(animated) 5E D&D a great utility spell!

(animated) 5E D&D a great utility spell!

Zee Bashew

6 лет назад

2,136,135 Просмотров



Sneaky Snooper by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
"Play Song" by John Deley and the 41 Players

Duggers tome:
(homebrew magic item)
A Duggers tome is a large leather bound book. Each Duggers tome can only be used once.
If a Duggers Tome is set on any book, it will transform into an exact copy of that book. From that point on, any adjustments made to either book will be reflected in the other.

It's primary use is for keeping track of an enemy's records.

To help youtube find this:
Feather fall feather fall featherfall.


#D&D #5e #animated_spellbook_E_8 #animated_spellbook_Episode_8 #Animated_spellbook_season_2 #S2_E1 #E8 #Animated_spellbook #zee #bashew #feather_fall #animated_spellbook_featherfall #featherfall #featherfall_animated_spellbook #featherfall_spell_animated
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Vundoqweep - 21.04.2018 04:05

I really do enjoy playing the "utility" spellcaster more than a nuker. Keep one damage cantrip, then fill the rest of my slots with nonlethal goodies.

animegx45 - 25.09.2023 03:23

I love how much trust they had in the sorcerer.

ProffessorYellow - 06.09.2023 03:48

was that sorcerer a githzerai by any chance?

Tadoria Selan
Tadoria Selan - 03.09.2023 11:00

I always take feather fall because I've had a few DMs that were always keen to remember that giant/flying creatures can grapple you and throw you a distance.

Federico Palacios
Federico Palacios - 27.07.2023 15:54

The only bad thing about Feather Fall is that it is basically mandatory, someone in the party absolutely always needs to either have it prepared or learnt. You may never use it, but you never know when you'll need it. My wizard saved the party from dying twice so far with it

Kramooo - 17.07.2023 02:03

did he ever do prestidigitation?

UnimportantHero - 11.07.2023 09:59

Fun fact: the speed at which a person falls when using Feather Fall is JUUUST under 7 miles per hour.

imaloony8 - 11.04.2023 09:45

Here's a really great use for Feather Fall I found by accident. Let me set the scene.

Our group had been sent by the Emperor of the land to investigate a mysterious beam of light that had been piercing the sky for days. Our group traveled through the mountains before coming across the source of the light: a crashed Spelljammer. Once onboard, we began investigating, which was difficult as the crashed ship was nearly vertical, requiring us to climb parts of the way up. Partway through our search, we accidentally triggered the internal defenses and found ourselves fighting several mechanical drones that were clinging to the wall. Finding ourselves unable to fight effectively while clinging to whatever anchored cabinets and railings we could find, we opted to make our way down to the lowest point in this section of the ship and fire upwards at our foes. Bad decision. This bottom point was incredibly small, less than ten feet across, giving us little room to avoid what was coming next. These heavy droids, one-by-one, began releasing their grip from the wall and plummeting down at us, dealing significant damage. After two of the drones impacted, my Kobold Sorcerer, Gnash Grayscale, found himself at single digit hit points. As the DM announced that the third droid began plummeting towards us, I scanned my spell list for a potential spell to help. Shield caught my attention at first, but then, another idea struck me, which sent me to the PHB to check my hypothesis.

Welcome to this episode of the Extended Spellbook, brought to you by desperation caused by a lack of hit points.

Feather Fall: "Choose up to five falling creatures within range. A falling creature’s rate of descent slows to 60 feet per round until the spell ends. If the creature lands before the spell ends, it takes no falling damage and can land on its feet, and the spell ends for that creature."

Upon reading this description, I blurted out to my DM that I cast Feather Fall. He looked bewildered for a moment, then smiled, putting together what I just had. I quickly explained to the other party members that nothing in the spell description says that the target of Feather Fall has to be friendly or willing. I also pointed out that there is no saving throw to avoid being affected by the spell. The DM then described the deadly bowling ball's decent as it slowed to a safe landing, allowing us to easily avoid it, and then shit-stomp the trash can into a pile of scrap.

