*NEW* M25 INSIGNIA BONUSES with WARLORD Change for Companion Damage! (fix) - Neverwinter Preview

*NEW* M25 INSIGNIA BONUSES with WARLORD Change for Companion Damage! (fix) - Neverwinter Preview


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@elisabethlavrard8946 - 12.03.2023 11:54

Bonjour. Y a-t-il une vidéo en français de ce mod25. Merci

@Tizo25 - 27.02.2023 20:28

I started to save my enchanted keys. I'm guessing that's the play for someone who's maxed out companion and mount bolster and who will want a new mount to slot 4 insignias, eh?

@annaschofield - 17.02.2023 08:44

Looking forward to a new and improved warlord!!

@PatrickDKing - 13.02.2023 18:30

I'll pass.

@joukairose5401 - 12.02.2023 19:23

People still play this game🤣

@MrPinballWizzard - 11.02.2023 23:03

im tired trying every year or so re building character almost from 0.... i have the ad.. who know me all those ppl know that im playing this game since 2012 and trust me i have a pretty decent amount of ad... so lets remove that ''you are broke'' - bs aside right away. but srsly..... ffs... just... i hate the fact that damage is directly determined by the total amount of item level... i swear to god thats the most idiotic bs i have ever seen in any game... and if you ask me why i am complaining about that specific mechanic - well - if anyone thinks all the new endgame sets are BIS for your character on every class... i feel sorry for the way yall playin the game (ppl who think every time the endgame sets are bis). p.s. nice vid aragon as always

@pauloroma5850 - 11.02.2023 14:37

Hello sir, this is a bit of an off-topic subject, but i didn't know where to place the qustion, so ... thecthing is, nowadays most MMORPG seems to be a waiting room for "Throne and Liberty", in chat many people talk about this upcomming game, so i would like to know if you intend on plying it and make a channel as you did for Neverwinter (whivpch is stil my returning game, i like this game though its age other things .... you know what i mean )

@Adb0562 - 11.02.2023 11:55

If you can fit 2500 combat advantage rating you can use combatants maneuver if you use a poisoned thorn weapon enchant. Attacking will proc the 10s 2500 ca rating buff and every attack refreshes the buff basically being up as along as your hitting

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 11.02.2023 11:31

It would be better if you had shown the stats on the new Insignia.

But new, Four-Slot Mounts?

pfff... see you at the Bankruptcy Court, Craptrick.


(Edited for tyops)

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 11.02.2023 11:23

So they couldn't fix Warlord's to properly give Diminishing Returns of 20 + 10 + 5 = 35%, so they just wiped the code and rewrote it?

To give 8 + 4 + 3 = 15%

"Thanks, Whiteside!"


@goodknight5783 - 11.02.2023 08:38

Will they add 4 insignia mounts, or may be add saddles with a slot for 1 insignia?

@animewatcha - 11.02.2023 07:50

Chiming in from being away from NW content for a WHILE. Players coming back or they still bleeding them out?

@ericfrolov148 - 11.02.2023 07:42

I'm tired of this game. We getting stronger, spending millions ad for what reason? To enter a dungeon with no sellable drop? At this point its amazing people still log in to play the game.

@GastNdorf - 11.02.2023 07:13

I like how they conviniently left out deflect severity out of this tank insignia bonus, at first I thought them putting barely any source of it in the game was them being oblivious that the stat exists, but now I'm getting convinced they just don't want tanks to build on it because it's too good?

@l0g1cb0mb - 11.02.2023 05:21

@Aragon, you can see there's some plan, move, thing they got going on where they want you moving a lot.
The Master's Precision looks like it's meant to work in-line\\along side the new Underdark Reaches weapon set, wherein the ability is activated by dodging or blocking, i.e. things that consume stamina and will likely keep you in that zone if you're trying to max out the benefit of the set - you'd have this insignia power enabled to best capitalize on it. The cooldowns for the set would be the precision part I think, attempting to get the timing right to minimize either set or insignia bonus being in a state of OFF. Just my take away from your introducing the new powers and retcons and "bug" fixes that are still bugged according to the maths. But at least the descriptions a bit more truthful!
Almost feel I should invest in getting the tooling you've got set up so I can trial out my setups and adjust accordingly from what it says on the tin and actual. And in seeing what's best when you've either not got 'round to it, or CRYPTIC\\ARC have retconned the world as an upgrade to see if what's good, still holds. Because on the face of it the Warlord Inspiration power goes from 20% to less. But under the covers, it never worked as expected and required 2x of them to get half the promised deliverable it said on the tin.
Sure we'll be able to use 3x before diminishing returns yields 0 gains over the 2x of the previous. However, as noted it's still not as advertised, is less than the exiting "20%" and doesn't state its limitations\\restrictions. Who knows how many players waste slots fitting as many to boost high damage companions to serve as a charged-up R-Type Companion Orb equivalent in NW. trying to eek-out 80%-100% companion damage boost. Realizing it doesn't seem to be working out quite as expected, but not sure why only to frustrate themselves on the system, pick some lesser of two evils option and be done with it - an unoptimized character hating the complicated bonus system when CRYPTIC\\ARC keep dumbing down everything else (so they say) breaking things as they go along.
Take for instance when Mounts had from 0 to 3 slots vs the static 3, their powers or lack thereof often reflected this. When they went to static 3 they also changes some of the formulas breaking mount powers that the player had to figure out had happened and reallocate their insignia for either the old power with the new insignia pattern, or new power altogether. You're only warning that the power wasn't working was when you went to select a new mount for the slot you could see that in the loaded insignia display those changed formula now showed that there as an incompatible insignia slotted - something you can't manually do. The error indicator didn't show in the main mount display as something you had to change, it simply worked like when putting an invalid collar in place, it allowed it with no pressing complain other than the display indicating the power was still off. Again, this doesn't work with the insignia, you can't slot and invalid one in place manually - so They change the patterns and expected the players would simply notice at some point like herd immunity or something - irritating. The addition of a forth slot should instead have been done by introducing a new insignia shape leaving the slots at static 3 because this will by design (of course) force the abandonment of all static 3 assets in favor of 4 statics because of the IL increase potential. This is phasing out the old mounts for the min\max folk who will see the writing on the wall, and anyone with a brain really. However the costs of upgrading Mounts and how They made Collars work with an inverse power dynamic to the Mount (the Mount must be stronger than the Collar instead of the Collar being stronger, to "contain\\control\\enchant" the Mount), will be the rub.

