Cwicly For Gutenberg WordPress | Criminally Underrated!

Cwicly For Gutenberg WordPress | Criminally Underrated!


2 года назад

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L H - 19.02.2023 13:40

Thanks for another great tutorial, I very much appreciate all your work! Regarding Cwicly, or Greenshift and other blockbuilders, it feels like a major step back not having a live editor - which is a great feature of Elementor. So for me this is a reason to stick with Elementor for the moment.

spirit3soul - 07.01.2023 21:29

Started using GreenShift, seems powerful. Would love your opinion.

Vid4ia - 24.11.2022 05:18

Maybe it's a good idea to always show what can be done with a new widget or tool (the site results it can create) as just jumping into the interface makes the product appear very bland.

Alex Player
Alex Player - 23.11.2022 22:35

@wptuts - If you were personally was to create a website now.. which would you choose - Cwicly or Elementor? and why?

Michael Dee
Michael Dee - 22.11.2022 00:27

Great video. I had missed the previous AppSumo LTD and see that they are offering a Black Friday deal now. I'm definitely going to grab it this time around.

Alexander GraphicD
Alexander GraphicD - 18.11.2022 22:21

This looks like an awesome tool but the woke team behind and their obsession with “social justice” issues is cringy.

Jeremy Rangel
Jeremy Rangel - 07.11.2022 08:16

Criminally underrated? It's a criminally buggy POS. Try to use it for a real project and get back to me.

Brian Biggers
Brian Biggers - 19.10.2022 07:42

What do you guys do if the business goes under? Is there a way to prepare and somehow convert your site over to another theme builder or plug in builder? The company seems new so i’m a bit worried about the future of the sites i am going to make with cwicly.

Ambient Music Studio
Ambient Music Studio - 20.09.2022 22:24

I'm looking for something to replace Elementor. This looks very good, especially because it is integrated with Gutenberg.

Schlomoh Brodowicz
Schlomoh Brodowicz - 15.09.2022 16:41

Once more marveling at your ability to get the hang of new tools in no time. Great thanks !

Agentur Math
Agentur Math - 28.08.2022 20:52

Dear Paul,

as I start to use Cwicly now ( so cannot thank you enough you brought that video now, I was waiting for exactly this for months ) , and was used to Elementor, but was increasingly unhappy with it within the last months, I want to refer to your great tutorial for building a customer page for ACF frontend forms with Elementor. I rebuilt it asap, as it was so helpfull, and it is still running. Can you do a tutorial that does the same but is for Cwicly with ACF Frontend Forms?

I know this is an immodest whish. So if it is unseemly, please ignore it. Best regards, Eva

Jugibur - 26.08.2022 18:14

The team, especially Louis, the lead developer is so incredibly hardworking, they have so much on their roadmap and are always willing to have discussions with users. It is this closeness to the users and the openness to criticism, change requests and further features that excites me.
In my eyes, the price for 10 licenses is actually too cheap for people who earn money with it. Woo Commerce should be an affordable add-on in my opinion, as it will cost many more development hours for the team. In the end, the Cwicly team has to survive in the long run, otherwise no one gets anything out of it. BTW: A great review and I'm glad Cwicly get's more attention.

Ljubomir Tesic
Ljubomir Tesic - 26.08.2022 12:54

This is great plugin but you will be in position to permanently (annually) pay for plugin if you want to edit your website.

Steve Nelson
Steve Nelson - 14.08.2022 17:57

This and other similar tools are very intriguing. May I ask what you start with as a bare basic theme when you demo these products?

Alex Labanino
Alex Labanino - 04.08.2022 18:43

Elementor is VERY powerful BUT the amount of unnecessary code is obscene! I'm looking for a replacement and I haven't decided yet but Cwicly looks very nice! 😉

Dewayne Dailey
Dewayne Dailey - 01.08.2022 08:28

I might dump elementor for this...

Виталий Моргунов
Виталий Моргунов - 30.07.2022 17:55

Thanks for great video! This is very impressive! But I have a question that I always ask when I see a new page builder: is the cascading filter builder available for the query loop? Like, for example, Jet SmartFilters from the Crocoblock team.

