Odoo14 Point of Sale - Inventory Management Feature

Odoo14 Point of Sale - Inventory Management Feature

Odoo Mates

4 года назад

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@tempacc3107 - 04.04.2020 15:01

thanks alot for the videos, i really really appreciate them

I'm relatively a low-mid developer in regards to Odoo, python and programming in general.

So in Odoo i have 3 different modules that has 3 different purposes. Each module tracks its own records(information). however, for each record i want to assign tasks(with sub-tasks).

so basically a project management for each record.

In other words, if we can imagine the current odoo project module. each record=1 project. and that project will have tasks and subtasks.

1- cloning the project module 3 times would solve my issue.

2- alternatively i can have 3 different modules, and assign existing project.task as their child. this may allow me to have one page to view "my tasks" from the 3 different modules.

3-of i can just create the modules and tasks from scratch and try to reproduce the code found in the project management

each of the previous has pros and cons, what do u think is the best approach on the long run?

@usmanfarzand4078 - 04.04.2020 09:50

Niyas Thanks for this video ....
