HOW TO WRITE: Interesting Powers (In Anime & Manga)

HOW TO WRITE: Interesting Powers (In Anime & Manga)


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ZenithAniManga - 27.10.2022 23:47

This video was made before G5 was introduced but I don't care because G5 is awesome

Nr.1 Hater
Nr.1 Hater - 13.11.2023 23:39

Hisoka interest

InfiniteComics - 12.11.2023 05:52

This is why anime is better as a lot of action based cartoons are jusy all over the place in power system which makes hard to get into the world fuck power scaling just give a warm welcome to good writing and canon

Sync-Gh0sT357 - 10.11.2023 02:26

Mob and saitama do not care about this scale

Chris D
Chris D - 08.11.2023 08:44

For me one of the absolute best power systems is in FMA the absolute fact of equivalent exchange and the severe consequences behind what you use alchemy for it works perfectly and everything is explained thoroughly throughout the series!

Flaming Survivor
Flaming Survivor - 04.11.2023 22:31

I’m thinking of trying to make my own “style of anime” story and animate it my self and this “how to wright” series has helped me a lot thank you so much ! ! And hope you make more!!

Wonderful Death
Wonderful Death - 31.10.2023 04:42

yea the scale goes past God because even losers gods like yahweh or allah still lose to some of these fictional characters

koboldwizard - 31.10.2023 01:16

how about people who are able to summon weapons that represent their soul, youre only limited to how ever many weapons there are in existance and each have their own effects and abilities depending on the person. Like youd have swords, scythes, flails, whatever, and theyd all do different things based on the soul of the weilder, like for a simple example elemental stuff or time stuff or literal concepts. And these can be powerful and versataile depending how the weapon is used and how the soul acts. It be a bit like jojo but its more weaponry based and other differences. I dont watch anime so this could 100% be an already existing thing that ive just taken and id have no idea.

Santiago Teruel
Santiago Teruel - 15.10.2023 18:45

I think two things to consider too are that if you give a lot of abilities to a character, like in naruto, you will have to keep track of a lot of things and it could potentially become a very hard thing to do, and that the core concept of an ability can be much more broken that it seems, for example, fire manipulation can have a wide variety of options just because fire is heat and heat is mivement in the atoms.

Peak Manga One piece is real!!
Peak Manga One piece is real!! - 08.10.2023 01:13

Okay so I literally just thought of a power system and thought ' might as well share it here. '

So the first part of my power system focuses on the soul itself.

Basically the ' Soul ' is a part of the body that is part of the body but at the same time isn't.

No one whether it be ancient civilization or not knows where this ' Soul ' came from however they do know where the origin came from.

The origin is a primitive neutral energy formed by the supposed ' biological ' energy that is generated by the ' Soul ' which goes through the process of being purified in turns into origin.

Along with that inside of the ' Soul ' there was something known as a concept fragment.

A concept fragment is a fragment of something which fits the natural law whether it be from space to fire or time to darkness.

A concept fragment will always evolve with the user whether it be they don't want to or don't focus on it or maybe they do it just affects the rate of its evolution.

However when a person starts their journey to power they have to face through the many ranks that there are.

Mortal soul - 1★ - 10★
True mortal soul - 1★ - 20★

And there are just so much more like the.

Galaxy conqueror Soul - 1★ - 80★.

To upgrade in ' Soul ' rank a person would have to purify and absorb enough origin along with that they would need to progress with their concept fragment enough to upgrade their rank.

The stars between each rank isn't like some sort of powerful boundary which could completely change your power like the ranks themselves.

If anything they're more like a sort of power scaling system which resets every time you upgrade to a new rank and also sort of changes the cosmology of the system the higher rank you go.

The Civilization itself being affected by this power system created :

Higher technology than Earth although with a sword of cultivation fantasy and technological world vibe.

Plans which can be seen as sects or maybe guilds from a cultivation and fantasy novel although guilds exist as their own thing.

Delvers are basically adventurers from a fantasy world who delve into the mist of an ancient dungeon.


That's my power system so I hope to see that someone reacts and tells me that this is good in some sort of way.

Also I have another power system in mind that's like way bigger but i won't be telling you that .


MZ Killer
MZ Killer - 02.10.2023 14:45

I have actually written an manga and I have gotten an artist working on the manga.
Thanks for the information.

XDMomentum - 01.10.2023 02:34

Repent and believe the gospel! Jesus died for our sins and rose 3 days later so we could be forgiven of our sins and be gifted with everlasting life. Put you faith in him and follow him. Please make the right choice today. God is seeking a relationship with you, please don't let this life go to waste.

