Watch This If You Don’t Know Your Enneagram Number

Watch This If You Don’t Know Your Enneagram Number

Abbey Howe

2 года назад

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@ANME1rocker - 20.08.2023 07:03

Seems like 1, 6, and 9 keep coming up for me

@Nollala - 16.01.2023 21:20

the enneagram institute test told me I am tied between the type 2 and type 9. I didn't think that was a thing?!??

@dawnriddler - 30.11.2022 23:32

Has anyone read the books?

@Lilycat5 - 15.06.2022 00:44

I have tested as a 7, 6, and 4 depending on the test. I have read 2 books. I have an idea of what a 4 or a 7 is like and have traits of both but the 6 is confusing to me. I don't get a clear picture.

@maja8453 - 14.06.2022 16:10

Ooh, Abbey!!! I don't know if you have done a video about this, but how does a person differ if we put enneagram + extroversion/introversion together?? Like, how would a enneagram 7 who also is extroverted differ from same enneagram, but introverted? Very curious!

I have a sister who is a enneagram 2, so you'd think she would be a "family person" - but she's more like a "friend-lover" and alone-time-lover. Maybe because she also is introverted? Other than that she is wholeheartedly a 2...

Thank you for all your amazing videos! <3

@NAVYA11 - 14.06.2022 14:43

My enneagram number is the chapter in the book that I can't read all the way through without hyperventilating

@madittavi2041 - 13.06.2022 13:14

Funny enough I act like a 5 but in a very 7 way, I have a strong 8 part but the fear and desire I relate most to is the 1’s. So yeah, being ENTP :).

@therealSimoneCherie - 13.06.2022 12:41

2 rules:

1. Core fears & motivations > habits & traits
(Stop getting hung up on personality, it’s about the “why”)

2. Life examples > your own opinion
(Look at how you’ve felt and behaved throughout your life - how you responded to humiliation, to loss, to stress, to accomplishment - use those examples in your answers to make sure you’re not just selecting something that seems nice)

@gilnahnu - 13.06.2022 11:43

ppl know enneagram based off fear and desires but enneagram is so much more than that ! you have to take in enneagrams fixations, traps, virtues, defense mechanisms and triads such as compliant triad ( 1, 2 6 ) or reactive triad ( 4, 6 , 8 ) and especially iv.
and dont always rely on tests , guys

@gilnahnu - 13.06.2022 11:32

subtypes r so important! i used to think i was a 6 but in reality i was a self preservation one! sp 1s tend to mistype as 6s due to our anxiousness

@marishaten7399 - 12.06.2022 23:28

I am confused between 1, 5 and 9. I score high on 7 but I'm an introvert...sometimes I wonder if I am a 2...I am so lost 😪

@ashleyching7894 - 12.06.2022 23:15

$12 Enneagram Institute test 🤯

@StrongestLibrafluidAlive - 12.06.2022 17:22

going by centers of intelligence helped me a lot! I'm almost equal parts 4 and 9 but I'm definitely in the heart triad.

@Aham20044 - 12.06.2022 15:40

All I do everyday is intuition and intuition.. I think even if I wud do a crime, the answer wud b my intuition!!

@Aham20044 - 12.06.2022 15:40

Enneagram 1 a gut type a!ways a gut!!

@NyersKrem - 12.06.2022 14:34

I feel too anxious and pessimistic to be a 9 and too lazy and asocial to be a 6. I thought about being a 5 but I'm not detached from my emotions at all. But at least I narrowed it down to 3 😄

@clearskies2434 - 12.06.2022 11:58

guys, learn about childhood wounds. it will make your enneagram journey much easier. my suggestion is read naranjo

@joshrishel1969 - 12.06.2022 09:55

I took 2 tests both were highest in 5 then a couple points less 3 then a couple points less was 8.... what does this mean?

@mackallsmakai4078 - 12.06.2022 04:38

Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes just came up with a new test and they have a free mini test, too.

@Cloyaa - 12.06.2022 04:01

No matter how much I research about it I find I'm a type 8, but what I'm even more sure about is that I'm an ENTJ. The problem is a lot of people say that the combination is incompatible so I'm really lost 🙃

@jn10i10 - 11.06.2022 20:50

Holy “self awareness” 😆

@kenzielove99 - 11.06.2022 19:37


@kathleendiedericks1400 - 11.06.2022 15:09

thanks Abbey! Any tips for finding out coworkers' and friends' enneagram types?

