 16:53

When does the Wave 1 tidying laundry basket get all put away?

Jen - 08.09.2023 05:16

Thank you! This was helpful!

Sonder - 02.08.2023 01:21

I used your method today for cleaning the house. It helped me so much! I think I did a great job! I appreciate your help so much.

Jai Sequoia
Jai Sequoia - 19.07.2023 04:47

This is great thanks. I always thought you should vacuum first because that kicks up some dust?

Ryan Brett
Ryan Brett - 12.07.2023 04:25

This saved me So much time

Tammie Smith
Tammie Smith - 11.07.2023 10:57

What can I use for extra dirt ring around the tub

Leadfoot Lindsey
Leadfoot Lindsey - 09.07.2023 23:20

Here's the problem I have With dumping everything onto the floor... i often clean houses that have massive spaces of tile and multiple dogs in the home. There is dog hair EVERYWHERE. And while youre performing wave 1 and 2, this dust and dog hair inevitably floats back up onto the counter surfaces soit feels like a moot point. Not all households will be served by this technique but for the most part is pretty good!

Onyemaechi Annastacia
Onyemaechi Annastacia - 27.06.2023 14:50

I have been watching different cleaning videos, but this three waves system is the best. Love to be part of your team.

Selena Davis
Selena Davis - 23.06.2023 08:39

Thanks for the tips especially having all cleaning products handy. Save me a lot of time

Nanette Chiverella
Nanette Chiverella - 20.06.2023 05:34

Okay hold up please for the love of God help me 😂. This is just for my space I can barely handle so not a cleaning service. Let's say I'm in my room, I find stuff that can go in a bathroom, a child's room, back to the craft closet, and or down the basement. Do I bring those things to those spots immediately then resume? Am I making one hundred and seventeen trips out of the room, before I start to clean? I'm only on phase one.

Kevy Williams
Kevy Williams - 17.06.2023 14:34

The hands flapping are overwhelming …

Carina Gering
Carina Gering - 15.06.2023 09:42

Fast cleaning? 5-4-3-2-1. Mel Robbins' 5 second rule. No more procrastination - except when I've had a very rough night and absolutely can't bring myself to move. Oh yeah... Quality sleep the night before. It's like recharging your phone. If you don't want your battery to die in the middle of the day, make sure you get to bed early. That just makes me a thousand times more productive and faster, too.
Anyway, I found the Clean My Space channel years ago, bought the book + some microfiber towels and used the system with the most incredible results. For the first - and so far only - time in my life was I really at peace with the way my home looked. Sadly, life happened and for some reason the routine wouldn't stick. I've since tried countless systems (FlyLady, Clean Mama, Dana K. White, Clutterbug, designing my own routines following the Lazy Genius Principles, ...) but the routines just always grew bigger and more daunting on me and I found it hard to do them. I think I'm going back to this, because the results come fast and are immediately visible and that makes me a happy SAHM. Thank you! 🥰

PhobosAnomaly - 11.06.2023 00:21

This was one of the most helpful cleaning videos I've seen.
In case you are like me and do not have a home for each thing and you have a table or some corner with clutter - I did not know where it belongs and once I had all the things in the basket of things that should not be there, I put it right back where they were, but in a less messy way. Neetly placed clutter looks much better (and cleaner) than messy clutter.

🧬 Homo Deus 🧠
🧬 Homo Deus 🧠 - 27.05.2023 17:55

Great, but
Better to sweep or vacuum before dusting furniture. Why?
Because the dust will go on top of the furniture again and you will have to remove it.
1. Dust walls quickly
2. Sweep or vacuum
3. Dust furniture, or use small vacuum on your fabric furniture especially that you have a cat,, dust pictures, decoration items with small soft brushes
4. Wet-clean the docration items and surfaces.
5. Shine glass tops
6. Mop the floor
7. Use sanitising spray on your fabric furniture, especially made for cats to avoid causing allergy.
During the process, and if you are not living in freezing or boiling weathers, it is recommended to open windows to keep airflow during the cleaning. Just convince your cat to stay inside 😻.
Thanks for the efforts.

Christian Joe
Christian Joe - 27.05.2023 14:16

Wow 😲

Terry Smith
Terry Smith - 23.05.2023 16:10

My saving time tip is to pick up and store all unnecessary rugs. They not only atract dirt but also leave so much dirt underneath and have to be picked up, shaken out and brought outside to air out. I have MS so anything that makes my life easier is a plus.
I also wipe down the bathroom sink every couple days to keep it spotless so when I do clean with a disinfectant, it is less work.

Amande - 21.05.2023 10:50

Great info 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Rebekah Todd
Rebekah Todd - 08.05.2023 18:28

Can I ask where you got the longhorn wall art? Love it!

Monica Bryant
Monica Bryant - 27.04.2023 19:02

I am 59 years old and wish I had known this 40 yeas ago! I always cleaned top to bottom, but never using the "wave" system. I am going home tonight to try this! My time-saving cleaning tip is to immediately put things away once I use them. I found that having a home for everything makes this much easier!

