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@clintonwilsonjr.9175 - 26.01.2014 22:07

Dude, you are very smart. I see what you are doing. You find a product and then you create a website and or blog. Then we click on it from your page and boom you make a dollar. Very smart, keep it up! I watched several of your videos, not one said something bad about a product. 

@LiveWithDes - 01.06.2016 02:00

site has been terminated for terms violations

@milliondollarblueprint5068 - 02.09.2016 02:07

Fight any ticket or moving violation immediately for under $40 call (407) 308-2457

@markmetz8459 - 15.02.2017 00:24

total bs

@guesswhomartin9249 - 30.04.2017 22:22

are you serious ?? all that talking and you didn't say anything. bottom line is, stop speeding. .. end of story.

@jmidesigns - 14.06.2017 15:46

To bad this poor excuse of a human being is trying to cash in on your fear of suspended/huge fine/ etc...

Not show where he got his bad info from but in Los Angeles you fight a speeding ticket officer shows up with a folder. It states what type of device used date made, last software update, model, serial #. The officers current certification on knowing how to use it properly. When the device was last calibrated and any repairs.

Fighting this head on is like trying to stop a bull head on. straight guilty plea for you...

@jmidesigns - 14.06.2017 16:05

1. Once in the system extend it as much as possible.
2. File a Discovery Motion.
3. File a proof of service.
4. Have a "Right to a Speedy Trial" ready.
5. If trail date comes and you never received the evidence from Discovery Motion you can have a "Motion to Dismiss" lack of evidence and/or a "Motion to Dismiss" violating your right to a fair trail with no evidence how can you build a proper defense.

Worst case you defend your self.
1. When did the officer turn on his lights?
2. If he paced you then ask what his catch up speed was? and Was he speeding with no lights which is illegal.
Some officers have told me they choose pacing because you can't challenge it like lidar/radar and the judge believes the word of the officer.
Look sharp sound positive and confident when you talk. Best of luck 👍🏽

@donkuss6853 - 22.08.2017 23:02

Here's a strange concept, DON'T SPEED YOU FUCKING MORON!

@ajarcuri9926 - 01.09.2017 07:59

You are a fucking idiot.. Judges usually go with what officers say. Unless you have 100% PROOF.. Otherwise you as a citizen are fucked...

@awooten55 - 04.03.2018 07:44

A complete and utter waste of time. What an idiot. Talked for almost 5 minutes and basically just said “hey I really don’t know a damn thing about a damn thing”

@codymckelvey9047 - 04.06.2018 16:53


@codymckelvey9047 - 04.06.2018 16:55

I had speeding tickets and two accidental records on my driving records and things only went worse when my driving license was suspended, I got desperate and tried getting a lawyer to help out but soon realized they weren't taken my problem seriously and I could be in this situation for years, I read on Reddit about how CYBER GURU helped clear criminal records and driving records for an affordable fee, we discussed and negotiated on fees, 5 days later I got a postal mail stating my driving records has been expunged under the state laws and am free to go about my dealings again, I greatly appreciate and I urge everyone who needs this kind of service to touch base with him <derickjane @ mail . ru>

@tracykot9773 - 04.06.2018 16:57

When a person is arrested, part of the procedure is to have a ‘booking photo’ taken of the accused. In the US, these are stored on arresting agency websites and are publicly available. There has been a rise in the practice of ‘scraping’ mug shots and posting them live on websites where anyone can chance upon a photo of a loved one or friend who may have inadvertently committed a minor offense. Thousands of individuals have been affected by this phenomenon in terms of employ-ability and reputation, and are having to pay companies a huge sum of money to remove the photos from public view but to no avail..Global Hell and his team of expert professionals come to the aid of anyone in need of their service..They do a perfect job plus their services are affordable..Get through with gregoryivan07 @ gmail . com and a member of their expert professionals will be happy to attend to you

