5 BEST Interview Tips - The Ultimate Formula to Interview Success

5 BEST Interview Tips - The Ultimate Formula to Interview Success

Don Georgevich

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MM - 14.09.2023 14:27

I have an interview in 3 hrs. 🙏🏻

joeyguitarlo - 13.09.2023 14:02

When employers run ads with a job description, many times, the description is very vague

I think employers do this for a reason, because you can sum up someone's experience and ability by the questions they ask

For example, if they ask a question about a particular job function during the interview, and the employer is vague, and evasive… How the potential new Employee handles that tells the employer everything they need to know

If the person being interviewed, doesn't press them for an answer, the employer is going to know they are a push over.

They won't respect you if you don't follow up on your questions. If you don't like the answers they give, you can handle it one of two ways

You can stop the interview like the guy in this video says, and just say thank you, but I've learned enough about this job to know that it's not the right one for me

Finish the interview, go home, do some follow up. Send a thank you letter… Then forget about it.

It's much more fun and satisfying to turn down a job after they offer it to you. If you know for sure that it's not the right job for you, don't let on during the interview, but don't act overly interested either. Just be cool.

If they happen to call you to offer you the job, tell them that you thought about it, and determine it's not the right job for you, and here's why

I would tell them straight to their face, or over the phone, that it's not the right job for you.

If they ask you why, have a good reason and tell them. It doesn't matter, I mean, don't burn any bridges, but just be honest and say, I didn't like how you were vague about specific questions, or, there are certain responsibilities that I know are not a good fit, and then tell them what they are

If you're going to turn down a job, do it with dignity because if another job comes along in the company that you are a better fit for it, they might just call you

pejko89 - 10.09.2023 23:46

Ђорђевић ❤

Elder - 19.08.2023 19:20

I have failed my last 4-5 interviews.I watched this 2 hours prior to today’s interview and I got hired! He did not ask any of the questions today(My previous interviewers definitely did) however, me being prepared to answer those questions allowed me to present myself in a much better light. You’re awesome and thank you so much.Subscribed!

ZAID MATUTE - 07.08.2023 05:22

I have an interview tomorrow , wish me luck guys 🙏🏼

Raz Crocker
Raz Crocker - 03.08.2023 20:32

15 minutes

Kushal Subedi
Kushal Subedi - 13.07.2023 23:38

i really like your videos don. they make som much sense. I have two interviews coming up. One on monday july 17 and one on july 20 and i hope i do well on them based on your videos. I am feeling much more confident watching your videos. You are absolutely talentive at giivng tips for interview. Well done man.

Faeeza Murshida
Faeeza Murshida - 11.07.2023 11:38

going to an interview in an hour

said abboud
said abboud - 09.07.2023 17:12

thank you

MetaWill - 30.06.2023 06:07

I have an interview in 11 hours, thank you for the tips!

dex213 - 23.06.2023 12:19

Thanks for this video, mine is for a prestigious company in the fashion industry and I hope my real adventure starts here.

Brett Ossman
Brett Ossman - 14.06.2023 19:34

What's your feeling on taking notes to an interview, and scan them, on occasion, to assure you don't forget something?

Calm Water
Calm Water - 13.06.2023 21:02

I had interviewed yesterday afternoon and I got offer 30 mins ago!

Day-dreams - 05.06.2023 15:22

Im 21 and never had a real job 😂

Farzana - 28.05.2023 16:58

Thanks for the interview tips.

Hopefully I will lock down an interview this week. Fingers crossed.

Asia-Vinae Palmer
Asia-Vinae Palmer - 22.05.2023 06:14

I watched your videos a couple years ago, last minute, now I’m watching this the day before AFTER preparing for the past three days (immediately after being invited to interview) and this makes me feel sooooo prepared.