@kobrien7945 - 11.06.2022 05:17

My online test gave me an insight as to which I appeared high in saying I was a 1w9, high in 7 and also strong in 8&5. I initially thought the 1w9 was right but couldn’t fully relate to their high standards. It wasn’t until I read “Road back to You” that I could say I am a 7 ( also a daughter and granddaughter of 7’s) and that I have been trying really hard not to repeat their mistakes and my own. I therefore leant into and used 7’s natural link with 1, to try not give into 7’s FOMO.
The other book I found really helpful was “the enneagram a journey of self discovery”, out of print but illuminated things in a different way.

@Wonderish - 11.06.2022 04:04

Can enneagram types change over time? I have had a monumental shift in my worldview/mindset in my late 40’s and feel very differently about most things since then. I struggle to answer test questions because I automatically go to answer how I always have and then realize that those are no longer valid for me. I feel like I was definitely an 8, but don’t connect with those descriptions now.

@maiselmadness8904 - 11.06.2022 01:01

Holy self awareness 😂

@yinyangrl - 10.06.2022 23:04

So Sad, Truity gave me one type and Enneagram Institute gave me a different type (Different Triads). But when I look at myself, I think I am more motivated by Fear than Rage. When I approach the unknown, I try to learn as much as I can about the situation. (sigh) I will continue the Journey. My top 3 from Truity had percentages of 98%, 94%, 93%. 😅

@omneyaahmed9383 - 10.06.2022 22:07

may you talk about the tritype abbey?

@rhondabryanthistlethwaite5351 - 10.06.2022 21:09

I am so an 8 it’s hard to think I have a wing! LOL! I do try to lean into my 9 wing. Don’t see a lot of 7. Definitely go to 5 under stress!! Just leave me ALONE!! I need silence! Naturally friendly and helpful so yeah two in health. Love your channel!

@brocklytodd5317 - 10.06.2022 21:00


@carissahill3414 - 10.06.2022 20:44

For me, It took the subtypes to have that "Truth Bomb" explode my brick house and drop on me like the Wicked Witch of the East whose only left with her black and white stockings and ruby red slippers for the munchins to stare at and burst into song while I burst into tears. 9w8 sx/so with sp blindspot. Me to a T... but all the tests were all over the place and even I was in denial about being a 9. It wasn't until someone said... look into those subtypes of the 9 for me to even realize I was a nine.

@sayo_uwu637 - 10.06.2022 20:40

Definitely gonna check some of these books out :)
Does anyone have a good advice/concrete steps to take to become sure of your triad?😅

I really struggle with figuring out whether I belong to the head or the gut triad? (I’m not a very emotional person so I don’t really think that I might belong to the Heart triad)

@jessicamarshall1975 - 10.06.2022 18:41

Centres of intelligence really helped me. I was struggling because I really related to bits from almost two thirds of the types after reading about them (all bar except 3, 4 and 7). Given I related somewhat to all the gut triad enneagram, I focused in on them.

Then it was easy. I didn’t relate enough to 9 to consider it being my enneagram (it is my wing though) and I related more to 8 then 1. And I’m almost 100% an unhealthy type 5 when I’m stressed and I relate to 2 when I feel like I’m doing my best.

@CreativeOrange - 10.06.2022 18:02

I also recommend
Narrative Enneagram

I love 9 types of leadership. It's really fascinating.

@CreativeOrange - 10.06.2022 18:00

I already know mine but this was interesting

@laynagilbert4450 - 10.06.2022 17:48

Abbey, I'm stuck between type 4, 6 and 9. What to do here as its the three different centres of intelligence?

Also is there such a thing as a decent type 6 description?

@pointerdogmarketing2197 - 10.06.2022 17:26

I'm more 9ish when I'm at peace but more 6ish in times of stress. I can also relate to 5 quite a bit since I need a lot of time alone to recharge my batteries and need to plan everything out before acting, sometimes at the cost of it being too late to act at all by the time I've made my plan, so its time for a new plan at that point. I've heard that called "laziness" but I'm always working, its just mental work--trying to predict everything that could be wrong and be well-prepared before I jump into something. I would probably stay home and away from all the commotion of life if I didn't need to work for money and if I didn't have strong political convictions that I have to go out and fight for. That said, I do like my long hot baths and laying in bed for long periods of time, and enjoying good foods and good drinks in a chill, comfortable, slow-paced atmosphere, so I return to that when I'm able.

@DariusLong - 10.06.2022 02:01

I really love that you talk about the Journey and realizing that we're on the right track.
That's been true for me since I thought I was a 5w4 for 2 years, before releasing that I'm a 9w1.
