How to Compile Assets in Symfony 6 | Compile CSS & JS | Symfony 6 for Beginners | Learn Symfony 6

How to Compile Assets in Symfony 6 | Compile CSS & JS | Symfony 6 for Beginners | Learn Symfony 6

Code With Dary

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pigloo06 - 01.08.2023 14:38


oliver koehler
oliver koehler - 22.07.2023 12:53

Hey, great video. However I've discovered, that I do not get the asset/controller folder after running composer require symfony/webpack-encore-bundle. Nor the bootstrap.js file. Just the app.js and asset/styles/app.css. What step is missing?

qkenkenu - 25.01.2023 05:26

ENCORE is the stupidest, incomprehensible and redundant project that has ever been in programming.

Umme Hany Aroz Shanda Anny
Umme Hany Aroz Shanda Anny - 02.08.2022 17:35

Thanks a lot for this.
It's really helpful for me

Dominque Hopp
Dominque Hopp - 21.03.2022 12:11

"./" doesn't go back one directory. It's a pointer to the current directory (/assets/). If you like to go back or up one directory, you have to write "../" (which would be wrong here).

Ilyas Bakirov
Ilyas Bakirov - 11.02.2022 13:55

Tip: if you run npm run watch before adding method1.js in app.js and method2.js in webpack you will got compiled only method1.js. To get method2.js in build folder you need run npm run dev.

Ilyas Bakirov
Ilyas Bakirov - 11.02.2022 13:19

Great video! Darynazar you didn't mention running npm install before running npm run dev. Without with it will give error about encore dev. But I see in video that you have already package-lock.json so you run it before recording video :)

najim el guennouni
najim el guennouni - 17.01.2022 16:26

thank you Dary
