The Dark Brotherhood Story: Part 2 - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Dark Brotherhood Story: Part 2 - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

A Bard's Ballad

4 недели назад

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In today's video, we continue with the dark brotherhood questline and story present within the elder scrolls 4 oblivion. We speak with Vicente Valtieri who tells us we should go speak with Ocheeva for our contracts from now on. Speaking with Ocheeva she gives us contracts such as: finding the whereabouts of a High Elf in the Imperial City. Infiltrating Fort Sutch and poisoning a warlord. Entering a scavenger hunt in Skingraad and assassinating 5 other players. And finally, Getting revenge on the retired guard captain, Adamus Phillida, in the city of Leyawiin. We also see what happens when we get expelled from the guild and need to face the Wrath of Sithis. Finally, we recieve special instructions from Lucien Lachance on enacting a purification rite on the Cheydinhal sanctuary. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe!

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