IshrAt IshAque
IshrAt IshAque - 15.05.2023 23:04

I have an interview in a couple of months...😮😊 Tfs Don 👍🏻

Feonia Thompson
Feonia Thompson - 15.05.2023 16:34

Literally, I have an interview in the next 30 minutes 😊

Alex Z
Alex Z - 04.05.2023 16:09

I agree. Enthusiasm is key. But it won’t work fully on something. Knowledge is also key, but without passion they won’t hire you (they will know you won’t last long).

For me, getting a job is about buying a home. Location location location. I personally excel in a environment where I feel safe and comfortable and not just in the workplace but WHERE the job is. I can’t do the city for example. I have a family and I grew up in the suburbs. I like that feeling of boring quietness. (But I 100% know others in my age group would enjoy the city more…🤷🏻‍♂️).

I also think you can’t apply to any job and expect to do it. YOU know you can do it….but they want someone who can do it well. Positions in STEM are a perfect example. You can be an engineer, you know math, great. But if you think you’ll get an electrical engineering position when you’re an Aeronautical engineer…that’s a bit of a stretch. You’ll get interviewed and you may be a great interviewer…but you won’t move up fast.

For me it was a realization to see that although I could do jobs, I truly only would excel and give a GREAT performance (like the one employers now wanna have in this recession) in subjects to which I was truly passionate towards.

Emil Jarvid
Emil Jarvid - 02.05.2023 06:02


Connor Edwards
Connor Edwards - 30.04.2023 23:59

Another interview tomorrow. This video and it’s power hasn’t failed me the last two times!🙏🏼

RamLock - 26.04.2023 20:32

I have a job interview in less than 24 hours

red_wheelbarrow - 24.04.2023 21:55

thank you mate

Bilha Njeri
Bilha Njeri - 19.04.2023 06:38

Watching this, I have an interview in 4hours time. I believe I'll come back with great news 🙏

Mitchell Seyna
Mitchell Seyna - 18.04.2023 05:06

Last tip was VERY GOOD!!

Chris Davis
Chris Davis - 03.04.2023 22:12

Guess I'm a little more prepared than some of these folks... my inevitable is in 2 days.

theblankpanther - 30.03.2023 20:07

Thank you and good luck to all the interviewees out there!

Zak Koenig
Zak Koenig - 24.03.2023 18:03

Wow this video helped a lot ! Especially the part about speaking their language. I based my questions on their buzzwords she said I had great great great great well thought out questions

Number One Mr. Squeaks Fan
Number One Mr. Squeaks Fan - 28.02.2023 12:55

Got a huge hardware (FPGA) interview to break me into the industry in 12 hours, wish me luck!

Jesus Cardenas
Jesus Cardenas - 22.02.2023 09:57

Very good advice.

mayra A.
mayra A. - 18.02.2023 01:05

In regards to asking for clarification on a question, my concern is they'll think I lack comprehension haha.

BlackArrows7954 - 06.02.2023 23:19

Interview in 3 hrs!

Savatinah - 02.02.2023 08:32

I have come back to say THANK YOU. I got it, using your tips. 🙏

Icelyn Odette
Icelyn Odette - 02.02.2023 00:18

Incredible work on this video! Thank you so much for sharing this information🫶🏻

Cody Nelson
Cody Nelson - 01.02.2023 00:56

5 mins out for a GM interview.

Samay Soni
Samay Soni - 29.01.2023 16:21

This is some exceptionally good advice!

xavie - 20.01.2023 20:48

I go back to this video every single time I have a interview. So well spoken and such good mindset to go into job interviews. Thank you ❤ so many times over.

Mosaic Owl Studios
Mosaic Owl Studios - 05.01.2023 13:39

If you have the capacity to remain focused on the conversation, mirror their actual posture (unless it is aggressive). Subtly fold your hands as they do, keep your hands under the table if they do, talk with your hands if they do. The overwhelming majority of people respond very well if the person they are engaging with is matching their body language (it has a comforting effect on nearly everyone, without them being very aware of exactly why).