Ashu Pal
Ashu Pal - 29.07.2022 08:52

Thank you! so much for such a detailed review of Cwicly, coming from an Elementor background I mainly want to switch just because of the bloated dependency codes it generates and slows down your whole website, well not good for page speed optimizations, plus Elementor does not have a query feature inbuilt (Had to use JetEngine or ACF for that). I like the new block builder layout, pretty much like Webflow. I will definitely switch to Cwicly for all my personal and client future website projects. 👍

Marco Michely
Marco Michely - 25.07.2022 11:25

The new Page Builder like experience is nice! I am happy that Cwicly is making a good progress and it seems to become a solid option. Greenshift and Cwicly are the only GB Blocks that have a solid CSS Grid implementation yet AFAIK. My Cwicly favorite: It allows devs to use (global) CSS classes which makes site wide design changes at block level easy. Oh and the relative styles are nice too.

Eduard Petcu
Eduard Petcu - 23.07.2022 12:15

Definitely I have to try cwicly, grab a license asap! Sounds like Oxygen page builder.

Visualmodo - 22.07.2022 22:41

Video top!

Wallace Kutner
Wallace Kutner - 21.07.2022 00:04

question: does these "gutenbuilders" generate the same amount of code like elementor do or they're just a better interface for the Gutenberg itself?

Sunny T
Sunny T - 20.07.2022 23:41

Just so you know, it looks like they may have disabled coupon codes?

Mark Constable
Mark Constable - 20.07.2022 09:09

License?.. no thanks, pass.

LAYEROPS777 - 19.07.2022 18:57

Love Cwicly! Definitely a different workflow than Elementor or Divi. Would love to see how to build dynamic websites with Cwicly, specifically listing websites. Used JetEngine with Elementor in the past. Hopefully Paul can show it to us in the future :)

Daryl Meese
Daryl Meese - 18.07.2022 22:18

Does Cwicly function well with other themes, such as Astra, or does it depend on its own theme? That hasn't been clear to me.
Also, does it work well with other GB based plugins, such as Spectra?

Jonathan Camp
Jonathan Camp - 17.07.2022 15:16

Not being funny but it seems like you are just clicking and showing all the options. This is fine but really hard to watch because it seems you are discovering the features at the same time as us.

Perhaps actually create a page that was created (say) using divi and then show us how this would be done.

Seems you are firing 1000 different options at us. Had to fast forward after about 10 mins as my brain was oversaturated. The last 6 mins was the main thing to watch…

Like your videos, but less of just reeling off features 100 per second, and focus on actual real life useage of the product IMHO 😜

Pez Reloaded
Pez Reloaded - 17.07.2022 07:09

This has peaked my interest, great video.

David Walls
David Walls - 17.07.2022 04:48

Thank you Paul, this was a great review. I wish I would have purchased a Cwicly license on AppSumo when they started. While I try to avoid Gutenburg, this does seem like a great option. Thanks for this updated review.

bseddonmusic1 - 17.07.2022 02:04

I started watching your videos about 9 months ago to find out about page builders having always been a code first person. At that time you were introducing Elementor and reflecting on some of its limitations. So I held off and it seems that was a good call as things seem to have advanced enormously in that time particularly when using blocks. For all its limitations, what I quickly learned to appreciate about the Elementor world is their tutorial videos which show a newcomer how to create great looking pages even if the may have lacked functionality. Is there a similar set of tutorials for the Cwicly eco system? The home has some video but they are very high level reviews of broad features rather than resources to show someone how to build sophisticated pages.

Marlo Kessler
Marlo Kessler - 16.07.2022 14:01

I got the Deal on AppSumo too last year and Cwickly is just awesome. What they've done since them is incredible!!!

michel laigrand
michel laigrand - 16.07.2022 12:55

I have a dream... Paul CPO, CMO, COO and Louis CTO of the Gutenberg project ;-) I was astonished to learn that Cwikly is the work of one developper! It's a pity to saw the slow developpement of Gutenberg itself regarding the fast one of Cwicly. Anywa, awesome video from the king of WDC (WordPress Dynamic Content)

Wilson Ip
Wilson Ip - 16.07.2022 09:38

Cwicly sold out on the exact same day Paul's first video was released if I recall correctly. By the time people watched Paul's video, and went to buy it, it was already sold out. So glad I bought it early on.

jough - 16.07.2022 05:29

Cwicly looks very impressive. However, current jobs on Upwork by page builder:
Elementor: 103
Oxygen: 7
Cwicly: 0

Rishabh Agarwal
Rishabh Agarwal - 16.07.2022 05:26

@WPtuts Mindblown!🤯

Inspector-Tech - 16.07.2022 03:36

Stupid question but can I run this alongside Elementor? So basically I can build specific pages using either page builder (for a direct comparison) and with a view to eventually getting rid of elementor?