So the next time your DM sets up a room full of Piercers to cause you trouble, you've got a first level spell in your back pocket to easily counter them.

Stephen Ball
Stephen Ball - 09.04.2023 09:21

It's extremely useful. I (18 wizard) used it to save a rogue in our party when he triggered a pit trap with spikes while exploring the Tomb of Horrors.

Ry7hym - 13.12.2022 18:09

thats a perfect use for this spell

Josephkerr101 - 30.11.2022 00:12

I need a mold earth vid where players use it to make a fortified location of sand filled sack bastions. Falling pit traps. Shallow graves of undead legions to come up thriller style. Total cover surrounded by a field of spiked growth. Etc.

John Turner
John Turner - 01.11.2022 18:58

Now that Xanathar's guide is no longer an optional book, this spell is exactly useless for falls less than 500'.
The verbal component of feather fall can't start until a targeted creature has started to fall, but verbal components take more time than exactly zero seconds.
Xanathar's guide says that all falling is instantaneous, which means that the target has hit the ground and taken fall damage by the time you've finished casting the spell. . . unless they stop 500' down and you cast the spell on them while you are both falling at a point 500' below where you started the fall. . .

Nick Sutter
Nick Sutter - 28.10.2022 06:33

Is this the right channel? These aren't labeled animated spell book

overlord6644 - 26.08.2022 21:29

I much prefer my method of casting deathward while in free fall

Shannon Stokely
Shannon Stokely - 29.07.2022 10:05

Have I ever told you the tale of Hans, the faithful unseen servant to William; the 3rd son of a viscount, who became a real person?

Bard of Void
Bard of Void - 23.06.2022 11:18

I sneezed right at the end right as his face changed, and it looked like I just offended and dissapointed him by sneezing at that exact moment

Lorn Baker
Lorn Baker - 23.06.2022 05:56

Combine this with a druid shape-change to make the Dumbo Drop. jumps transforms into an elephant cast feather fall. Sit back and observe the hilarity

Nova Drake
Nova Drake - 14.05.2022 10:33

The ebboron homebrew champain (not AL but using actual champaine world ) we did a heist and it was like tbe movie with huge towers (i forget the name) and we evauated every one the guards were none the siser pluss my gnome had ben artificer and disabled the security system for the entrance to the vault but had reforming golems shaped like bulls lets just say it was fun

Grabnok - 13.05.2022 14:34

Wasn't there a video talking specifically about Prestidigitation? Was that privated, too?

Manored - 03.05.2022 03:29

This spell cures Dark Souls Syndrome.

Manored - 03.05.2022 03:23

I mean, a successful heist requires different specialties, you can't all be the murderhobo.

SarcasmoRex - 28.04.2022 17:10

That Duggers Tome sounds awesome. I'd love to see/learn more about this homebrew item.

Jonas Boel
Jonas Boel - 24.04.2022 15:57

Personally I always take feather fall. It's rare that it's used, but when you need it, you really need it

Hatte! - 15.04.2022 09:48

It seems wierd that the spell is worded as specifically setting a safe fall speed instead of just, like, reducing the creatures' relative gravity.

Fungus Mungus
Fungus Mungus - 20.01.2022 02:04

If featherfall slows your fall and the Satyr race gives you a D8 jump bonus, then thats could make a good combo in some situations?

Ozpin - 08.01.2022 10:54

. We were at the Old Bonegrinder. The windmill caught fire during the fight with the hags, and just as we're about to get out we hear screaming and crying from up the stairs. The paladin and my artificer immediate rush up to find two children locked in cages, but by the time we get them open the entire bottom of the structure and staircase is on fire. My artificer took her gun and shot out one of the windows while the paladin grabbed the kids. We all jumped through the window and I was able to cast Feather Fall before we hit the ground, making it to safety right as the windmill collapsed under its own weight.

