IT LOOKS GOOD!!! - Digimon Masters: Evolution

IT LOOKS GOOD!!! - Digimon Masters: Evolution


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@nathirabidi - 23.05.2024 16:41

Is this an offline single player game or online ?

@Mobkiller379 - 05.05.2024 11:40

Imma give you my honest opinion on the game:
Back when I first started playing I loved this game the idea of needing to hatch your own digimon and leveling them up to digivolve was one of the coolest things ever as a kid. Unfortunately for most of the stronger digimon you needed special items to unlock the digivolution for example you need a item called Gungnir in order to unlock Gallantmon crimson mode you had to buy the item with real money or hope that someone sells it for a reasonable price nowadays you can get those items for way cheaper. Or back then when omegamon was first added you had to do quests for both agumon and gabumon in order to unlock omegamon if you wanna do this you need to get to digimon maze F3 and kill infermon meaning you need to do a disgusting amount of quests to get there (that is completely impossible nowadays cuz of all the botters sitting there killing everything before the mobs even spawn) but yeah if I knew about the game going only downhills i would have never started playing it. But since I spent too much money on it already I still play it from time to time

@PSNMyfoot - 01.05.2024 09:38

Picking a premade character is hella weird in an mmo….

@AncientSiegGreymon - 26.03.2024 12:16

sadly GDMO was removed and now exclusive to NA :( I used to enjoy gdmo, I'm looking forward for this remaster tho...
I actually found a private server named DMW

@Cyndarion0ne - 17.03.2024 12:21

As a long time player, I love the core structure of this game and it plays akin to Digimon world 2 closest with mid battle mechanics but a "gotta get em all" grinding style which isnt for everyone.
As for the "Evolution" game, we as players expect it will be a more or less 1:1 recreation of the current game system, with rebalances, newer digimon, old events culled, some added events, and a new coat of paint in the same engine, same maps, added postgame, etc but not much else. No expansion content. Gacha systems, etc. The tamers they picked were part of a promotion for the show at the time. They are also using the base game as a starting area/early arc for new players from the previous game and reusing the tutorial and arena systems. Otherwise, same game, just a shiny coat of paint. Basically they're pulling what PSO2 did but less so.

@jesusb2244 - 22.02.2024 21:46

I haven’t played dis game in 5 years 😭😭😭was always a digimon fan loved dis show sucks they stop making more sessions

@Robyn100 - 03.02.2024 20:03

Being really overwhelmed 😂😂😂

@riktorheverez1068 - 01.02.2024 00:37

my only issue with DMO was the issue i have with alot of games these days - they're P2W to the point of being beyond stupid

@gamingpunkxx1532 - 28.01.2024 01:12

Im sorta confused... Why does everything look like DMO ? Like just with upgraded graphics ? What is the difference ? Can someone please explain. All these feature are in DMO it just looks like a graphic overhaul, even the areas shown are the same. Is this just an expansion with upgraded graphics? I need to look into this more

@besgerms304 - 26.01.2024 09:43

Bubu kalang. D mu lg alam kung ganu ka ganda laruin ang digimon master online.

@TheForgotenStef30000 - 23.01.2024 18:53

Its GameKing, I doubt we will see much.

@matheusag9718 - 17.01.2024 03:01

Imagine if Laryan Studios same as Baldurs Gate 3,ran the game ? If it would absolute the BEST thing ever,but thats delusional to expect it would happen.

@matheusag9718 - 16.01.2024 07:59

The biggest problem SO FAR,is that its so GREEDY,that Jeff Bezos himself would call it greedy if he ever played. Spending money on the game HAS to be optional independently of what u wanna achieve

@ZenRai001 - 14.01.2024 05:17

You get a like for the cat boss part lmaooo

@No-U- - 13.01.2024 03:08

They have been teasing thisn since 2020 with pictures and other updates, it didn't pop out of nowhere.
You can already switch to fighting with digimon in dmo. this is nothing new.
You have to level up your digimon to get to the next digievolution with each having their own skills to unlock by being a certain level and having skill points by killing stuff using the skills to level them up make them stronger. this is in dmo and also in the remasterd version nothing new.
You should really do more research on a topic before making a video like this that. You would have proven all your guesses wrong by just playing DMO or reading the wiki.

