How To Play Venomancer | Support Spotlight - Dota 2 Guide 7.33c

How To Play Venomancer | Support Spotlight - Dota 2 Guide 7.33c


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kunxv15 - 14.07.2023 11:43


[Minutos Desapercibidos ESP-ENG]
[Minutos Desapercibidos ESP-ENG] - 27.06.2023 11:54

Ive played so much veno 4-5 i could make a whole list of when to max each skill, Lesale is such a versatile hero he can do a lot of different builds/spells

Loveliest Snowball
Loveliest Snowball - 24.06.2023 08:20

I usually go a 1-2-4 build, max wards early on is monstrous pressure before they become way too easily destroyed

RVAmetists - 21.06.2023 11:50

Love Veno, lane dominator, max poison sting and win your core free lane, nothing can stand against it except some matchups with quick and easy dispells.

SandNSnow - 21.06.2023 06:28

"we still win even when we feed" sums up my experience playing support

Philip - 16.06.2023 09:39

Cheers to the best and most consistent high level dota 2 support content creator out there. Always a pleasure!

pr(icy) - 14.06.2023 21:00

not even gonna lie i went from legend 2 to (almost) ancient 1 because of this guide. i can drop my dotabuff for proof

Mark Hunt
Mark Hunt - 13.06.2023 21:11

I am in a low bracket and interesting thoughts on taking gale first. I have always taken sting first due to the DOT gives extra damage for early harass without the mana issues. Typical gale will not lead to an early kill but at lvl two there is the potential to get a kill if you hit your timing ahead of the opposition, and your early harass has worked. Great guide and great underated hero, shame about the late game drop off but is similar for most supports it seems.

Matheus Araújo
Matheus Araújo - 11.06.2023 21:12

Excellent guide.
Hope to see more content like this.

hado33 - 11.06.2023 00:04

dont sleep on the vampire fangs on veno, crazy value in long fights

Domovoi - 10.06.2023 15:17

Thanks. Love and blessings.

z0nx - 08.06.2023 23:56

hard to lose with this one!

Xerxes Montes
Xerxes Montes - 07.06.2023 15:59

Lets goo thank you to the best dota2 teacher

G4md0R - 07.06.2023 15:46

I was trying out veno these days and I was doing a lot of things right but a lot of things wrong as well. Thanks for clarifiying which was which

Rolo - 07.06.2023 11:29

Hi mate, this content is top tier. It’s reminiscent of early Purge with the detail you go into with spells, uses and even maths. Thanks.

Any chance you could do a similar video for Dark Willow? I’ve been wanting to try but don’t know where to start!

Edgar Echaluce
Edgar Echaluce - 07.06.2023 04:12

This is too good. Keep these kind of guides coming. Thanks!

Jaap Gerritsen
Jaap Gerritsen - 06.06.2023 23:18

High Quality content + I love venom

Wilson Leow
Wilson Leow - 06.06.2023 16:09

Wassup ZQuixotix! Huge fan and I've recently played Venomancer, did all the hero advice all the warding tips you told us about...BUT I still end up losing the game so badly.

Here's my match ID: 7188517820

My rank is Crusader, and I'm stuck here. I would like to think that in this match, there's no way I can overcome with my feeding DK and Spectre. Please tell me what's wrong because I wanna get out of this bracket. :(

Thank you in advance kind sir!

Alchomestic - 06.06.2023 13:44

Nice guide. Was spamming 4/5 veno before .33 and I picked up a couple of tips from this vid. One thing I do sometimes, if it looks like level 1 is going to be quite passive in lane and you can outrange the enemy, I like to get poison sting lvl 1 and then sometimes you can whittle down the enemy to get an easy kill the second you hit lvl 2. If you play it right it gives you a big resource lead for the first lvl. Gotta be careful though if the enemy makes a play you can't do much to stop it.
Keep making the good vids.
