If they miss their hotel suites so much, then why don't they pick a hotel of their choice in Manhattan and rent a room? Nobody is stopping them. There are many hotels in the city, they can have all the amenities they want, spend their days in the hotel spa's, and their nights guzzling booze in their hotel rooms. I don't get what the problem is here. Oh wait, they'd have to pay for the rooms, oh, so that's the drawback. How silly of me.
ОтветитьSend them back.
ОтветитьSo glad they're showing what this crazy migrants issue does to cities when they give out freebies. Did you really believe people given hotel rooms would then take a step down to cots? The knuckleheads are in office.
ОтветитьThe best way to kill a stupid Democrat policy is to find a way to make them have to pay for it.
ОтветитьNo single men should be allowed in. Period.
ОтветитьFREE LAUNDRY??? OK, now I'm pissed.
ОтветитьRepublican governors brought them here in buses
ОтветитьTHE NERVE!!!
ОтветитьPay very close attention to the ones that you see turning their heads and avoiding being on camera. There is a reason for that trust and believe that
ОтветитьWhy are immigrants coming to a America the American dream has ended years ago
ОтветитьNext thing we know these people are all going to be in public assistance, with our tax dollars.
ОтветитьComplains about no heat then sleeps on the sidewalk.
ОтветитьWhy NYPD can't remove them like the remove homeless NYC people send them back across the half of wall
ОтветитьAmerica is stupid then a nut in a shell this country got so worse then ever trump was right absolutely right wonder why trump sent ice out and started rounding them up I don't believe in separating the kids from the parents but I see why trump had them in the gate to send them back this Biden iso disgusting people don't vote for Biden again whoever put him in office especially black people I never votes for republican all black people go republican democrats never ever did anything for black people imma start handing at papers it's going to say all people especially black people vote republican
ОтветитьArrest every single one of them.
ОтветитьThese illegals are such spoiled brats😂😂
ОтветитьThey were supposed to be looking for work not a vacation at the holiday inn
ОтветитьHi there
ОтветитьArrest then deport, enough already.
ОтветитьDeport them swiftly!!!
ОтветитьPut them back in the goddamn train and ship them out.
ОтветитьVenezuelans are being worldwide recognised for being the worst immigrants. There’s not a single continent that can scape from them
Ответитьfree free free .. sweet
ОтветитьComplains about a not enough heat but is willing to sleep outside on the street in freezing temperatures...the hypocrisy.
ОтветитьEvery single democrat needs to open their home.
ОтветитьWe respect them, but they simply think we are their slaves.
ОтветитьThey're not "migrants". Migrants come into a country legally. They're illegal alien criminals and invaders. The military should surround the block and move in and capture and handcuff all of them. Then take them to a nice warm and safe indoor facility like one of the sports stadiums to be fingerprinted and photographed before being transported to a nice warm, safe and secure military base where they will be well fed and taken care of until they have a speedy due process hearing of their asylum claims. If they are found to be ineligible economic migrants (which most of them are) and NOT valid asylum seekers they will receive a nice warm and speedy flight back to their country of origin after we take DNA samples and retina eye scans. If found back in the U.S. illegally they get mandatory prison sentences. This process should be implemented coast to coast immediately.
ОтветитьAll these dumbasses are gonna freeze to death
ОтветитьIf they all had to obey shelter rules at the Watson hotel and were told when they could come and go like a real shelter,they wouldn’t be happy in there 5 star stay vacation .
ОтветитьWhat about homeless people in this country that sleep on the cold side walk and don't get free food they would love to go to a place like that.
Ответитьput them on the cruise ships and send back where they came 🤔😎
Ответитьnew york deserve every bit of this . they voted for it i am glad they get to experience it.
ОтветитьSleep on the sidewalk.Just like homeless veterans.Welcome to America.
ОтветитьGet used to sleeping on the sidewalk or go back to your country if it was better than that shelter were offering you are not grateful for anything and that's why we don't want to hear sidewalk or go to the shelter the hotel's not for you
ОтветитьDid another blank and deal with it migrant you're not guaranteed to hotel room you're guaranteed a cot and you can be happy with that if not go home
ОтветитьWhat else could they want man they have everything cage them are homeless people would love that I wouldn't make that your food for them they get they want to live in America getting used to American food
ОтветитьAmerican taxpayers spend a lot of money take care of you people and your ungrateful we don't want you here now
ОтветитьPut them in a bus and send them back to their home
ОтветитьPeter used to being waited on everything paid for why did we do that?
ОтветитьYou need to start doing your jobs and start deporting these illegal immigrants america does not have the resources .you have homeless and hungry Americans that don't get nothing no help.
ОтветитьI guess sidewalk is warmer hey I think you better open your eyes and go to where the city wants to put you or you're going to be sleeping on the street for a long time
ОтветитьClose borders.
ОтветитьSend them fkn home to warm countries.
ОтветитьVenezolanos inmigrants Lazy!!!
In Chile the same problems demanding luxuries !
Demand to Maduro not to us!!!!!
I think a few people are a b** about everything that should be sent back to the country where they came from
ОтветитьWhat a wonderful ruling party the US has. A wonderful president working for the people, a president who cares so much about children and their mental health. A President who has brought tremendous prosperity to the nation and it’s people. Yes, ladies and gentlemen this is a president every country desires to have and envy’s the US for. Would anyone want to have him because we don’t know how to get rid of the 💩💩💩💩
ОтветитьMan in hotels where they probably have tvs and in shelters they don't and those people are the ones drinking beer and probably messing up the rooms
ОтветитьWhat a 💩hole send them back home
ОтветитьThey don't wanna work for their comforts and affect other migrants? Deport them to their loved country where the government paid everything!