That was the most intense moment we had in the campaign to that point.

Fibonochos - 04.01.2022 04:09

My favorite use was against bolder monster that was going to drop onto a party member with enough force to probably insta-kill them, but because they were a creature I feather falled them an they slow floated back to the earth with much laughter from my party

Kai - 01.01.2022 19:41

Im excited for my new character the sexcramancer

pafnutiytheartist - 31.12.2021 21:20

What's funny is 5d6 damage (about 17 damage on average) is completely survivable for most characters of lvl3 or higher.

DeeSkakuna - 05.12.2021 16:58

Guess what was the one spell I decided not to have and that ended up in our ranger dying after I threw him out of a window unconscious in attempt to save him from hags.

EdBoy - 01.11.2021 01:15

You ever just jump of the top of Castle Ravenloft?

The Mad Doctor
The Mad Doctor - 28.10.2021 05:19

I have a player who uses the spell in order to pull off superhero landings. Although he has saved the party with it a few times. I always forget he has it.

Henry Fleischer
Henry Fleischer - 22.10.2021 09:33

I ended up learning levitation instead. I mostly use it for stairs, because my character has a low strength stat and is lazy.

TonkarzOfSolSystem - 16.10.2021 11:13

What kind of potionary has a shindig on the second floor in the middle of the night?

Why, the best dang potionary in town!

jamcdonald120 - 25.09.2021 15:57

I used featherfall to airdrop from an airship. It was passing over a Point of Interest, but not stopping there. So we payed for full passage and just jumped off over our destination. Turns our 60ft per turn for 1 minute is 600ft of falling, which is about what you go in 1 round falling normaly. This gives you plenty of time to get of this reaction spell regardless of initial drop height. At worst you can use multiple spell slots, but its a first level spell so its not to hard.

Andrew Hershberger
Andrew Hershberger - 17.09.2021 19:08

My favorite is when the players dont know the distance of the drop and cast featherfall too early....and resume plummeting to their deaths.

Brendan - KFP Chicken Hat Guy
Brendan - KFP Chicken Hat Guy - 15.09.2021 21:31

You can also use it to assist in murder. Either convince somebody you are going to cast a powerful, long lasting buff on them (or Charm Person) then when they are willing Dimension Door straight up the maximum height. They shouldn't be able to grab you with just a reaction, then you Feather Fall while they gain terminal velocity.

Chaos Knight
Chaos Knight - 10.09.2021 11:54

Feather fall and fog cloud, the perfect "bail out" combo

InfiniteMind - 06.09.2021 08:38

One thing that I’ve noticed with every dnd group that I’ve watched and I end up asking the question why? I also want to explain that this is not out of anger or judgment. This is just a legit question and subject that I put a lot of thought into.

Why do the players never disguise themselves or do anything to make it so no one can recognize them when they commit a crime or something of the like. No masks, bandanna mask, no cloaks, don’t change their armor/cloths, and maybe a disguise self but that’s rarely used and only one person does it just so they can bugs bunny the guards or something. They do none of these things. So what this results in is them slaughtering everyone that sees their face (the worst thing for both the players and DM because it creates a lot of chaos and a lot of problems later on especially when it is done in major/big cities), they end up leaving the entire area immediately which results in creating problems primarily for the Dm such as they haven’t fleshed out the area the players are now just beelining it towards and they miss out on a bunch of lore, quests, and etc that the DM spent forever putting together(especially if they weren’t prepared for such worst case scenarios), or they end up walking down the street the next day like nothing happened which in either them being arrested/killed or worse. I just never understood why players never do that? You can buy a mask or have one carved relatively cheaply. You can even make so your group have special/unique masks if you want branding in the underworld. Just make sure have them well hidden if you go unique. Like in a lock box with anything else incriminating. If your really cheap on the facial obscurity then use dark paints or cloths. As for clothes. Remove anything that would be immediately recognizable such as jewelry or such. Change cloths before the job and change back after said job. You can wear the other after the heats died down or you enter a new area unless your clothes are just plain and not original. Nothing says holy symbols can’t be held in a leather pouch when casting, wizard focui are a dime a dozen, musical instruments for bards are difficult to change unless your proficiency in multiple instruments.