SilvaSoul - 28.09.2023 08:06

after some thinking, i think my power system would be called


Kinetics are abilities related to manipulation of anything/everything that stems from the mind. for example, a person would be born with an ability to manipulate fire but they would have to use brain power for it to activate.

The big downside is that it would hurt your mind if you over use it. this is why some people in my world can't overuse it, if they overuse it too much, their head would explode

Fishbee delta
Fishbee delta - 25.09.2023 00:20

I think gear 2 was slightly foreshadowed in water 7 when his skin turns pink while using his gatling move and the armor he’s trying to break only breaks after his skin turns pink

CANNIBAL'S KITCHEN - 20.09.2023 17:10

If you're going to be spoiling what characters powers are, please for the love of god mention it at the beginning.

Marav Reloaded
Marav Reloaded - 18.09.2023 02:02

And of course the most measurable elements are the most basic yet the more esoteric types of elements are considerably superior.

Like from plants to fire or electricity, to "souls", "minds", "war", the most complex and rare types of Chroma are Umbra and Lumina, darkness and light.

Which fits for a "color based system" because you need light and darkness to vary colours.

So with both you make the pure Raw type of Chroma. Which is really unstable and basically chaotic.

Marav Reloaded
Marav Reloaded - 18.09.2023 01:58

In the story I'm making, the power system is called Chroma. From the Greek for color or the concept of color "strength" how bright a color is.
It's an elemental system so you could compare it to the Chakra system from Naruto but actually works way more like the Bending from the Avatar Series. Not everyone can manipulate Chroma and most of the people are limited to just one type of Chroma.
But that's why there are different modalities or styles to balance each element with the others.

movie master
movie master - 17.09.2023 16:33

there too many powers which surpasses omnipotence though.

Ava Tog
Ava Tog - 13.09.2023 01:21

with what you said in this video I think I thought of an ability that could meet the criteria: manipulation of your own blood. blood manipulation can be used for long ranged attack, enhancing your body, healing, etc. but its limited but he fact it's your own blood and can be really dangerous if you use to much of it while also ensuring you don't have an insta-kill move because the key word in this power is YOUR blood.

ProdCAM. - 12.09.2023 02:33

What’s your Email so I can send it through? I just revised and edited the passage.

ProdCAM. - 01.09.2023 22:31

I have no idea how to limit this system, I need tips. This is definitely the largest system I’ve tried to create.

Prana/Atman/Nadi systems/Shindo:
Prana is the most important component for beings in the world of “Pursuit of heaven”. Prana is the energy that allows warriors to preform many techniques that aid in fighting against opponents. Vibrations are the essence of prana and when an individual learns how to manipulate their vibrations they can learn how to use prana in various ways. (Prana is what vibrations are)

Everyone in the world of “pursuit of heaven” has prana it just takes practice/skill to learn how to manipulate.

There are two types of Vibrations that can be potentially used:

Physical/Soto/out: Physical vibrations.
Spiritual/Noto/In: Spiritual vibrations.

The utilization of Physical vibrations/prana allows an individual to strengthen their physical bodies for combat. To actually utilize Physical vibrations a samurai must know how to extract prana from their (atman/soul) by using the Nadi systems which are essentially networks in the atman that carry/hold prana. One must practice “Yama” which is a type of Meditation technique that allows an individual to extract prana from their atmanic pool, with the Nadi systems, and then to the Physical Body. By doing this an individual can boost their physical bodies power and speed drastically, the better an individual is at utilizing/flowing prana into their physical bodies, the stronger they can become physically. (Soto/out). The stronger an individual is physically the more endurance they will have while Using prana/Fighting, this is the primary reason why (Soto/out) is so important, It also dictates how durable/strong an individual is.

(Cool defensive technique that I thought of)
Kyoshin/Heavenly Repulse/Demon wall: In the case of defense If one’s vibrations are powerful/potent enough, they can literally block attacks without doing anything, as the vibrations will keep them safe, and avert any attacks that are directed towards them.

The utilization of Spiritual/atmanic vibrations is much more broad in terms of ability. To utilize Spiritual vibrations an individual just like (Soto/out), must know how to move prana through the Nadi pathways, but they must also know how to vibrate their (Atman/soul). (Noto/in) has two techniques that are essentially the umbrella factor for every power that can be used spiritually:

Source prana/Riyu: Pure unchanged prana/varies from person to person.