@jerryhernandez3010 - 04.06.2018 17:51

Hey peeps ..If your looking for professional hacks into secured servers such as: governmental departments, companies, banks. Executing jobs such as: change of grades, yahoo passwords, clearing of criminal background, DMV DUI , bank transfers, mobile phone hacks, facebook passwords, instagram passwords, website hacks, clear credit card balances, change ip, rdp, viruses etc. General hacking jobs, touch base with **anatolyvlad @ groupmail . com**..He's discrete professional and very reliable

@tammysteer4227 - 04.06.2018 17:53

Hire a hacker. I recommend romanarshavin @ cyberservices . com...Just send an email.
A lot of successful attempts from them..Taking care of a record shows that you have the willingness to succeed. Good luck with your endeavors

@chrispayan4652 - 04.06.2018 17:55

I would not say who but I know of a story of a young man who was imprisoned in the fox rivers penitentiary, and Guantanamo bay, he has been arrested couple of times for theft as well as other small grievances I would not want to mention. He was deported to Spain his entrance into the united states has been ref flagged. It was a bug for him not being able to gain access into the united states. He made enquirers from Bratislava, Slovakia and he met someone who could let it all go away and give him a new identity "cyberguru0101 @ gmail . com" was able to get him a new identity that he could walk freely in the streets the states till now. became a calm person Cyclone bicycle mobile vibe was activated and he still run is shit, just saying what he did for someone I know.

@youngmyen1656 - 04.06.2018 17:57

For your DUI,DWI,DMV and all driving related records,erasing and unsuspendng your drivers license I recommend you touch base with ([email protected]),he delivers fast and very affordable

@DopedOnLaces - 21.11.2018 20:13

Dumbest video ever‼️

@sombut415 - 09.12.2018 06:59

Here it goes my super speeding tickets have been dismiss man and I like accidentally found the webb and the Webb like really helped me like a bunch like I just show the dumb judge the like the loophole and he was like 😲 whoa man you’re like right my dude just get out of here already bro.. thanks for like helping us out with the info man I like learn a lot from this bro.. like valuable info man.. kool!

@mrdfoutz - 06.01.2019 07:10

Weeding, perhaps?

@_Shakur - 25.02.2020 00:46

Should have guessed by the quality of the 1MP web cam that this video was crap

@phillipmakris7345 - 05.06.2020 08:10

how do cameras this bad still exist? it looks like your under water

@angelasandridge6388 - 11.06.2020 09:21


@fitodaking16 - 16.11.2020 07:33

Damn, you talk too much

@brookwest - 17.08.2021 05:15

Why don't you say it's your website 🤪😂😆

@Big_LosF - 01.06.2022 21:44

Don't watch this video🚫 🚫

@CoreyHasTheGlory - 06.12.2022 00:49

I got pulled over by the cops and they are telling me that I was doing 73mph in a 50 mph lane. I simply don't believe that I was going that fast on the highway. I ended up pleading not guilty. The only proof that I have is that I don't see the technology on the ticket that the cop used to measure my speed. It is not on the traffic ticket that I have received. I know that if I am found guilty not only would I have to pay the ticket and the court fees, but my license may get suspended for 30-60 days...
What can I do? Help
Court date is next year

@man2chance - 19.01.2023 07:57

Link doesn’t work, and you didn’t post the dismissals like you said you were going to

@Loh94 - 27.08.2023 21:36

I received a speeding ticket yesterday for driving a car too fast on August 15, 2023. The speed limit was 60mph, and I was driving at 65mph. While transitioning from the left lane to the middle lane to take an exit, my speed briefly reached 68mph. Additionally, while moving to the right lane for the exit, I briefly accelerated to 71mph for about 2–3 seconds. Despite these instances, my speed was lowered to 55–60mph for the rest of the trip. I'm considering contesting this violation. I have video footage of the incident, and I'm aware that the email I received only showed pictures of my car with a speed of 71mph. I live at iowa

@vishw6956 - 24.10.2023 07:21

ok talk entire video with no solution. pathetic
