WINTER STYLE HACKS to keep warm & still EDGY CHIC / Cold Weather / Capsule Wardrobe / Emily Wheatley

WINTER STYLE HACKS to keep warm & still EDGY CHIC / Cold Weather / Capsule Wardrobe / Emily Wheatley

Emily Wheatley

3 года назад

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@Samantha-gt1hh - 03.12.2021 02:06

You totally rock...your Canadian fan

@xiangli7086 - 03.12.2021 04:14

Very creative and practical ideas! You are the best🥰🥰

@jessicasims5596 - 03.12.2021 04:33


@julia_kozyrko - 03.12.2021 05:11

Looks great on you! I wonder if these styling tips gonna work in winter in Vladivostok :)

@margaretlewis2289 - 03.12.2021 06:05

Nice styling!

@laurennguyen1008 - 03.12.2021 07:07

I used to run to the bus barefoot in highschool in Duluth Minnesota winter, but I have not been there in winter for many years. I can't imagine what a shock it is. All those layers are absolutely essential. What is your outer layer? It's not yet below zero, but it will get there!

@jaclynwatson8860 - 03.12.2021 13:24

Thank you so much for the winter style hacks! Love all of them

@allinclusive4943 - 03.12.2021 16:39

I'm a bit afraid this winter; after putting on weight I don't want to look more bulky by adding layers 🙈😬

@BrittneyVentura - 03.12.2021 19:21

Love your socks girl! Tell me where you shop for the goods!

@danadascenzo7761 - 04.12.2021 04:31

Perfect! Thank you Emily!

@Divinenubian - 04.12.2021 08:30

I would add a cute hat,like a beanie or beret.

@zenabraithwaite1934 - 04.12.2021 13:59

Yup, I do all of these also thin thermal layer ( leggings, long sleeve and/or roll neck under anything. X

@karenmickens1239 - 04.12.2021 16:45

Yes ma'am!

@LaurenBratcher - 05.12.2021 09:58

Watching intently from Arizona forgetting that my understanding of 'cold weather' is purely subjective and the only purpose I have for wool socks is breaking in Doc's. Sigh, layers are so cool.

@janetjaken1389 - 05.12.2021 19:25

LOVE the double sock! Warm feet, warm heart!❤️

@kath2391 - 05.12.2021 21:37

These hacks are beyond good!!
Great job 👍🏽👍🏽😍

@annaklaus8377 - 07.12.2021 23:42

Great tips, Emily, will try all of them. Xx

@catherinefigura9888 - 08.12.2021 08:21

love your personality and style!! keep up the vids - i enjoy learning your fashion tips! i hope you have a lovely holiday season xx

@suzannesardinha6337 - 08.12.2021 14:32

I live in the Caribbean … but traveling this winter and need help with staying warm!! (I know you will laugh … but will be in South Florida which to me is kkkkkkkkkk-cold!!)

@pitaariel1920 - 08.12.2021 21:44

Vi, is that you??

@sarahshoxx - 09.12.2021 01:03

@Emily Weatley HI online fashion friend! I hope you and your rockin fam are having a fun holiday season!
when I saw those yellow and purple floral socks I thought, "Ahhh I have the same socks... & we have similar taste!"

@bbbleich8585 - 16.12.2021 01:20

I’m with you all the way. (I grew up in Chicago)😆

@mirabellegoldapfel6256 - 17.12.2021 07:25

If I want to spend a whole day on a christmas market without going inside, I wear another layer on top of my coat. A cape, a poncho, a shoulder wrap, a lambskin, even a smaller blanket slung around and maybe pinned, medieval style. Much comfier than wearing too much sweaters underneath the coat and getting tight and sweaty. And you feel a bit like a knight.
My warmest coat is a classic greatcoat with a v-neck collar, that always lets in a bit of wind through the scarf, so I wear a super soft alpaka turtleneck collar I knitted underneath.
I like double gloves in winter, as in simple cotton finger gloves in wool mittens.
Also got some mens woolen dresspants that are dirt cheap in the thrift store, these can be easily shortened and tailored and are much warmer than evil cold jeans cotton.

@ryrify - 27.12.2021 13:09

Love this! Can you tell the brand of your black raw edge jeans and striped turtleneck? This video was so helpful, I’ve been feeling like a ball of yarn this winter!

@Goldfishmemory77 - 28.12.2021 16:55

The best tips for a fellow Minnesotan!