Malice Van Row
Malice Van Row - 16.07.2022 02:48

I was just about to buy generate press and generate blocks then saw this video minutes before. I'm putting that on hold and checking this out. Right now I have been using bricks, moved from elementor. As much as I hate to say it, Gutenberg is really the future of WordPress. I'm curious about cwicly's performance scores though. The average of their own site is 94 which is pretty good.

digwillhachi - 16.07.2022 02:23

does look great, now just have to wait and hope that a lifetime deal comes up sometime. As someone who owns Bricks, Oxygen, Zion, Elementor I dont feel the need to pay yearly for another builder.

Asian Addicts Anonymous
Asian Addicts Anonymous - 16.07.2022 02:00

I felt overwhelmed even though I was very excited about Cwicly. Watching this, makes it seem less daunting and I want to dive into it again.

Mike Kellner
Mike Kellner - 16.07.2022 00:36

I've been looking at a lot of block packages lately and was really struggling as they all seem very similar. Finally, Cwicly offers something very different and so much more extensible. Although there will be a steep learning curve, this will make Gutenburg really useable.

I like that you can use this with any theme (just thinking in terms of migrating/rebuilding existing websites), so you are not locked into using a certain theme like you have to with Bricks. I like this is also Gutenberg-first as ultimately this will likely be the way forward for WordPress.

I also like the sound of what they have planned for WooCommerce and filters. It will be so interesting what their approach will do for WooCommerce speed.

Considering there is only one developer, their rate of development is very impressive, and I hope they grow their team soon to prevent overwhelm.

Ufuk - 16.07.2022 00:30

Thank you for the nice review of the latest cwicly updates and its development from when you did your previous review. I really enjoyed how you showed us a couple of the main features of this feature rich Wordpress Plugin. I wish you would have shown also that you can set the block settings to be aligned to the left hand side and the structure to be aligned to the right hand side which is known from other page builders. This gives cwicly and Gutenberg a much more page builder like experience since it is known to adjust the styling of a widget/element/block on the left hand side of the screen. Having it on the right side of the screens seems a bit off to me.

Miro _O
Miro _O - 15.07.2022 23:59

Thank you for the variety of content about those different tools - best channel to get an overview!

Karipos - 15.07.2022 23:58

Every Page Builder getting better from nowhere 😂

Design with Cracka
Design with Cracka - 15.07.2022 22:48

This is the Oxygen of Gutenberg! Wow! What would you consider the limitations of Cwicly compared to tools like Oxygen and Bricks?

BrtantK147 - 15.07.2022 22:36

Hi Paul, thanks for the amazing content! Question: do you have a video on how to download a full copy of a website and its contents? This is for when a client wants to shut down their website but want to have the option to restore it fully in the future, or when they want to leave you as a customer. Thank you!!!

Kevin Schmidt
Kevin Schmidt - 15.07.2022 21:40

I think they are too expensive compared to a collection of free Gutenberg plugins that provide many of the same features.

Max Ziebell
Max Ziebell - 15.07.2022 21:33

Great video… they really did streamline it so much, and the navigator and the editor are just spectacular.

S. P.
S. P. - 15.07.2022 21:15

What is the best theme to use with Cwicly?

Greg Hyatt
Greg Hyatt - 15.07.2022 21:14

Oh hell Paul, now you’ve really gone and done it! I have to admit, If I was going to attempt anything with GB, Cwicly is starting to truly capture my attention!

Having seen many of their video’s, and the level of development that has gone into their product, I can actually see Cwicly picking up a lot of disgruntled Elementor users! I may be at the top of that list!

Their pricing is more than fair for what they’re offering, especially with more or less having ACF Pro baked in!

In regard to that, do you need to have the basic ACF installed for the pro to work?

I’m going to secure a 3 license copy of this soon, just to dabble around with! Curious as to how it outputs from the back to the front-end if it has a more realistic look than what other block builders have struggled with!

As always, another powerful video presentation that you’ve smashed out of the park!

JR Guard
JR Guard - 15.07.2022 20:46

Paul, thank you as always to help us discover new gem. Thanks to your discount coupon i bought it and try to adopt it. Continue with your videos.