@mralto7474 - 04.01.2024 14:12

All the things that you said, ALREAD ARE IN GAME! You can Choose other partners, you can get Tai, mimi, Matt and the others characters of digimon adventure 1. The skills change when you digivolve. And you alread can play as the digimon, this just show show you dont ever played the game.

@howdypartner8326 - 04.01.2024 00:56

Hopefully this is global after they banned countless European players from DMO. <.<

@RazarOmni - 01.01.2024 01:56

so, still as shit as dmo?

@ricofresh22 - 01.01.2024 01:14

It’ll be cool it they would give them more than 3 atks

@amusedspitfire - 23.12.2023 08:38

being able to switch between digimon and character is already in the original it was in the options but now it is on the screen to select :D

@TheTas12345 - 19.12.2023 18:49

it`s not a new game it`s a remaster of DMO.

@MrRaphaelLippi - 13.12.2023 06:31

I played hubndreds of hours of the first game, only to get stuck by the huge amount of buffs they started adding after the rings, I couldn't continue the game playing for free, everyone was a botter or a casher. I see this has the same battle system...not worth it. Too much grind, barely any strategy and too much cash.

@two1144 - 06.12.2023 01:37

masters was so much better back when it released

@mgreen7804 - 02.12.2023 04:57

Well that was inaccurate as hell. You really should do at least minimal research before dropping a video on the quality of something.

1. You can switch between tamer and Digimon in DMO
2. Skills work exactly the same in DMO, you have to level to unlock your other skill(s)
3. You could always evolve mid-combat in DMO. Absolutely always.
4. Move also did DMO. It's not like it's some big shift.

Really, comparing DMO to DME without putting literally any attention into DMO is just a little too lazy.

Side note: Digimon Super Rumble is very similar in that it's much like a visually upgraded version of Digimon RPG/Digimon Battle. But fewer people know about Digimon Battle. All have been done by Move though.

@m6mkiller - 01.12.2023 04:52

did he not play the first one? I know he said he did but yeah.

@TheDoctorSlug - 26.11.2023 20:01

Is it going to be available worldwide or region locked to Korea & NA?
I genuinely can't wait for this. The old DMO got so boring so fast...

@syarifairlangga4608 - 23.11.2023 17:22

Its crazy that Japanese games now stucked and blowed by Chineese game

@wysh6107 - 19.11.2023 07:54

nice cat

@poison_junkie - 19.11.2023 02:51

This isn't a new game, all the progress will be carried over is just an engine+visual upgrade

@bloodfae - 16.11.2023 05:24

If we going to use a digimon on end game. I'll pass. What's the point of having variety of digimon when you'll just use omnimon clearing all content. And compare to genshin, it waaaay less grind Compare to dmo. And the script farm is basically stupid way to farm or gaining level.

@prohungary8614 - 14.11.2023 09:58

I don't care how did Digimon Masters online looked like. My potato laptop was able to run it. The new version probably won't run.

@theresemidtster5350 - 13.11.2023 19:18

The game at this curent time is in my opinion in a really good state for how unpolished it is. I am aproximately 3000 hours in DMO and I can say that most things are free to play in the game just that the player base is not aware that most things are actually Free! It is a grindfest but some of us enjoy the grinding because it comes with a huge reward depending what you want to do ingame.
Some things you had discussed in the video are already in the game for years and if you would like to give viewers a more insight perspective about the game what is good and what needs to be subjected to changing I am willing to offer my time for a in dept discussion with you. I am not the white light saviour of dmo, I simply want to debunk the bad theories about it, praise where is good and ofcourse call the negative aspects of the game plus where it could be improved (+quality of life improvements I would wish to see in the game for a better user experience)
If you would need a second opinion from someone who has been in the game since the release (discord: _runeguard_)
and would want to make a video talking about the current state of DMO to inform other players in order for them to see if DME would be their game I am offering my time in exchange for nothing. Trying to inform and help the community as much as I can. There are ways to play the game without needing the most OP things and still enjoy it aka the offmeta playstyle.
Note: The game will just receive a little polish + some quality of life improvements alongside new graphics. It will not change gameplaywise too much.

