How is Enlisted doing in 2024? (Enlisted Gameplay 2024)

How is Enlisted doing in 2024? (Enlisted Gameplay 2024)


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@40splishsplash - 11.01.2024 16:45

Checking out Enlisted in 2024, since there's been some major updates made recently which is called Enlisted New Era (merge update)! Today I'll talk about the updates and also how I believe Enlisted plays in 2024 after these changes and if it's worth your time as well!

@kiwirambob - 23.01.2024 11:18

Bring Bankcard ...

@WadayaMeane - 22.01.2024 09:07

People's general definition of "MMO" has changed so drastically over the years. This is a dedicated server hosted shooter with game modes and other server settings that can be adjusted, which then repeats on a cycle of matches playing out on said server. Not what I personally would call an MMO. Don't get me wrong, it looks like a pretty solid game for a f2p title, I just wouldn't call games such as Rust, DayZ, Battlefield, Battlebit etc. MMOs either.

@KumaFall - 22.01.2024 06:39

So, I’ve been playing since December of 2021, and at the beginning of 2023 or so, I dropped it, hearing all the new updates made me come back to it and…my only complaint is the merging of the campaigns. Now if you like this game than that’s up to you, but for me: this game is ruined. I can’t play the maps/ campaigns I wanted to play, I can tolerate the progression system but it doesn’t make sense why there is a Mk. 1 Grant in the pacific using Africa camo or why there is a British soldier in Stalingrad, I can’t event play the maps I love, and it’s inferiorating. I really hope that I’m complaining for nothing and that there is a way to play a campaign or something similar that I want, because I’d change my whole mind about this game, but so far from adventuring around the menu, I can’t find a single thing, if someone knows a thing or two then please help me out. I don’t want one of my favorite games to go down the drain

@vinvic1578 - 22.01.2024 03:49

Cool video ! How would you say it compares to heroes and generals , especially with regards to combined arms gameplay?

@christianrowbotham7386 - 21.01.2024 23:13

For me the new update is a lot better. However i wish i could play in the campaign of my choice since i want to play in moscow and pacific maps mainly and so far all i get is normandy, berlin or africa

@srodriguezp7340 - 20.01.2024 21:22

Is it better than battlefield or Wolfenstein 2??

@arijevacgaming921 - 20.01.2024 15:43

IDK but this game had the biggest potential ever, graphics, physics maps, sound, athmosphere, guns, vehicles everything is top notch, but why the fuck they had to make it bot game...... Imagine if we would could select squad for example (1 rifleman 1 sniper 1 engineer 1 tanker etc) that we want to play, but play 1 soldier at a time, and when you die you go to spwan with another etc!

@FlyinJMan - 20.01.2024 06:51

The update was nice and all but the merge just shows how dwindling the player count is. Over 70% of the retained players play either US or Germany so playing the Soviets or Japanese is going to result in constant losses which will hurt player counts even more.

@crocadillius6418 - 20.01.2024 02:55

I downloaded a whopping two days ago and I love it. It makes me nostalgic for old battlefield 4 in WWII, which I love. Every match I get at least one “Saving Private Ryan” moment, where it feels like a movie I get to control.

@samuelmoore1635 - 20.01.2024 02:36

I am loving the game in 2024. I play all BR levels 2-5. Got squads armed out for each level seeing as I have most the legacy squads lying around.

@hpok-pok.1996 - 19.01.2024 21:16


@lessthanzer0828 - 18.01.2024 02:54

Yall know you can't really pay bills with your disability check right?

@gmt2618 - 18.01.2024 01:14

I quit because after the new update, i simply can't play with my friends.

@projectpat2262 - 17.01.2024 22:36

I am just now downloading this on my pc. Any OGs wanna squad up? Project84pat1

@hakunamatata3839 - 17.01.2024 18:14

Tried it but it has no asia servers even after 3 years.Imagine launching a game in 2024 without steam and asia servers!🤮

@kjx3307 - 17.01.2024 02:59

I really like this game because of the appropriate pace of play. It's not too fast.

