+919652955429 +919346631825 +917842960161 +919662460161
#SalesforceLightningFlowsRealtimeScenarios #SalesforceAdminInterviewQuestions
Admin Interview Question
1) What is a Profile ?
2) What is a Role ?
3) Differences between Role and Profile ?
4) What are the Number of Standard Profiles available in Salesforce ?
5) What is the Difference between Profile and Permissions set ?
6) what is option that we can perform in Profile but it is not possible in permission set (vice-versa)
7) How can we use the "Transfer Record" in Profile ?
8) How can you define Company Profile ?
9) what is dependent Picklist ?
10) What is Page Layout ? and why do we need different Page Layouts ?
11) How to delete the user in Salesforce ?
12) What will happen if I freeze the user in salesforce.com ?
13) What is the Document tab ? why do we use it ? and can I see Document Tab in Lightning ?
14) Which fields are Indexed by default in salesforce ?
15) which fields cannot be added as custom Idex ?
16) What are standard fields created by salesforce?
17) Can 2 users have same Profile ? if yes , give me the scenario
18) How to create Formula fields ?
19) can I edit the formual fiield on Record ?
20) What are the different ways to share the record to other user ?
21) What is Sharing Rule ?
22) What are the Different Type of Sharing Rules ?
23) What is Manual Sharing ?
24) What is Automated Sharing ? how can we perform Automated Sharing ?
25) What is Field-Level Security ? and where can we see ?
26) What is Record Owner ?
27) What are the Different of Relationships in Salesforce ?
28) what is the Difference Between Lookup and Master Details Relationship ?
29) When the the Master-Detailed Relationship is implemented how the Sharing works ? and Can
I see the Record Owner on the Child Record ?
30)what are the Organization Wide efaults ?
31) What is the Access at Role Level ?
32) What is Email Template ?
33) what are the Different Type of Email Templates ?
34) How to create Emil Templte in Lightning ?
34) What is the Differences Between Lightning Email Template and Classic Email Tmaplate ?
35) What is a Role and Role Hierarchy ?
36) What are Loging Hours and Login IP Ranges ? and Where can we see ?
37) What is Email Alert ? where do we use it ?
38) What is Sharing on the Record Level ? why do we use it ?
39) What are the different types of sharing Rule in Salesforc and Explain them ?
40) give the use case of the Sharing Rule ?
41) What is Public Group ?
42) What is Queues ?
43) What are the differences between Public Group and Queues ?
44) What are the differences between Record Owner and Queue ?
45) what is List view ? why do we use ?
46) If I want Object Level access then what should need to use in securit model ?
47) Is it POsiible to grant login access using Hierarchy ?
48) Can we use Sharing Rule to restrice the data access ?
49) How to create Many-to May Relationship ?
50) what is Junctoin Object ?
51) Can we convert the lookup relationship to Master Details relationship ? if so, how can we convert ?
52) Wht happens to child record when a master record is deleted in Lookup Relationship
53) A Custom Object containg some records , now the requirement is to create field in the object
with master detail relationship ? how can we implement ?
54) There are 3 Custom objects and between these objects implemented Master-Detail relation ship
(Object 1--- MS --Object 2 -- MS -- Object 3 )... now what will happend Object 3
if I delete Object1 record ?
55) What is the Difference between IsBlank and IsNull ?
56) 2 users are having same Profile , User 1 is able to view the Record but user 2 is not able to see
the record ? what is the reason ?
57) How many custom fields Can be created per object ?
58) What is Self Relationship ?
59) what is the Differences between Self Relation ship and Hierarchal relationship?
60) For which object, can we implement Hierarchal Relationship?
61) What are the different Automation tools?
62) What is Workflow Rule ?
63) How to update the Field in Workflow ?
64) What is Time-Dependent Workflow ?
65) where can we see Time-Dependent Records (Records sitting in the Queue)?
66) What is scheduled Action ? and How can we perform in Workflow ?
67) Differences between Workflow and Process Builder and Lightning Flows?
68) how will you migrate Process Builder or Worfkflow to Lightning FLow ?
69) what are the different Type of Flows in lightning Flow ?
70) Differences between Record-Triggerred Flow and Scheduled-Triggerred Flow ?
71) How many Elements can we add for each Lightning flow ?
72) How many flows can be created per Organiztion ?
73) How many flows can be created per object ?
74) Tell me differences beteen Sanbox and Production ?
75) what are the different Sanboxes ?
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