@Xenoxic - 13.11.2023 05:17

Man it's clear you didn't do much research on this at all, you can already swap camera between digi and tamer on the old one, the tamers have hp/mp because that is the resource used to keep your digimon evolved also there's tamer skills in the game that give small buffs /heals /shields /ect.
There are rumors floating around that it's mostly going to be a graphic related update to the base game so the old shitty systems will most likely return perhaps updated but it's still going to be a cashgrab. Then you talk about the skills used and unlocked by the evolution you can't swap them out nor can u switch between them you just unlock some skills per evolution line and that's that. Lastly the area's shown are the D-Terminal hub, File island maps mostly Village of the Beginning, Silver lake and Silent Forest.
All that said i hope the devs don't fuck it up, make something good this time and that they actually localize this game because there's a huge issue on the origional game with country restrictions, lawsuits, issues with licensing, hackers, scammers and more.

@elitejc3039 - 13.11.2023 02:14

Have you ever played DMO? Just wondering cuz a lot of this new stuff you are saying is already in the game

@Meimoonei - 13.11.2023 00:12

Waiting for the remaster i played it since release was so much fun

@pieboygames - 12.11.2023 20:41

it would be cool if tamers had passives to give reason to use certain ones with different builds

@dr.kineilwicks7002 - 12.11.2023 03:49

They might have taken it down because a lot of people (myself included) correctly identified it as a reskin of DMO and called out the issues with that game. Trailers are supposed to get people excited, and I think the only people who were excited for it were the ones who didn't know that DMO existed.

@raulbalboaoubina3792 - 11.11.2023 22:01

bro, is just a remaster, is the same game just with better graphics, will still be the shit lootbox game, actually here in europe we can play cause of the lootbox laws, the company just take out the servers from here instead of take out the lootboxes for europe, bullshit korean gachapon company, they just take care of making money, and they dont even do it well.

@RenzokuArc - 11.11.2023 04:21

You do say early on that you played DMO for like 5 minutes but almost everything you talk about here is from DMO, you just needed to, well, play the game for longer. To a lot of people who actually played DMO, this just looks like the original with a graphics update and that's probably where some of these dislikes come from. I don't mind people being optimistic but it can be jarring to see what looks like the same thing with a fresh coat of paint be praised and analysed for features that have already been explored.

@MartyrPandaGaming - 09.11.2023 22:15

The problem with the Digimon MMOs (and the Gacha games) has been companies like Game King and, most of all BanCo, use the game as a cash cow.

I remember playing both of the Digimon MMOs when they were S. Korean exclusives and they were grindfests then. After they were released outside of Korean, the Microtransactions went absolutely mental.

@Klone240 - 08.11.2023 01:56

as much as DMO had a special spot in my heart, it started with a HIGH F2P Friendly with items in cash shop optional, but as new digimon came out and more mechanics came out they slowly switch from F2P Farming to P2P or get nothing mentality, almost EVERYTHING now is cash only you want the riding item, Cash, you want the bm but dont have the in game currency to buy it from others pay it with cash, Oh the server got many hacks causing the economy of the game to go out of wack making it impossible for new players, lack of staff involvement in issues ( just plainly ignored), even if some stuff can be farmed now the damage was already done and most players that play now are people who spend around 100-400$ daily with a rare few people who are starting the game but quitting after a week or 2, and its sad cause this is for EVERY digimon MMO so far, DBO, GDRO ( WORST of them all scammers and liars devs = same devs as GDMO) and prob the same will happen with futur digimon mmo where it will be F2P Friendsly and then suddenly change and shift to P2P heavy i hope they can proove us wrong but so far theire all the same

@Ivnard_S - 06.11.2023 04:11

pretty sure the new game its just a remaster for the old dmo, if i had to guess ill be the same but whit new graphics

@a.m.gnovember151 - 05.11.2023 14:45

It's not new. At all. Just graphics update. Yawn.

@shaquillebiruar5589 - 04.11.2023 12:29

I just hope its not pay to play 🥺

@Meee_0107 - 04.11.2023 03:49

You absolutely cannot play this company's game. People management is lacking. GM provides management rights and GM tools for general players. This player becomes the CM and can block ordinary players at will according to personal preferences. Your efforts and money will be wasted. The Digimon Master Online Hong Kong server is a good example.

@bigmathias8069 - 03.11.2023 17:33

Hopefully it's not Heavy Pay to Win, like the original

@sagermeister326 - 02.11.2023 15:26

great more money grabing
