How to create a dynamic repeater | JetEngine from A to Z course

How to create a dynamic repeater | JetEngine from A to Z course


4 года назад

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@FaroukNasri - 12.12.2023 23:54

I can't understand why Crocoblock doesn't add the functionality of setting a row maximum number to repeaters.
The rows are illimited with JetEngine!
ACF offers this possibility. Why not Crocoblock ?

@factsandnews4102 - 29.05.2023 14:48

If repeater field cannot be use directly in elementor widget it's useless !

@user-ow8yx4gk4l - 24.03.2023 16:23

Hi. Thanks for your great tutorial. How Can I use repeater fields on a category page? I read in jet engine documentation that we can only use it on single pages. any trick?

@ThiagoSilva-cd4wi - 02.03.2023 17:04

I have a problem and maybe someone can help me. Well I created a CPT and within that CPT a repeater, in this repeater for example I have fields for titles, pdf and one for DATE, I did all the listing part the way I would like, but what I have a problem with is the time to list , if possible I would like it to appear in the order of the dates and not in the order of registration, I have already tried using that Post Query Order & Offset but from what I have seen it cannot identify the fields because it is inside a repeater.

@rodneylivanze2906 - 07.10.2022 16:35

How do you add a download link in a repeater field?

@deprivemain - 02.08.2022 21:00

Very helpful.

@Art-01 - 07.07.2022 20:31

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

@GabyTheNuts - 22.06.2022 23:34

Another awesome tutorial!!! Tks for this! Paul, is possible listing repeaters (like image carousels, or image gallerys) from taxonomy terms? I create a repeater meta field into a taxonomy, this are media fields. I need to listing this like a carousel, and listing all images from all terms (like an archive). Is possible? Sorry for my english

@angelausytube - 03.04.2022 15:05

is it possible to use all repeater field items together. I have a repeater called downloads, inside it there are 2 fields download_name as textfield, and download_url as media url. so I want to have something like. <a href"%download_url%"> %download_name%</a>. is it possible

@maxtermiller5947 - 13.03.2022 22:16

I have a tennis website, I want to select the profile for each player, rather than selecting the player image and inputting the text profile for every game he is playing in the repeater field, is this possible, in your example you have to select the Image and text for everything.

What I'm saying I just want to select the player profile with his Image and text bio already done.

@TutoDS2014 - 11.01.2022 10:03

Is possible make a condition?
For example, I have a repeater with a field link, but this field is optional, so only some items have link and others no.
I want show link only If the field have value

@MarioYaranga - 03.12.2021 09:45

Hi, thanks for the videos. I have a question: How can I place in a dynamic field the name of the field? What I am looking for is to hide a section if the information is not filled.

@coryshufelt1525 - 15.08.2021 02:33

Is there a way to do this with clickable social media icons that link to a clients socials?

@renjieliu3597 - 04.08.2021 17:43

how to add two or more calculated fields outside repeater, eg. the total qty and total amount?

@zysistem-net - 12.07.2021 18:09

Thank you so much. You save my design life. All my best.

@RudolfAlmighty - 03.07.2021 08:41

When choosing Dynamic Field there is no Repeater choice in the Source dropdown.

@jeffreyhenry4615 - 24.06.2021 01:47

Hey there. After setting up your repeater field can you upload multiple repeater fields to the CPT using a CSV?

@hosnialqaramani4457 - 02.06.2021 15:35

Thank you paul for your efforts. I just need to know one point how you connect the repeater listing gride with single repater post page.i mean when you click on it from the homepage repeater grid to open the single page for it.Regards

@ongvan2392 - 31.05.2021 09:54

Hi! Repeater doesn’t support other widget elementor
Example widget button, I can’t set link in repeater
Please help me, thanks

@mickeycartoon8785 - 28.04.2021 18:02

Hi Paul thank you for the video.
Is it possible to use repeater field with elementor spoiler ?

@rozuja - 27.04.2021 19:13

U can use the Dinamyc image from jetengine, to have control over the size of it, And avoid using the callback to extract image by ID.

@DavidMurrin77 - 21.04.2021 04:35

One thing I haven't been able to work out...

I'd love to have a faux-taxonomy for the repeater fields. I know you can't have a taxonomy as such, but what I want is to be able to add a repeater entry, and assign it a value from a list (say, a type of tour). Then on the front end, instead of showing the type of tour, it shows the relevany icon or image, based on that field. So if the tour is a wine tour, instead of showing "Wine", it shows the predefined image of a wine glass (without the need to have an image/icon field in the repeater field).

@brunosard - 30.03.2021 22:26

Again a great video from Paul. Paul is the Crocoblock Man :) (here in Brazil we say this frase when may say about some guy that know very much about some subject!)
Some days ago I commented at other video about taxonomies in CCT. But, now I have another problem. I use the WpDataTables (a very nice plugin) and I need read the information that is saved at column's database with repeater. How can I do this if the information is saved like a Json (it seems but no)?

