"Basketball Player Development: From Beginner to Elite in 3 Steps!"

"Basketball Player Development: From Beginner to Elite in 3 Steps!"


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@bkkchu - 03.01.2023 23:17

I need an update on Rudy. He said 500 3’s in TWO hours per day.

@bkkchu - 03.01.2023 23:18

Best underrated video from DJ Sackmann.

@jaykelly7617 - 04.01.2023 01:12

If this was a legit course for kids or any beginner. I’d scoop this up in a heartbeat.
I feel everyone is trying to go from okay to greats. Just need a blueprint on how

@tdubz1154 - 04.01.2023 02:03

First, DJ is a GOAT and this video is on point with his message and intent. IMO, the one thing that’s always missing is an honest assessment that fully measures a player’s level or standing across the full spectrum of core attributes required in hoops performance elements. The honest assessment allows a player to get better according to his or her playing or team expectations. For example, these elite 12-dribble handles on display in the video mean nothing if the ball doesn’t go through the hoop at the end. If a player with advanced handles can’t finish with advanced athletic finishes (this was 1v0!), then (again IMO) the focus is misplaced and detrimental to the players understanding of what attributes require focus for improvement. It could be one or a number of things such as footwork or footwork+timing or footwork+timing+release point.

@karcartv4450 - 24.01.2023 17:59

i need to work on my shooting form

@xz3757 - 06.02.2023 20:28

Where is hoopstudy located?
