Why I'm moving my side project from Vercel to AWS

Why I'm moving my side project from Vercel to AWS

Web Dev Cody

1 год назад

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Mango - 28.09.2023 20:51

Not everyone wants to be a cloud or DevOps engineer. They just want to code, so I get the attraction that Vercel gives. I however, want to learn DevOps and serverless stuff so learning all these steps (no matter how complicated) doesn’t really faze me.

gamalf123 - 26.09.2023 04:27

anyone have good textbooks/channels/resources to walk though all the nitty-gritty of AWS talked about here?

al3030 - 18.09.2023 20:59

Lol 1tb bandwidth…dude you’re never gonna go over unless you’re building a Netflix clone

random - 25.07.2023 21:26

Why vercel is a server less hosting platform just because we don't have to worry about the hehind the screen what going on server ,,,,is that the reason please reply 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Javier Santos
Javier Santos - 19.07.2023 06:59

Dude, ill pay for a course on that, fr

David B.
David B. - 08.07.2023 19:02

Plot Twist, Vercel is hosted on AWS

Michael Prince
Michael Prince - 25.06.2023 10:14

My TLDR; Time is FAR more valuable than money.

The TLDR in your description is pretty accurate for this video :D. If you value $20 more than days of work and configuration, then this approach will definitely suit you, and the maintenance of it amounting to many man hours + an extra few people to hire (DevOps) costing magnitudes more than $20 lol.

Vercel's "per user" billing is related to users who can access your Vercel dashboard, and not developers actively coding on the nextjs app. It is per user because Vercel gives you analytics and metrics out the box, these things aren't free to serve a whole team of people, especially querying that data manually, which they allow. $20 is literally nothing to anyone in our profession. $20 for a nice, fast and responsive observability dashboard for all my apps? No problem from me.

The actual problem is the bandwidth pricing, it's pretty high compared to AWS but lets be real, the magnitudes of convenience and time saved (i.e man hours) managing your infra, I think the cost is more than reasonable.

If you did all this yourself on AWS, you will be paying more to hire people to maintain it all if you factor in everything detail of time / money with hiring etc. If you don't hire people to save money, you'll never get to market in time. Its all a balancing act.

basarat - 20.06.2023 11:46

Worth noting : Lots of companies (including some of my employers) use serverless. It might not be perfect. But its hella better than "without" 🌹

Djosef Andersson
Djosef Andersson - 17.06.2023 22:45

Thanks! Am I alone who using simple VDS + Nginx for this simple homepages.?
- No worries about huge cost
- Host multiple website to share the fix cost
- No booting time for lambda function
For sure, all this is not intended to be scaled, like simple homepages :-)

Mishk - 02.06.2023 20:45

The cost savings are totally negated by the maintenance and build costs. Just my opinion.

Mohammed Hammed
Mohammed Hammed - 29.05.2023 22:53

Can you be my mentor please

Richard Torcato
Richard Torcato - 23.05.2023 00:29

Digital ocean app platform is super easy.

Alii - 10.05.2023 20:41

What about clouldfare

greendesertsnow - 24.04.2023 13:23

How about DDOS attacks? Will AWS protect you like Vercel does?

M - 18.04.2023 22:45

is your shoulder just not straight or is it the way it is it?

André Ferreira
André Ferreira - 14.04.2023 14:54

"Talk about the pros and the benefits"

Davi DeBarros
Davi DeBarros - 06.04.2023 22:26

have you given the DigitalOcean App Platform a try?

Vinny Crypto
Vinny Crypto - 27.03.2023 17:09

Well... I guess you convinced me to use Vercel instead of AWS. If larger corporations need a dedicated person(s) to manage AWS, that's like a 100k+/year per hire. Why not avoid the hire and redirect the expense to Vercel and keep the dev teams moving quicker? It seems like your video builds the case to go with Vercel and not AWS.

allisfehr - 27.02.2023 03:29

Make a tutorial for setting up T3 on AWS with setting up Lamda & Serverless Aurora 🤞🏻

Ali SOYLU - 26.02.2023 06:29

Please stop using AWS until they create a better security terms and conditions. I have just opened an AWS account to learn something. I don't know but in any way my account has hacked an my email has changed. I urgently contacted to the AWS and they opened my account again but even though I said to customer agent that "I did not open any service, please close all charging services", they still did nothing even directed me wrong at the beginning and it continues to charge. Finally we closed the services but the bill comes from 350 USD to 1218 USD in one day. Than after some struggles and wait they said that "Only for one time exception we will hold your charges". "Only for one time exception!!!" WTF??? What if my account hacked in anyway again or how can I be sure that AWS doesn't control my account? Than I directly closed my account... Don't use such dangerous service....

MAROUANE TOUZANI - 26.02.2023 03:10

Did you think of using cloudflare pages / workers ?

Louis-Philippe Turmel
Louis-Philippe Turmel - 24.02.2023 17:29

The AWS CDK is so much better for AWS IaC

Sarwaan Ansari
Sarwaan Ansari - 24.02.2023 13:22

AWS CDK >>>>>

Marco Io
Marco Io - 24.02.2023 00:27

Quick question: why not using Railway? I have seen you using it a couple of times. They charge per usage, they are not serverless nor edge but I mean you can always setup a CDN for that

cas818028 - 23.02.2023 05:32

Amplify also has first class support for Next and Next 13. You can go pretty far with just the amplify CLI. They also have a amplify studio which is a web GUI to manage all that for you. Looks similar to fire base

cas818028 - 23.02.2023 05:27

We wanted to use Vercel at my previous company till they told us we are looking at 33k a year. We brought it in house into Azure. Saved a ton and now I also use aws for everything

DontDoIt - 21.02.2023 19:39

Vercel is built on top of AWS, so there is that. They’re a middleman that doesn’t arguably lessen complexity.