@queerizm - 03.01.2022 11:58

Thank you. Where is your turtleneck from? You also have another stripped turtleneck in another video. Not sure if it is the same. Also both pairs of socks are gorgeous. Could you please share what brand they are? Many thanks

@pamelapowers1569 - 09.01.2022 18:10

Hey there, writing in from northern NH, deep cold moving in, digging out the serious layers as I write this. These ideas are my staples but I’m glad to see a video that will help the newcomers into the frozen great north. You did a fabulous job and look great. Keep them coming. I have so many hoodies, Nike is my favorite for this layering thing, not to bulky and a more feminine fit, much easier to work with. I also find heavy tights that have a bit of slip to them easier to wear under jeans….and let’s not forget our flannel lined Carhartts with a nice belt and gorgeous sweater and fun boots😁

@melissad7855 - 10.01.2022 02:51

Hey! Just found you (so binge-watching this past weekend). Also a Twin Cities girl (WSP) who loves black and grey, but isn't quite as young or tiny as you, lol. I still do my best!

@samanthab3247 - 10.01.2022 10:18

Great tips! From a perpetually chilly Canadian.
Do you happen to have a link to the second pair of boots your had the jeans tucked into? I love them!

@Indijana - 11.01.2022 14:32

Another good way of keeping your legs warm, I've discovered recently, is to wear knee-high socks when it's not too cold to where you need leggings underneath your trousers, but it's cold enough that the cold wind seeps under your trouser legs, especially with wide-legged jeans or trousers. Knee-high socks keeps the wind away from your legs, and the wind doesn't reach your tighs anyway, if it's not that cold.

@lovepilie - 15.01.2022 13:54

I have a hack that's just too awesome! Did you know that mesh tops, used as an underlayer, keep you really warm?? Please give it a try and tell me :)

@dynamicdivinereadings6520 - 15.01.2022 21:20

Nice video

@suzannedesylva3805 - 16.01.2022 22:54

Good One!

@lb4997 - 18.01.2022 04:54

Thank you for these!

@jeannettemann96 - 20.01.2022 04:59

I always put a layer of skin tight clothing to start, a long sleeve t or a Uniqlo heat tech shirt, leggings or winter tights under a silk shirt or turtle neck, jeans or pants, knee high boots if the pants are wider leg, thigh high boots over skinnies. My winter boots are half size larger than my sandals and pumps to accommodate wool socks over tights. The skin tight layer help keep my body heat . My head is always covered and I either wear or bring a scarf. Also one of the layers is a wool cardigan, pull over or vest. Thank you for your video! As a fellow edgy dresser, I appreciate your hacks.

@michelleharkness7549 - 20.01.2022 20:50

Media Technical Support People and Staff @ Ms. Lovely 😊 Emily Wheatley, thank you 🙏; again. Media Technical Support People @ Ms. Lovely 😊 Emily Wheatley , thank you 🙏; Greetings from southcentral Texas USA 🇺🇸

@moshmosh5797 - 23.01.2022 15:24

I love these looks. BUT….. do you think these will work for size 16 plus? It would be great to hear your thoughts on styling hacks for larger beautiesThanls

@lynnruddell7852 - 02.02.2022 15:59

I wear a thin hat under my heavier one, cozy for walking in Canada lol

@Chicago48 - 14.02.2022 17:17

Love the T-shirt over turtleneck.

@nancyelliott162 - 20.02.2022 15:08


@Lin-1785 - 21.02.2022 22:33

I love wide scarves. Loop around the neck with edges, hanging straight and really long down the front, or wrapped lower as a shawl layer.

@asaarnaldsdottir9620 - 30.06.2022 13:47

Like the double sock thing 🤩 we have a good selection of wool socks here in Iceland 🇮🇸 but where do you get the higher dressy socks? Do you have a go to shop?

@susangoodrichlerner7819 - 08.10.2022 02:03

A great addition to your videos! One thing that I can't find is a black/white striped turtle neck shirt in cotton. Looked everywhere! Drat!!

@nadageorgi7819 - 14.12.2022 22:10

Greetings from Beirut Lebanon. Glad to have a cold season.

@artdollz - 15.02.2023 19:59

It seemed socks haven’t been in style last few years so I’m really happy to see a video with some sock styling hacks❤

@ryancarver585 - 18.03.2023 23:18


@tammyslack6070 - 02.11.2023 18:03

@jodydeschenes5031 - 24.01.2024 04:06

that tapered cuff is what we did with our boyfriend jeans in the 80's! style memories from our lives are interesting!

@barbc7211 - 08.03.2024 03:55

Nice ❤