Shake prana/Shindo: Prana that has been changed/molded into magic by vibrating.

(Riyu/Source prana)
Riyu/source is essentially pure Prana/vibrations that an individual can materialize out of their atmanic pool with the Nadi systems. There are many techniques an individual can use with this pure prana (Riyu Techniques), this is the energy that allows every other spiritual technique to be used.
(I’m not really done explaining “Riyu” as I hope to make it sort of like nen, In terms of it having many different classifications varying from individual to individual). That being said it’s the primary/base energy in “pursuit of heaven”. Usually warriors that prefer to indulge in Hand to hand combat rather than Fighting from a distance will use “Riyu” (prana/vibrations) in its pure form more often than “shindo”.

“Shake prana/Shindo” is a technique that a warrior can use to turn their Prana into a type of magic for fighting. A multitude of “pranayama” techniques were developed which allow an individual to preform techniques with shindo.

Shindo: when a warrior vibrates their atman and connects to a synonymous realm with their prana, they can shape their prana into magic that the realm holds. Shindo is essentially the process of an individual vibrating their prana/atman and while resonating on the same frequency as an elemental plane, molding said prana into magic/the elemental power that the realm represents/holds.

(So warriors are able to connect to a sub realm synonymous with their atmanic path with their Riyu/pure vibrations, and turn it into magic from the realm that they are resonating with.)

More advanced explanation
Shake prana/Shindo:
Vibrational range/Vibrational magic/Shindo: The vibrational range of an individual is based on their atmanic path (where their atman was when it bloomed/up realm-(pengala) or lowrealm-(ida)) and also what elemental plane their atman is synonymous with. When an individual vibrates, (at the correct frequency as a sub realm their atman is synonymous with), (Noto/in) their atman connects to a realm/subrealm inside of their vibrational range, and allows them to mold their prana into magic that the realm holds, by vibrating their atman and connecting with said realm. This Technique of vibrating and molding prana is called “Shindo” which means “vibrating”.

There are many more techniques that were developed during the “warriors wind/Yorrin period” which was a great era of pranayama technique development. “Shindo/Shake prana” and “Riyu/Source prana” are just the basics of the system.

Blossom Form
This is the ultimate power of pursuit of heaven that’s only achieved when an individuals vibrations are able to connect with their “Soul plant” and extract their atman into the real world by getting it to blossom.

A blossom form in the world of “pursuit of heaven” is the form an individual reaches when they achieve “divine resonance/Kogoshi grade”.
In the world of “pursuit of heaven” atman is created when a “soul plant” from the “Soul wreath” binds to a suitable body inside of a realm. This connection of the Soul plant and a body is what creates/links atman to an individual. To actually achieve a blossom form a warrior must achieve “divine resonance” which is the hardest power to acquire in the series. Having divine resonance is essentially the ability to resonate at the same level as your “soul plant” allowing an individual after many years of practice/vibrational mastery, to extract their soul plant and Blossom their atman into the real world.

Yourfavoritelinaman - 01.09.2023 06:29

Luffy is also very diverse in using other techniques to enhance his devil fruit. Like since he was rubber anyone with semi advanced sword skill could beat him but using armament haki he became almost immune to swords but since it was just his arms he could only block with those then we enter observation haki which just dealt with the whole sword issue entirely

Basic nerd
Basic nerd - 01.09.2023 04:49

I have an idea for a system
Will of creation
Basically people can do anything they want from fingers guns bring real guns to making Items at will from air but to do this someone must work on their will, stronger the will crazier things you can do. Anything tips for me

Klargop - 08.08.2023 09:32

It should be a 2 variable scale up is defined while down is abstact. that way you can break it down better

Peak Manga One piece is real!!
Peak Manga One piece is real!! - 08.08.2023 01:40

I have multiple power systems which I'll lead into one which I will be telling today.

My power system is the fusion of legend something that builds up the soul balance conceptual fragments that create every universe and their power system and finally Nexus something that we forth the dimensional beings generate for fictional characters to pull off any superhuman feeds and to even actually utilize their power system or generate anything like chakra or magic power.

These off views into one thing called Celestia but we'll focus on another thing they're called authors. Authors are made one a keeper which has the rank of a peacekeeper one rank lower than the highest rank then it would generate an author these authors have full control and authority over these universes and multiverses alike and just so you know they are extra powerful because literally practically every being in this verse that is related to keepers knows that they are inside of fiction which in this verse which is practically all of fiction because of the final arc is pretty overpowered.

