How to convert speech to text and work with transcripts in Premiere Pro

How to convert speech to text and work with transcripts in Premiere Pro


2 года назад

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Doris Chwist
Doris Chwist - 19.09.2023 17:43

Thanks. I love your videos Colin. Can you tell me more about the import function? I have someone else edit the transcript using Notepad and return the txt file. More specifically, if you have to convert to a static transcript in order to import the text file, do you recommend doing the export after all the cuts are finished?

Violetta Schmieder
Violetta Schmieder - 30.06.2023 22:44

retranscribe is greyed out for me and isnt working... its such a big problem for me rn cuz i transcribed in the wrong language and cant delete it!

ANUVAB DAS - 09.05.2023 07:32

Does it generate transcription from Hindi launguage as the language of video?

Glen C
Glen C - 24.04.2023 23:23

@VideoRevealed , The speech detect is pretty good, but aboutn 85% accurate so I need to go through and correct wrong words and punctuation. If I want this transcription checkinng to be done by someone else, is there a way I can export the transcript as a readbale file (e.g. .txt), have the person watch the exported video and correct the transcript, send it back to me and then I import it? How do I convert .txt file to a .prtranscript file?

Nina Madigan
Nina Madigan - 14.04.2023 21:11

Im using Scribie as the adiou website. How can i transcribe the audio from there to text? I can't download the audio from Scribie to upload anywhere.

Documentário Na Harmonia do Tempo
Documentário Na Harmonia do Tempo - 12.04.2023 04:32

Great! You helped me so much! Thanks!

Mx y747488
Mx y747488 - 16.02.2023 20:58

Is there any way I can convert video into a transcript and then edit the transcript text to my liking and have the video edits done automatically by premiere? When editing interviews that have b-roll over it this would make things a lot faster...

Noel Rodrigues
Noel Rodrigues - 09.01.2023 13:31

Thanks, Colin. Question... why is the "import transcript" always greyed out? Even in your machine, it doesn't allow to import transcript. Appreciate your expert advice.

dreambeam1 - 29.09.2022 11:37

Thank you!

Jay Rodriguez
Jay Rodriguez - 22.08.2022 23:03

Hello sir I do have one question. I am an AE but mostly work on avid shows. I'm on a show and we are using premier, My producers are new to this as well but my question is how or what is the best what to make strings using this feature? In avid you would script sync footage to a script and then you can search that script in avid and it will bring whatever bit you select in the source monitor, which you can then cut into a sequence. Can you do something similar in premier?

EVANDERS MULTIMEDIA - 17.08.2022 06:06

hi..... my setup is not getting connected to the network.. how do i do it

bafanabafana08 - 08.07.2022 09:43

Great video, very helpful!
Question: when selecting language to transcribe sequence, can you select a language different from original language of audio?
My video audio is in English but I want to add timely subtitles in French. How should I go about it?

Rob Wettengl
Rob Wettengl - 23.04.2022 23:12

I can't seem to cut and past from the transcript pane into a word document. That would be handy when writing intros for segments. Anyone know how to do this?

Pew Pew Dave
Pew Pew Dave - 18.02.2022 07:27

Yeah, I'm in Illinois, I'm cliking Enable anyway. This state can go F itself.

Tom Wiedemann
Tom Wiedemann - 02.02.2022 12:22

I exportet a transcript as txt file and a collegue made some minor changes. now I can't import the changed transcript txt file. Why? What formats are supported for import?

S D - 21.11.2021 23:53

Wonderful however what is expected is translating prerecorded audio in to multiple languages at once to give the user choice not just the text

Stevesculptor - 29.09.2021 06:34

This isn't what it cracked up to be! such a big hoo-ha. Yesterday it worked, Today it's not, I'm told by Adode to do the 'create captions' in chunks, because the server can't cope! so how do you clear the source monitor?? to do the next section?
This is taking as long as doing it the old way!

Dave Goldschlag
Dave Goldschlag - 05.09.2021 01:45

Does this require a good internet connection? I work in the field as a TV photographer/editor, and some times internet is sketchy.

The OLLI - 02.09.2021 11:10

Good video. I tried it. But the audio rendering was all the time grey. Do I have do some settings, changes?

Khaled Saad Haras
Khaled Saad Haras - 30.08.2021 23:49

if i do not have adobe creative cloud i can not use this feature in premiere pro