Mosaic Owl Studios
Mosaic Owl Studios - 05.01.2023 13:35

"Use the same language they do"

This goes for ANYTIME you would like to build rapport with ANYONE. Great advice. 👍

Joseph Elsleger
Joseph Elsleger - 20.12.2022 19:27

I'm going for my first interview today in years and I hope to get the job. Thank you for this and I'll update you when I get home to let you know how it went

Christopher Rotondo
Christopher Rotondo - 16.12.2022 06:28

Bring your toolbox or laptop and a brown bagged lunch and say I’m ready to start now.

Derick Whitson
Derick Whitson - 13.12.2022 22:48

It’s not about saying the right thing
it’s about how you say the right thing
Keep in mind, that going into a interview and saying the right thing won’t necessarily get you the job
It’ll help you if you get off track in a interview
Saying the right thing and answer isn’t going to win you the job
An interview isn’t about the right answer so much is a math test is
It’s different it’s the way you present the answer, it’s the experience behind it, the passion behind your answer
There’s a lot more deeper things that go into a interview rather than just giving the right answer

5 best last minute tips to help with a framework and a methodology that’s going to pull you through the interview so they can get a better picture so that an employer can get a better picture of who you are and what you can deliver to their organization

1. Ask good questions to them. It’s going to show them that you’re thinking and visualizing about the job. Now you want to only ask the questions that help you make the decision about whether you want to work there or not. You don’t want to ask them meaningless questions. You want your questions to have some value where their answer helps you make a decision to work there or not. Ask good questions that are going to help you decide whether you want to work there and when they see you’re asking these real questions maybe in a “what’s it’s like to work there” or “how are you going to evaluate my performance” whatever is important to you. What’s important to me in a job is going to be different to what’s going to be important to you in a job. This is why you want to ask questions that make a difference to you, that educate you, where that answer educate you about them, and it helps you make a decision whether this is a place you want to be or not. That is the whole point of asking questions. You don’t want to ask questions just for the sake of asking questions. You need to think to yourself what’s important to you in this job and what means the most. Is there travel, if it’s too much travel would you take the job? So if we were sitting down and one of your questions was how much travel was required in this position and they said well it’s 75 percent and you know that you’re not willing to travel more than 10 percent, so that employer just disqualified themselves. You asked qualifying question and in your mind they failed. They failed with their answer because it’s 75 percent and you know what that’s too much for you and you don’t want to do that. So they’re out. You can just exit the interview right there or you can keep going on for practice. It is important for you to ask meaningful questions that help you decide whether you want to work there or not

2. Be flexible. Be flexible in the interview. Whether it’s about scheduling a follow up interview meeting some other people providing them references. Whatever it is whatever they are asking. Be flexible, be accommodating. Show them you are willing. You don’t just want to go in there and it they ask you something you say “lI’ll get back to you” or “I’ll let you know”. Give them a answer. Be decisive. And show them that you are willing to accommodate them no matter what it takes. If you want this job more than everyone else show them that by being accommodating and flexible with whatever is they are asking. Of course you want to be within reason but don’t give them a hard time. Remember they are dealing with a lot of people, and so more flexible and more accommodating you demonstrate that you are in the interview process it makes you a more attractive candidate.

3. Use their language. Use the same words that they do. When you first apply to the job grab a copy of that job description, go through it and highlight it. Highlight the different words and the language style that they are using. Then when you go into the interview, be reflective of that. Because what they’re doing is they’re giving you a peek inside to the way that they think. The way that they write, the way that their culture is and how they name things and what terminology that they use. So you have a blueprint of that now. So go into the interview and be the person that they’re looking for by using the same type of language. When you start using the same words, buzz words industry terms, they’re going to say hey he’s(or she’s) using the same words that we are they think like us and you’re showing that you’re like minded. When they see a person is like minded they’re like hey you sound like us you talk like us you are one of us. We want to invite you into our culture. That’s what is going to go through their mind when you’re using the same terminology they’re using. You could take this one step further, be adaptive be mirroring, when you’re in the interview and you’re talking to them and you can see that they’re talking a certain way or they’re using certain buzzwords, terminology whatever. Pick up on that be a detective write those things down and try to use some of that language back into your conversation. Do it naturally not in an awkward way. But try to mirror who they are in the interview and you’ll be more like them and show that you’re more like them it’ll show that you’re more likeminded. You’ll go farther in the process and you’ll probably get the job. Because again they’ll say Hey he sounds like us he talks like us he probably is one of us.