But anyways there things known as keepers conceptual beings basically keepers are created from two ways One a person would break all the celestial marks items that are inside of your body which can have varying shapes and forms and the amount you will have depends on how strong your verse or power system is.

Through breaking off the celestial marks you would become a conscious that has the ability to collect conceptual fragments do this you would use those conceptual fragments to create a body for yourself and you're very own thing known as a core concept something which all of your abilities as a keeper would be based off of.

The second way is to generate such a large amount of Nexus that it forcefully breaks off your celestial marks although this is the harder way and the amount of Nexus you actually need would completely depend on how many celestial marks you have.

Keepers themselves are pretty simple they keep on gathering conceptual fragments to create a universe use some of them to create a power system than a population after that finally the planets so on so more. However not all keepers are really good instead that's only 30% of them The other 70% want to cross into the fourth dimensional world which could potentially cause a collapse but literally no one knows that except for the main character at the end of the series. But anyways do this stay also plan to break onto the 5th dimensional world and more however they're beings known as keeper slayers.

Keeper slayers are people or at least a beings who instead of breaking all of their celestial marks instead either have a natural ability to see and absorb conceptual fragments to create a universal body for themselves or they get help from a keeper Slayer The other two options would be to learn the truth about your universe which would automatically disperse your celestial marks basically injecting you from that verse do that you would gain all of the abilities of a keeper Slayer the only other possibility is that a keeper specifically a good one or bad one that has varying intentions helps you for example helping you unlocking the truth about that universe or really just straight up telling you about it.

Although keeper slayers themselves are very similar to keepers but they have large differences. Keeper slayers go through the same process of becoming a keeper but instead of using actual concepts themselves as a universe stay instead utilize concepts to build a universe which would then become their host which would also lead them to immortality and give them a shape-shifting ability through this they also use some of the conceptual fragments to create a weapon which can have varying effects but will always have the ability to kill a keeper. After that you would have to create your own core concept and then a population for your universal body because the stronger you get the stronger the verse gets same for the other way around.

The main way keepers and keeper slayers get stronger is by gathering conceptual fragments however keepers are pretty weakened in the state because they can only have one actual concept but can only create branches from there.

Keeper slayers on the other hand don't have to worry about this however a limit that keeper slayers have is that keeper slayers are normally at least above planetary however the bad thing about this is that when they enter a universe is not just about one shoting the keeper. Keepers have a natural defense system which lowers the abilities of conceptual fragments of a universal body therefore they we can keepers buy a lot practically until they obtain that universe is power system they are a few times stronger than the normal human in that universe.

Keeper slayers also have to worry about what conceptual fragments they gather because conceptual fragments can have a negative effect on other concepts for example if you were to let your conceptual fragments of fire and water clash it could sometimes in rare cases lead to a new conceptual fragment like steam or it could destroy those concepts entirely so until you reach the universal Slayer rank of keeper slaying you're going to have to worry about your conceptual fragments if they have a bad effect on each other clash.

Another bad thing about keeper slayers is that they don't naturally have as much strength as keepers since keepers are made from pure concepts instead of turn into universes The only reason keep her slayers don't turn themselves into pure concepts is because it can lead to multiple negative effects with them being able to gather more conceptual fragments to turn into concepts.

So both of the sides have pretty decent downsides but also a lot of upsides so yeah that's the power system but just so you know the thing that powers all of their core concepts and subconcepts which are the concepts that come from a core concept are powered by one thing celestia which literally it's only used as the power up abilities however it is possible to gather it up as a conceptual fragment.

And in simple terms you could just say this guy has conceptual manipulation another guy has conceptual manipulation for multiple things boom that's it.

Mrexposeone - 28.07.2023 20:07

Sound like pat cc

Kaitou1412Fangirl - 25.07.2023 02:43

I feel like my brain expanded with possibilities after this. I have a character who can turn into a big super-strong monster, and that has been his whole schick. Watching this gave me ideas on how he can expand utilizing that ability without changing my power system! Thanks a lot! Very inspiring video!

Red Croissant Games
Red Croissant Games - 07.07.2023 05:31

I haven’t watched this video, so maybe this was already said, but I noticed a trope in anime I call one for all, and it’s basically things like Devil Fruits or Stands, where the author can give characters wacky abilities, and the only explanation for them is just, “Oh, that’s just their Quirk.” Sorry if that was said in this, or if it was too obvious.