CRYPTIC\\ARC: Time to shake the box, I wonder how many will rage quit after this or simply roll with the punches and play along - let's find out! <evil grin/> The sound of something like a Boggle dice cage full of dice begins to clattering as it's furiously shaken.

But I ain't one to gossip... .

@Xelliz - 11.02.2023 03:53

100k for a green insignia though is stupid.

@NaturGewalt94 - 11.02.2023 03:15


@mikelee9173 - 11.02.2023 02:23

Eh think I'm gonna skip this mod and play Hogwarts Legacy instead!

@Stormmover - 11.02.2023 00:57

Great fck, another 10m.

@breteboy1968 - 11.02.2023 00:04

New Insignia bonus's alot of these are great for pvp! But errm pvp is dead lol

@breteboy1968 - 10.02.2023 23:59

Warlords is not a nerf! It never gave 20% more damage in the 1st place lol its probably more of a buff if it actually works lol

@dustind3960 - 10.02.2023 23:21

New gear wpuld be cooler if 1 easier to find i the battle fields exploring and of tue old gear amd old encharments are still usable even with the luanch of the old gear. It cost way too much tp be forced to buy a complete new grear and encharmants even only 1 2 3 or 4 mods apart

@darkmazar - 10.02.2023 23:10

If they were not idiots they wouldn't dump all these changes on the players all at once.

@adg3793 - 10.02.2023 23:03

i think they may make all mythic mounts have 4 slots... i dont see them making everyone's current mounts useless... and furthermore, i dont care for the new bonuses really... probably wont use them

@r8d4tube - 10.02.2023 22:41


@carolynjones2236 - 10.02.2023 22:19

Is this only on pc? I play on Xbox… but this is starting to piss me off… I want to play and have fun but they keep changing everything and making it hard for non lifers to keep up or enjoy game play without spending tons of money

@ImTooPale - 10.02.2023 22:09

question now is; are they going to let us use the new mounts with 4 insignia slots but still have our 3 insignia sets while having the 4 slotted.

@solohanma - 10.02.2023 21:53

new enchantments new insignias they need to allow us to unbind are enchantments an instignias or do it like the bonding runestones and dark enchatments!!!! this isnt fair an people cant afford these changes! for 1 new content your going to want/need max item lvl to do the end game dungeon, plz can we bring this up to see if they can do anything lik let us turn in are stuff or something ^^^^

@mohammadhossain1093 - 10.02.2023 21:34

not enough incentive for dps to switch the 3 we are currently using warlock inspire, assassin coven and gladiator gile/barbarian revelry
the 2500 forte with 50% increased death sickness is usable to replace gladiator gile/barbarian revelry and increase dmg
for tanks the +1500 def stats (except deflect sevr) with -1500 off stats (except acc) may be useable although our ratings are already capped with current gears and enchants on active comp and deflect not giving enough benefit to cap
and 2500 out heal only at full ap? pass

@kill3rstar595 - 10.02.2023 21:31

3400 extra item level on mount and enchants oke...

@yamilrivera3635 - 10.02.2023 21:22

So they nerff warlord ins

@lukaskitza334 - 10.02.2023 21:21

Will u do the AoE comp testing in the next time?

@HardRockL1L - 10.02.2023 21:20

Funny when back in Mod16 they max the whole Reworks saying they wanted to get away from high iL and power creeping, but now they bring back higher and higher iL and more power creeping! So then in future, will they plan to flip us by going back to reset iL to lower and less power creeping and hence, cause players to spend again? 🤔 It is a cycle of money grabber from Cryptic!

@mattpook - 10.02.2023 21:16

2 warlords still seems the sweet spot

@MekanicalMonster77 - 10.02.2023 21:13

i Hope they make changes on Cleric Dps because compare to other Dps it´s not that good

@andreaugusto6387 - 10.02.2023 21:12

Any chances of paladin rework on mod 25?

@MohamedIop - 10.02.2023 20:57

so ? no neverwinter knight ? 😢

@MarcusTullius-rd1to - 10.02.2023 20:51

Insignia prices are mad on console rn lol Mythic dps insignias at 1 mil now, they are usually 2m