4. Compliment them when you don’t know. We get into a interview and we get worried. This is in the back of our mind that they’re going to ask us something we don’t know. What do we do? Do we sit there, do we put our thumb in our mouth? Do we shake? Do we look away? What do we do when we don’t know the answer? If you don’t know the answer ask for more clarification. Ask them some follow up questions around their question and what this is going to do is force them to offer more clarification about what they’re asking. They might even ask a less restrictive question that way. It’s a natural thing that we humans do when we feel that we are misunderstood we try to clarify more. So when they ask you a question that you really don’t have a answer for, ask them some follow questions around that to try to pinpoint what it is they’re looking for. Then they will
Go above and beyond and reply back to you and give you a lot more focus. They’ll take off some of the boundaries and restrictions of the questions which will make it easier for you to give more a direct answer they’re looking for. Plus its stall time
It allows you to stall a little bit and think about something. You don’t want to use this technique for every question this is like a lifeline so if you feel like you’re stuck. If we get stuck Have a lifeline, you ask a couple more questions to pinpoint what it is they’re looking for. They’re going to feel like “ Oh i must have not asked a clear question”. “Because my own question wasn’t very clear now I have to go farther to articulate what I meant”. This is going to help you make a direct answer to what they’re asking plus stall time.

5. Let them know you want the job. Just tell them. most candidates don’t do this they just think that their appearance that they showed up for the interview that that’s all the enthusiasm that they need to express for wanting the job. “Why wouldn’t they think I want the job, I showed up here I interviewed for it”. No, you need to go beyond that. You need to be enthusiastic so after the interview say “you know what this sounds like something I want to be doing”. Be specific don’t be in general.say “I want to be working with these customers I want to be in this industry I want to work on this project I want to innovate things I want to make contributions to what you guys are working on right now. Be specific be passionate. Show them that this is where you want to be and this is what you want to be doing and if you don’t get it here you’ll get it somewhere else. But be clear about that most people aren’t. When they go on the interview they just sit there and answer questions and they’re like did I do a good job and can I get the job
Those people don’t get hired it’s the people that demonstrate enthusiasm and passion for the job the people that come alive in the job interview those are the people that get the job. Granted that is not going to win you the job every time enthusiasm is great but you still need to have other qualities that they’re looking for. They may be looking for more things then just your enthusiasm maybe you don’t have experience at all. All the enthusiasm isn’t going to get you a ride at the space rocket to the moon just because you’re enthusiastic there’s a lot more things you need to do. But if you already have the groundwork in place, if you have that experience, you have that education and you’re enthusiastic about it that trifecta you need all three. That instantly separates you from everyone else at the job. You have all three plus passion that drive that’s how you go farther in the interview

maricela Macías luna
maricela Macías luna - 12.12.2022 20:31

I Have one in 2 1/2 hrs I’m worried not to answer the right things and I really feel this is a job I can grow in …it’s a new Business opening soon.

Ryan Ferguson
Ryan Ferguson - 08.12.2022 11:50

I got an interview soon. This guy is great I love his personality

Yvonne Mforneh's kitchen
Yvonne Mforneh's kitchen - 05.12.2022 19:44

thank you i will check out the book as well
a big thumb up to you

Yasser Mohamed
Yasser Mohamed - 02.12.2022 20:45


Ricky Fiting
Ricky Fiting - 28.11.2022 13:45

Big interview in like 3 hrs