Example: a:2:{s:6:"item-0";a:2:{s:19:"data_acompanhamento";s:10:"2021-03-10";s:21:"status_acompanhamento";s:8:"Recebido";}s:6:"item-1";a:2:{s:19:"data_acompanhamento";s:10:"2021-03-10";s:21:"status_acompanhamento";s:12:"Editoração";}}

@vladmartinez2335 - 23.03.2021 18:36

Hi guys, anyone experienced with this ? Is it possible to create an accordion from repeater values ? I'd like to create a questions and answers place, where the user could enter his own content. I've tried with no success till now as repeater values don't show up in custom fields when choosed inside accordion or toggle .. Is that possible ? thanks

@dnrhossain - 08.03.2021 08:20

Thank you very much Sir! You are awesome!

@andrealmeida535 - 22.02.2021 00:59

No data was found

@roshedulalamraju7936 - 21.02.2021 08:54

You are the best paul. I watch your every video. Love to watch

@PK-is3di - 17.01.2021 14:06

Thank you again, Paul. It works great for simple things but when It comes to table format then it's very complicated and it's very basic. I hope CROCO BLOCK considers improving this further.

@dcsalg79 - 31.12.2020 16:23

The question is me, I load a repeater with a Forms, and the data is saved in the metaboxes, but when I load it to see it on the screen, for example, editing a post does not show me the repeater data, why is it?

@jeffreyhenry4615 - 06.12.2020 22:01

What is the callback to embed a video, or should I just use the Jet Video Player widget?

@salvirji4873 - 22.11.2020 19:23

Hi Paul, had a quick question thinking of getting Crocoblock, does the plugin carry a lot of bloat overall ? thanks.

@MrAarshad1913 - 12.11.2020 11:13

hello, i regularly watch your tutorials. they are very helpful. i just want to ask something if you can help, please. how can we create dynamic accordion with the repeater field using the jet engine? and use them in single post templete

@Rediscovered - 28.10.2020 18:00

With JetEngine, I'm feeling almost as powerful as a programmer! I see a bright future in visual programming.

@xaninadigital9373 - 17.10.2020 13:46

I love Paul C. tutorials, all really clear and easy to understand even for non english speaking people!!

@ColinHiom - 14.10.2020 18:47

Brilliant and brilliantly clear, again - thanks Paul/Crockoblock. Top job.

@jeremyperezphotography-au-fr - 09.10.2020 02:31

Repeater field disappeared I can have the option in the dynamic field element...

@ozzybux - 08.10.2020 16:33

Hi Paul, I switched from ACF and Dynamic Content for Elementor to JetEngine and related plugins. However, I was rendering some repeater fields as accordions using Dynamic Content repeater. This feature is lacking in JetEngine. How would you achieve this?

Would greatly appreciate your advice/ideas.

Thanks for the great channel!

@bompard07 - 16.09.2020 22:22

Coool coool cool very cool to finally understand what can be done and HOW (!!!) . If not yet released, i'd be interested on Post queries options (haven't searched yet).
Thanks Paul and Crocoblock

@obilorjim - 10.09.2020 10:25

I was excited about the title initially: "JetEngine from A to Z course". You started with saying,... jet engine meta field. Too complicate d for someone trying to know what 'Jet Engine' is. I am looking for a beginner course for this hyped jet engine. All your jet engine courses assume advanced level pre-requisite. PLEASE REMOVE 'JetEngine from A to Z course'. It's misleading.

@TutoDS2014 - 10.09.2020 10:13

How to create a beautiful table with repeater field?

@tagfat - 29.08.2020 18:09

Every Paul C tutorial: No understanding of the central idea. No mentioning of the point of what is done. Endless "sausage of language" about endless options. And when the central idea needs to be explained: Say as much as possible and hope that some of it is correct. Then the obligatory moment of self consciousness and a quick "I hope that makes sense". Which is never ever does.

Maybe just go back to making tutorials on how to adjust the preview width or how to add an icon.

@sprakful - 21.08.2020 08:03

Hi! I have a question on how to enable lightbox on portfolio widget while using dynamic data for it. Thank you.

@arashd1381 - 15.08.2020 04:09

Somebody please help!
There is a huge drawback here regarding repeater fields!
We're bound to use only Listing Elements!
It's not possible to use for example Elementor Pro's GoogleMaps widget or even a simple Heading widget!
Am I missing something here because there are no repeater fields available in dynamic tags of default widgets of Elementor!

@perchuspechu - 25.07.2020 18:31

I am doing the process step by step, everything worked perfectly for me on a page that I made, but now I am doing it on another website with the same process, but when I start working the Listing, no information can be visualized, I don't know if I can Send them a video of my step by step and see what may be happening, since I do not find any errors in my step by step and I do not know if it will be some kind of conflict. I only use Crocoblock tools for my projects. Please help me to see what is happening to me. Thank you

@TutoDS2014 - 21.07.2020 17:13

Any way to build a accordion using Jet Engine and Repeater Field?
Like ACF and Dynamic Content?

@morizanova8219 - 18.07.2020 20:53

Thanks for hire awesome teacher for your awesome plugins !

@socialfire6328 - 17.07.2020 04:17

Awesome that you guys are collabing! Paul is def. the best Elementor teacher out there. Keep it up man 😁 And big thanks to Croco for making this awesome plugin 😊

@jamilahmad1277 - 04.07.2020 08:04

Hey, i want to show option page meta fields in my single template using code what the proper way for this? i have a repeater field on the option page, so now i want to show those fields data in my single template but using code not using elementor, can you please let me know which function is used for fetching data?