This is also an important tip for when committing crime in general (especially in notable places like major cities). Don’t kill every guard/person you come across. Unless you plan on killing everyone or you have no choice. It’s best not leave stacks of bodies in your wake just so you can get at one person or some object, especially when in cities (unless it’s a king or legendary artifact, then by all means stack away) The reason being that the more dead bodies there are, the more people will take notice/seriously of the event, more people will want justice for the deaths of those people such as family(who may also rich/powerful), and in which results in either a huge investigation of the event. To point where people will use magic to find the perpetrators. And if they do find out that players were behind the crime. It will lead in a either a massive hunt for the party, big bounty on their heads, or both. Both the party and DM since it kinda throws everything off the rails. So either find a different set of rules for knocking a person out or find some way to make the bodies and blood disappear. My recommendation is prestidigitation and a bag of holding/devouring.

I'm Hungry! Let's Eat!
I'm Hungry! Let's Eat! - 07.08.2021 05:33

First vid I saw of yours. The sheer STYLE is bowling me over! The artstyle! The movement! The jazz! And the spell highlight!

Athkore - 23.07.2021 19:24

Holy shit, those two NPCs were going at it for 100 rounds...
Fight of the century.

Mononc Pator
Mononc Pator - 20.07.2021 19:30

my bard used Featherfall to save himself from the vengeful Strahd, who tried to drop him off the highest tower of the cathedral. this surprised both my DM and him, since he didn't know/remember I had that spell in my book. That was my 5 minutes of glory, as I mockingly shrugged at him while gliding away to my teammates over there.

Duncan Reeves
Duncan Reeves - 20.07.2021 01:28

What's the first season of the animated spellbook? It's showing that this as one of the earliest videos you've posted

Lara S
Lara S - 01.07.2021 09:23

If this is the first episode of the second season, and the video just before it is the lats episode of the first season, why is this only the 3rd video, chronologically, on the channel? Was there another channel? Did they get deleted?

My brain won't let it go! Where are they??

Dragon Drunkard
Dragon Drunkard - 26.06.2021 10:36

commenting for reasons.

mack smith
mack smith - 23.06.2021 05:10

Does anyone know if there is a quest like this online, I'm running waterdeep dragon heist at the moment and would like to put something like this in.

Limrasson - 22.06.2021 00:33

Meanwhile monks:
"I'll just walk off the cliff, thank you."

Not Satan
Not Satan - 15.06.2021 23:19

I had a wizard in the party who once grabbed a boss, and dimension doored straight up and then used feather fall to not kill himself

Agent Seb
Agent Seb - 10.06.2021 11:16

With feather falling and mending I'm wondering how many minecraft enchants were based off spells

Limon Tree
Limon Tree - 09.06.2021 08:28

I pulled off a moment similar to this in my evil pathfinder game. Two of our party members had botched a stealth mission and got captured, set to be executed in the morning. We knew they were taken to the local fort which would be tricky to get in, let alone out of. Our witch had a climb speed so we studied the guard's routes for a bit before scaling the wall in a blind spot and had her lower down some rope for the rest to climb up. With some luck we found the holding cells which we managed to get in thanks to some use of alter self to look like the next shift. The guards were suspicious and went to go ask the guard captain just down the hall, which made us have to jump the guards to grab their keys and try to book it before the rest of them closed in. After getting them out of the cell and a few close calls (one of them too close, a crit killed one of the people we were saving at the last second) we ran back to the wall and the witch instructed everyone to jump at once. Managed to feather fall the entire group in a single cast and we glided to the ground as the local mage blindly hurled spells at us in vain. From that point on I always prepare 1 slot of feather fall