Elena Carra
Elena Carra - 22.04.2023 14:01

This woman is smart 💖🥰🥰 I learn a lot from these videos 💕

Lena Henderson
Lena Henderson - 11.04.2023 16:32

Microwave a cup of water before cleaning the microwave

Chintha Danansooriya
Chintha Danansooriya - 09.04.2023 11:52

Thank you thank you thank you sooo much. You basically saved my life haha time management is life management. 😃🌹🥰

Julia Andrew
Julia Andrew - 08.04.2023 08:11

Another tip is I ask them to tidy up before I go, I’m not there to tidy! I’m there to clean, not be a housemaid!!
The more time I’m spent tidying, the less cleaning I’m going to get done. If a room is particularly untidy then it doesn’t get cleaned!
I ask clients to lift items on top of the bed that are moveable such as large toys, dolls house, big trucks, dolls pram etc and items like bins, slippers and laundry baskets , if the floor is pretty much clear and things are lifted out of the way, I can hoover where these items used to be and another time I go and items are not lifted away I know to hoover round them. They don’t need lifting out of the way everytime I go.

Julia Andrew
Julia Andrew - 08.04.2023 07:58

My tip is give each client a daily shower spray and ask them to spray the walls and shower screen after each shower. By the time I go round to clean it doesn’t take me twice as long to clean the bathroom and shower cubicle.

Magdelena Janse van Rensburg
Magdelena Janse van Rensburg - 04.04.2023 18:10

I also have auto amine problems and feel tired

Magdelena Janse van Rensburg
Magdelena Janse van Rensburg - 04.04.2023 18:08

My room with my husband never stays clean.

Magdelena Janse van Rensburg
Magdelena Janse van Rensburg - 04.04.2023 18:08

I battle to keep the schedule. I hate doing the dishes after we ate. The lounge never stays clean with my husband's stuff.

Kim - 01.04.2023 04:25

This video showed nothing and was all talk.

Clarence May Minao
Clarence May Minao - 22.03.2023 02:25

Thank you for sharing all the brilliant cleaning tips. They are really of great help to people who have no idea how to clean like Me ❤❤❤

English with Mr. Baker
English with Mr. Baker - 10.03.2023 22:47

Reset the room. I’d like to get into the habit of constantly putting everything back where it goes as soon as I’m finished with it.

Max Flynnpope
Max Flynnpope - 09.03.2023 21:54

Citric acid and water mixed spray on shower screens and taps leave for 10-15 minutes and use dish soap to scrub . You will feel the water marks melting away and rinse with warm water. Dry the screen and taps and shine with glass cleaner !! Super shiny shower screens and taps for about £2 !!! Lasts weeks !!!!

Griselle Isara
Griselle Isara - 08.03.2023 05:01

I have decluttered most of my house. So it’s way easier to clean. ❤

Tiffany Anderson
Tiffany Anderson - 05.03.2023 04:59

I make a game of it with a timer & start the laundry early (like you said right after Wave 1).

Vivo V9
Vivo V9 - 28.02.2023 11:49

By now

சும்மா இரு
சும்மா இரு - 05.02.2023 20:19

Thank you!

Beauty Squad SA
Beauty Squad SA - 04.02.2023 09:46

My tip is to clean as you go,so when you have to clean there is not as much to do

Liliana Turner
Liliana Turner - 02.02.2023 00:43

I like your tips. Thank you. I will try it.

justFreya5 - 30.01.2023 07:46

Soo how do you do this with a 4 year old a 13 month old and a 12 week old puppy? I don't got much time

Sherry Sabine
Sherry Sabine - 27.01.2023 04:33

You started a cleaning business before the time of smartphones? Were you like 2 months old? You look like you're 20!

Christy Broadhead
Christy Broadhead - 26.01.2023 20:34

I'm always so overwhelmed when I go to tackle cleaning a room that I just flitter around never really making as much of an impact as I'd like Thanks for spelling out this process.

When (and how!) do you deal with the basket you filled with items that don't belong in the space?

jorge cintron
jorge cintron - 21.01.2023 08:23


Kris Ski
Kris Ski - 14.01.2023 06:02

I just don’t get it. I’m a thorough cleaner but sometimes certain places just take longer than others. Things can just be that dirty. If someone never cleans their house and then calls a service out it no longer is a maintenance cleaning. I’m sorry. That six hour 2 level house just became a 12 hour house.

Jamilyn McNally
Jamilyn McNally - 11.01.2023 17:37

I squeegee my shower every time I use it!

Lane King
Lane King - 05.01.2023 19:42

Great reminders & tips! I used to clean homes for a living years ago & my home used to be spotless at any given time until I had kids. Now I'm so overwhelmed with it most of the time I don't even know where to start with the little time I have available to clean. What a great refresher course & motivation! Thank you so much!!!! ♥️

ashle taylor
ashle taylor - 25.12.2022 09:36

I don’t know if other cleaners do room bu room but I do the first two waves on whole house then third wave (floor) at the very end so I can mop out of the house not each individual room just so much easier that way for me

Dalia M
Dalia M - 22.12.2022 23:10

Amazing video! I’m subscribing 💕😁🙏👍

Karen loves LAGPR
Karen loves LAGPR - 21.12.2022 12:02

Why tidy first? Because you can’t clean clutter!

LoveNotGreed - 15.12.2022 16:19

I like to clean durin commercials/ads. Trying to beat the clock for my chore