@jordan7077 - 16.01.2024 09:10

Personally i find enlisted the best shooter for the better part of the last 20 months because how it includes so much yet still grows

@histhoryk2648 - 16.01.2024 02:25

I've played, dropped because grind then deleted account. I don't intend to go back, I prefer to play Easy Red 2 which is basically Enlisted but plus jank minus grind

@giants94aa - 15.01.2024 15:12

Merge ruined the game imho. Campaigns are much better

@goonbuddyfishing - 15.01.2024 09:20

How do you get such good screen recording? are you using two graphics cards?

@TheLoneOnion - 15.01.2024 06:51

I've been playing enlisted since the closed beta ( 2020 - 2021 ) and Enlisted in my opinion is probably one of the best WW2 shooters on the market as far as content goes. The tech tree update and campaign merge is probably the best thing to happen to enlisted in a long time. Having six individual campaigns created far too much grinding and was not new player friendly at all. There is obviously some teething problems as right now you earn far too little silver for how expensive new soldiers / vehicles are and the new BR system needs some work as we are far too often seeing BR 5 gear showing up with BR 2 gear which just is not fair at all. Once they've ironed out all the issues, Enlisted will become one of the go to WW2 shooters on the market. Once the game lands on steam i think we will see a huge influx of new players, which is something the game needs.

@HispaniaGothorum - 15.01.2024 01:13

Still an antiGerman game and proRussian

@a.t6066 - 15.01.2024 01:12

They need to add like a 60k coin joining bonus or something for new players. The ingame currency is waaaay too slow to grind for how ludicrously expensive it is to buy things or upgrade

@stuffxval6032 - 14.01.2024 20:37

Come play it's fun! I'm Germany main getting t 2 unlocked

@NoahCunningham-ef8fl - 14.01.2024 18:29

As someone who plays enlisted, the new merge has greatly helped. I’m the old versions, someone with the basic rifles could be matched up against people with assault rifles and flamethrowers without a good counter, but now it’s mainly just bolt action rifles and light auto weapons that you have to deal with in low tier, and the people in high tier have good enough equipment to deal with those problems. The grind is less boring cuz you have a wider variety of maps. (Unless you japan)

@ejmuerterisefromthedead8924 - 14.01.2024 05:07

the issue still persist when it comes to tier matches if you are playing tier 3 gear you will still get uptier against tier 4 or 5 vehicles which the matchmaking is still broken.

@mariopina280 - 14.01.2024 04:43

The MM and the
Perck points was a good thing
But the grind its bigger
1000 base XP= 500 silver
The guns/planes/tanks are super expensive on silver
And cuz MM the games are more balanced,you get less XP

@alpha_trooper8187 - 13.01.2024 09:14

I was honestly befuddled when I first joined after several months but after getting adjusted I would say the changes have significantly benefited the game for the future. Before you probably had to grind campaigns for months to just unlock the Heavy MG's but I was able to get unlock them in the first week coming back. The game overall still feels slightly incomplete but is perhaps the best free to play game out there for my taste in the military genre. It is almost the perfect balance between arcade and realism and as you said extremely immersive. The main things I hope to see are updates on the bot AI, polished weapon animations, and a slight pet peave of mine which is introducing Bipod mechanics. It can really take me out of it mowing down dozens of enemies only to realize the bipod is only a weapon model and some bipods are even deployed. Just my opinion though, excellent video. Deserves much more views

@mattbyuh - 13.01.2024 08:46

I used to play this game but it jist feels like im playing against bots. Doesn't feel like any real players

@MR.SKANDAL0121 - 12.01.2024 12:03

Does anyone else feel like they're not playing against real players on this? Like im usually not bad at war games but I'm getting over 60 kills in each game it doesn't seem real to me it's like all the players are AI or something either that or I've finally found a game that I'm better than everyone else on 😂

@Mrlegoooo - 12.01.2024 11:30

I use to play Enlisted before all the updates stop playing for months (possibly for a year) but coming back to it now and seeing how they've improved it, I gotta say it seems to be in a better place and its easier to understand the perks system. keep it up! :)

@wayy2crxzy - 11.01.2024 19:58


@SUPERGENKI - 11.01.2024 19:54

That's totally awesome! Full support from Hong Kong. 🙂

@thecircledk8597 - 11.01.2024 19:43

So basically WarThunder but an FPS ?