KSI Olajiggly Olatitties Diabetes
KSI Olajiggly Olatitties Diabetes - 06.07.2023 22:50

Overrated power systems Magic from A Certain Magical Index blows them away

Leyla Baghirova
Leyla Baghirova - 23.06.2023 09:58

to write intresting powers make them strong complex deep into the story flexible and original

Cleefford Alezis
Cleefford Alezis - 23.06.2023 02:42

I think jojo’s is The goat of interesting power every power are special in their own ways

Azaya Purifoy
Azaya Purifoy - 07.06.2023 07:06

HxH does great with this. Bungee Gum is literally dead center for versatility and actual power.

Monster gaming
Monster gaming - 25.05.2023 05:39

Don’t Mock God
Always Honor God
Don’t Worship Anyone But The Trinity And God
Choose him
In The Name Of The Father The Son The Holy Spirt Amen!
Hallelujah! ❤🕊💕✝️✝️💝❤️🥰

nonsense - 08.05.2023 05:19

Oda is the KING of doing stuff like this. He made frickin PAPER somehow useful in battle

SilverHawkScape - 06.05.2023 17:46

Sounds like Superman when you use Red Sunlight.

Peregrin Fandomizer
Peregrin Fandomizer - 25.04.2023 05:56

After making magic system I'm really happy with, and even making a few powers that fit the rules.
What I'm really struggling with is what power should I give my protagonist.
More like, should it be an ability that can be used strategically, or does the user have to be strategic to use it?
The dynamic I'm hoping to go for is that my mc is proficient in hand-to-hand combat, but is given powers and has to handle being thrown into a superpowered world.
Should the ability help her physically or strategically?

I've got choices that range from teleportation to hightened senses/info gathering, and I'm not really sure what to choose that will fit well
Its been a struggle trying decide 😅

e - 23.04.2023 05:48

Deku from my hero Academia broke this and now we just feels stupid as a character to me it's lame now because instead of him having to think and work around his Quirk being super powerful but having backlash. Now it's just like "Oh enemy that has a power based on looking at me guess what I now have a smokescreen power now" it is quite frankly the stupidest and lamest thing I've ever seen. why can't we just go back to Joseph joestar's where they had weak Powers but were smart when using them.

TLDR: deku's hold power BS stuff is lame and if you want to see cool Powers watch JoJo part 2

X E T O B I - 19.04.2023 08:11

Thanks for the information bro

TINY - 11.04.2023 02:06

ngl im trying to start a shonen right now so thank you!

El Sandwich
El Sandwich - 09.04.2023 06:15

One of my favourite things to do is jump into any anime role player arc server, with a character that has an absurdly long list of op powers and abilities curated over a decade of research, wait for everyone to start complaining while I introduce myself, then immediately and completely kill my character in the first fight they get involved with.

It starts INSANE nonsense with long term RPers because they not only expect a long fight but one they can use carefully prepared counters to that they spend ages putting together, only for my dumbass protagonist to trip on a random rock on the ground, Hell Hand Himself and reduce the arc a whole chapter.

Yes it’s evil, yes it’s pointless. But I hate Mary Sues. And the cope is worth it.

Ragelexx - 07.04.2023 00:11

Why did he say with a capital G, there is only one God

VoidSword - 28.03.2023 03:27

good video.

Houston - 11.03.2023 14:37

JJK manga fans in 2023 when watching an old video about 10 shadows lol

kermitkiller666 - 11.03.2023 13:45

background theme is yoriichi's theme

bread_cat - 08.03.2023 19:23

I’ve been laying out the ideas for my webcomic for around 3 years now and I think I have a pretty solid power system down; essentially a person can gain 2 abilities. The first being based on what they’re most skilled at (this isn’t limited to jobs/hobbies but can extend to ideas and concepts) and the second being based on the person’s personality and who they are as a person. I think this opens up a lot of room for interesting fights and uses for certain abilities, especially if the person’s skill is something as niche as woodcarving or something like that. I’d love to hear some feedback since I’m always trying to improve my skills as a storyteller :)

Omega Minoseer
Omega Minoseer - 27.02.2023 03:03

I've heard this explained as for each level of a power, it needs to be restricted in three ways. Let's use Luffy for example. Luffy can stretch his body an endless amount of times. He uses a Devil Fruit, which means he innately loses to seawater and he doesn't use the strongest power in his verse (HAKI) which trumps him. Luffy doesn't have resistance to slashing weapons as rubber can be cut, not broken. Luffy's body requires a lot of energy to use his moves and has a physical "timeout" (Donflamigo fight) as he uses more intense powers to combat an opponent.
