Can Decentralization Save Humanity? - Why Smaller is Better in Politics

Can Decentralization Save Humanity? - Why Smaller is Better in Politics

Academy of Ideas

1 год назад

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@explore4403 - 27.01.2024 02:05

This video only points out the flaws of a big state, and says only good things about small states. So it means there is no good in having a big country?
Shared resources, easy movement of people, better control and coordination between conflicting ideas, are these not the benefits of a big state? Big corporates controling the country is a matter of corruption. Greed and disappearing moral values is the reason for that, not the size of a country. One country does not mean homogeneity. Political unity and lifestyle diversity are two different things. Blaming the size of a state while the real problem is something else is a typical leftist narrative to take control of divided people by bringing chaos and anarchy .

@laraycrenshaw5908 - 21.01.2024 03:51

So how do you stop all the little governments from going to war?

@franciscopadilla1878 - 12.01.2024 01:27

Its very regressive hearing the narrorator talk.

@gabrielWachong - 10.01.2024 06:42

An Archon! No more masters, no more slaves

@user-bu1ix6tg9o - 06.01.2024 13:25

decentralization would decrease the efficiency of the provision of resources covering a contiguous territory, therefore disallowing growth in human living standards that we have seen since the formation of centralized states. you are suggesting that we wait in line and rely on a artisan to make our tables rather than organizing specialized human labour to mass produce tables for everyone to use.

@l4zrh4wk - 31.12.2023 12:59

Wishful thinking at its worst

@lightninginmyhands4878 - 29.12.2023 18:50

Good videos.

Accents are too distracting. He is gifted with them but I want to be informed, not “entertained“.

@Rolyataylor2 - 22.12.2023 19:46

Implementation of this can happen through a very basic rule implemented by AI. If all AI is required to gain informed consent from all intelligences it interacts with it would lead to this decentralized governing structure! I'd love to share more info about it, maybe collab on a video?

@MrBallynally2 - 15.12.2023 18:50

You want to go back to city states and perpetual warfare?

@MrBallynally2 - 15.12.2023 18:47

Nice presentation and i mostly concur. However, if the big ape comes and takes your stuff or if you need some of his stuff to survive and he refuses you die. He can put you in servitude. Only a bigger force forces a slightly smaller force off its path.
I love the idea of decentralisation especially now that instead of the threat of expanding nationalism we have supra national authoritarianism and collectivism. Eco fascism.

@vidcreatorlondon - 15.12.2023 04:10

On planet earth, smaller states mean immidiate invasion.

@tomasr.2945 - 13.12.2023 22:44

The fake German accent distracted away from the point. I would pay more attention to the ideas if they weren't wearing a fake mustache and glasses.

@garrettmccloskey274 - 03.12.2023 01:41

What is bro yapping about???

@iainpattison903 - 01.12.2023 02:59

This is why Britain voted to leave the Fourth Reich/EU in June 2016.

@iainpattison903 - 30.11.2023 02:50

Excellent video. Will watch this again.

@wisdomseeker2512 - 22.11.2023 05:03

One author that supports this ideology is F. Schumacher in his book Small is beautiful.
We all can do that now by living off the grid.

@nicporter7263 - 19.11.2023 06:05

This is why they want a New World Order.

@lenanicole2837 - 02.11.2023 02:45

This guest narration has to be a bad joke right? Please..dear god...never again lol important and relevant ideas as usual though Canvas hope to hear you next time.

@shirou0028 - 23.10.2023 06:22

I believe we must go one step further of the idea presented here.

If for most of history decentralized governments were the norm, why do we have now centralized governments if not for the fact that the decentralized governments were absorbed, through violent or peaceful means, by the larger states?

Smaller states have already lost once to bigger states, reverting this game back to the starting point will likely not yield different results.

Here's what we may want to do instead:

Divide existing countries in smaller decentralized political units by giving more power to each State or City, but still retain some very minimal level of centralization at the federal level, that would have NO functions other than to preserve the following:

1) To ensure that the smaller decentralized political units wouldn't interfere with each other's political freedom
2) To ensure that no bigger foreign centralized political unit is able to threaten any small decentralized political unit by forging a federal pact of mutual defense of all units' right of political freedom
3) To ensure the basic right of the individual for freedom of choice, so that political units can implement dictatorships or monarchies if they want, but those governments wouldn't be allowed to force unwilling people to continue inside them.

That shouldn't only prevent being easy pickings for more centralized states, but also make it so that every time a proper split like this happens, it's much more difficult for centralized totalitarian governments to emerge again from WITHIN those unions of decentralized units.

This sort of post-democracy political structure would as far as I can see solve most of the obvious problems with the different forms of government we've today. Living in such a failed democratic state, I've grown very aware of the structural problems with all our political systems at the moment.

If this became widespread, those decentralized countries could then ally themselves in even bigger unions of decentralized countries to protect themselves against any greedy totalitarian governments looking to ruin it all.

Thus is my Individual Freedom Manifesto.

@wkmac2 - 17.10.2023 03:44

Very timely.