Iuliu Visovan
Iuliu Visovan - 21.02.2023 10:55

I have done exactly the same thing last month trying to migrate away from Heroku. After about 2-3 days of nonstop configuration and trial and error and googling errors I just gave up on AWS. I thought I'd be cool and pay less and have more control over my app and stuff like that but no, it's just a big time waster for small projects. From the setup, to the maintenance to the deploys, it's all extremely complicated. Heroku and Vercel and other similar services do know their worth when asking the money they ask.

Coop - 21.02.2023 09:53

Hey man. Nice video! Here is my two cents: I'd rather spend time working on frontend and backend than hosting. As someone with little time, not needing to worry about CI or Docker or SSL is worth the code quality or performance you give up by using a metaframework like sveltekit and a hosting site like railway. As long as you aren't facebook, most problems like realtime or database can be fixed by using a low-cost tier api or resource from an external company. AWS may be the gold standard for large scale companies but my side project doesn't need to worry about kubernetes. Additionally, having access to less resources forces you to write more efficient code. For the time being, I'm fine without AWS

Lincoln Wachira
Lincoln Wachira - 20.02.2023 18:37

I know it wasn't the focus of the video but the first few mins you spent breaking down the pricing for vercel was so good. I really enjoyed that and learnt something for my own stuff as well.

Abraham Laria
Abraham Laria - 20.02.2023 02:56

What about putting your app on a docker container and deploy it to Fargate?

Lordie - 19.02.2023 16:01

You didn't had to set all of this up, for simple projects, just creating a vps (ec2) adding a reverse proxy (like caddy) and a simple github action for auto deploy, should be enough. If you want to use lambdas, that's an extra thing to configure, but there's no real reason to use lambdas in your case

Raekon - 19.02.2023 11:13

You really need to try pulumi, it will make this significantly easier

SG707 Tech
SG707 Tech - 19.02.2023 02:45

Yeah, charging per user is a bit of stretch. At the end, they should only charge on what’s being used. Perhaps Vercel needs a bit more competition

None The Less
None The Less - 19.02.2023 01:34

The whole charging for user from a hosting company simply doesn’t make any sense, and it encourages teams to have a single account.

Yonden Sawyers
Yonden Sawyers - 18.02.2023 23:33

I don't know a ton about AWS since I haven't dealt with hosting that much but why wouldn't something like EC2, S3, DynamoDB work with this web app? Is it not a good approach or something?

TheTallHobbit - 18.02.2023 20:49

With AWS SAM this would have been waaay easier

zizifn - 18.02.2023 18:19

cloudfalre worker or pages?

stxn - 17.02.2023 21:21

i'd do it and i'll get to put AWS experience on my portfolio too. win-win

Rachid Boudjelida
Rachid Boudjelida - 17.02.2023 13:05

If you are just starting up , just use DO droplets 7bucks/month, you can deploy all your stuff in one place, you need some knowledge on how to run your apps as services and how to setup nginx but there are great step by step provided on DO blog.

Focus Otter
Focus Otter - 17.02.2023 08:37

Hey! Focus Otter here from the AWS AppSync team, formerly Amplify team 👋 Would love to hop on stream or just a general chat to show how Amplify can streamline this process. While it's possible to do it the way you showed in the video, it's not the recommended way and can be streamlined in a comparable way to Vercel (without the $20/month charge, and without Serverless framework).

Broken Mold Labs
Broken Mold Labs - 17.02.2023 02:19

That is “suggested” usage, also look at the deeper price breakdown page for incremental usage… Enterprise is just that, Enterprise.

Sidenote: Vercel is a really nice UI running ontop of AWS Lambda (set to edge). The only lock-in is learning to work with AWS in the first place. Also AWS adds up fast than you would think by looking at the pricesheet(s).

Abdo Alsayed
Abdo Alsayed - 17.02.2023 01:00

I think Vercel hosting is AWS

Damir Secki
Damir Secki - 16.02.2023 15:18

done this couple of times over the year and lost my mind how mind bogglingly complicated AWS deployment is... and then connect the emails, DKIMs, etc... oh my dear.... when I learned about vercel and tried it out.... I prefer paying $100 pm (even though I pay only $20 - for many project within the same user)... since my hour of time is worth much more... and my piece of mind... VERCEL ftw! So glad it exists and is soooooo easy to do anything... just works!

Dev Agrawal
Dev Agrawal - 16.02.2023 04:14

"Why I'm moving my side project from Vercel to AWS, and why you shouldn't do it"

Roberto Ortis
Roberto Ortis - 15.02.2023 21:46

Excellent! thanks.

Mike Herrera
Mike Herrera - 15.02.2023 16:40

A level explanation of how much $20/mo can save a solo dev. That said, I also prefer being close to the infra. My current go-to IaC framework is Pulumi. I can define all these little finishing details in JS and keep them in git along with the app code. It works for me.
