PROJECT BRUTALITY 3.0 - AfterDoom Knee-Deep In Hell [100% SECRETS]

PROJECT BRUTALITY 3.0 - AfterDoom Knee-Deep In Hell [100% SECRETS]


4 года назад

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Project Brutality 3.0 test build together with After Doom WAD, level Knee-Deep In the Hell with 100% Secrets achieved (1 secret is out of the playable area boundaries, if you fly there with noclip, you can see that area is unfinished - no items at all and even walls are missing). As always, the spawn preset is Chaotic Random, the most fair and fun to use with a very high chance of finding upgrades and annoying Overlords.This level is a recreation of the space between Ultimate Doom episodes, in this case a void between Knee-Deep In the Dead and The Shores of Hell episodes. Knee-Deep in the Dead is ended with a room where Doomguy always dies due to a damaging floor accompanied by several monsters in a small and dark room. But what if there was a place, an actual level where Doomguy has to reach Deimos by using that teleporter at the end of Knee-Deep In The Dead? After Doom fills this gap with few new maps, they are quite big with few hundreds of monsters and also several secrets to explore, expect lots of fighting. The levels have received a really hellish look and atmosphere because of ambients sounds and heavy climax, you are surely in Hell itself this time. After Doom introcuded several custom monsters, so you might find Chaingunner Mancubus, several Melee Revenants, Hellish Imps and one secret boss too. Remember that this mappack needs to DOOM 2 WAD to play, otherwise you will have lots of missing textures during the game, keep it in mind.

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#PROJECT_BRUTALITY #DOOM_PROJECT_BRUTALITY #PROJECT_BRUTALITY_3.0 #PROJECT_BRUTALITY_3 #PROJECT_BRUTALITY_After_Doom #PROJECT_BRUTALITY_3.0_After_Doom #After_Doom_DOOM_WAD #After_Doom_DOOM_2 #After_Doom_SECRETS #DOOM_2_After_Doom_WAD #DOOM_2_After_Doom #After_Doom_PROJECT_BRUTALITY #After_Doom_PROJECT_BRUTALITY_3.0 #After_Doom_Project_Brutality #DOOM #The_After_Doom #Knee-Deep_In_The_Hell #Project_Brutality_Knee-Deep_In_The_Hell #Knee-Deep_In_Hell_Doom #Knee-Depp_In_Hell_100%
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