@christopherk6859 - 14.10.2023 21:08

My favorite part is when he quoted Leopold Kohr to the voice of Klaus Schaub. 😮

@Gabe-cobalt - 10.10.2023 20:43

Decentralization is basically a need to end this pyramidal structure of money

@CamSpratley - 29.09.2023 16:33

Goofy narrator, why did he feel the need to do an accent

@cory8619 - 28.09.2023 19:04

This is what the U.S. Civil War was about.
Anyone who says it was over slavery is echoing propaganda. You don't arrive at that conclusion when you study history.

@seprograme3742 - 28.09.2023 12:30

anarquia pode existir agora so vc ir pra uma ilha ou fazenda problema é tentar mudar as pessoas ao inves de vc mesmo se mudar ...nao ta gostando sai ou cria o multiverso seu no roblox rsrsrsrs onde quiser ... vai habitar Marte rsrsrsrrs num é isso que ja estao tentando ... ser humano faz o que ele imagina ser certo e bom tudo começa na imaginação e no plano espiritual nao temos muito controle de tudo sao muitos fatores e politica so se adaptar .....blockchain e dao vai tentar descentralizar acho bom

@melissageerolf7678 - 27.09.2023 09:35

From Self 2 LocALL 2 NationALL 2 GlobALL yes¿💌

@iknowyoureright8564 - 25.09.2023 14:09

the nature of humanity to get bigger, our duty should be to disband and start over, decentralised, once those in power have control over too many people. It has happened probably hundreds of times over history, perhaps mainly due to natural disasters or mega wars, but most people seem too asleep now or caught up in the rat race to even comprehend how it could be better. This is something real but who would be brave enough to start? those who did would automatically lose some privileges for the governments would not allow it. It would probably be a more basic drop of existence, but for myself snd many others that would be a great thing, I’m not talking full blown Stone Age, but a regression to a less digital, computerised society would be a giant leap in the correct direction. I live in hope.

@aljonserna5598 - 19.09.2023 22:44

It's a good thing and I hope we find a real usable style of decentralization. This is just a priori thinking but, nations like China/Imperial Japan and France might've have more connections with centralization due to their histories--in case of China/Imperial Japan, some groups could grow so big it'd be harder to fight to keep your local community on existing; and in case of the French, it is the decentralized tribes of the Gaul that made them easier to be conquered by Julius Caesar and same thing that made them subject to many defeats by the English in the feudal 100 Years War.

Edit: and so what is the danger of this thinking derived from their history? even with Rome could've had same thoughts especially inspired by the separated Greek city states against the Persian Empire. The danger is that you'd have to conquer or take frontier lands to keep your local lands safe, while France had more conservatism especially since they knew how logistics is a bugger, the Chinese Empire had taken a lot of territories from different fronts of which they fought enemies (Tibet, the Steppe, and that Xinjiang etc). This same fear of keeping your own local lands safe is what gives the power hungry to lead people into centralization and overarching administration.

@autonomousindividual7780 - 17.09.2023 07:30

No more German accent......other narrator. Sounds foolish to me.

@McPilch - 16.09.2023 12:17

Our only hope is a CME.

@Humanaut. - 12.09.2023 13:38

Did you really have to try and imitate that accent?

@Kataharrison6974 - 09.09.2023 01:55

Wasn’t crazy about the narration. I found all dramatized accents a little off-putting and distracting. Not my cup of tea.

@Kataharrison6974 - 09.09.2023 01:55

Wasn’t crazy about the narration. I found all dramatized accents a little off-putting and distracting. Not my cup of tea.

@ziraprod6090 - 01.09.2023 06:23

It is called America.... Or was.

@Confederate-hj2dc - 31.08.2023 12:32

Thomas Jefferson would approve.

@frankkatsaros8600 - 27.08.2023 16:52

Decentralization is a must.... although fight to create monolithic centralized global system is on. Must resist.

@twizzler3b - 26.08.2023 09:57

For anyone who likes this video and hasn't read The Sovereign Individual, I think it's a must read.

@elikelly4948 - 23.08.2023 07:15

I like everything about this presentation. Thank you so much for your hard work and wonderful ideas!

@hyesmam - 15.08.2023 18:40

“Let’s take it back to indigenous tribes” - Killah Priest

@everythingispolitics6526 - 11.08.2023 02:34

Why did he leave out that fact that world majority peoples were largely living this way pre-european invasions? Europeans till this very day continue to dominate and forcefully dictate (directly or indirectly) how these nations should be governed. Clearly Europeans and their offshoots (ie China, Russia etc) are largely the problems to world peace and stability.

@luiscmrosario2191 - 08.08.2023 12:34

The thing is there will always be a minority or as you put it "in some cases a majority" who differ, it seems humans by nature will never cease to differ.

@392blackfinger - 07.08.2023 00:21

There is only one, tiny does one enforce a decentralized planet? If you can't keep everyone decentralized, a major power WILL arise and ruin it for everyone.

@msolomonii9825 - 04.08.2023 17:57

Intelligence and hierarchical thinking together are a absolute recipe for extinction. There are BAD people who just have a special way of pushing people's inner "buttons", famously Hitler, Stalin, these kinds, who people worship and follow with such absolute religious fanatical fervor (some current "people" could be sited...) though NOT because they have any MERIT. This has to be cut out of humanity before it's technology finally finishes murdering the world.
