How to Make Cyberpunk 2077 Look Like Real Life

How to Make Cyberpunk 2077 Look Like Real Life


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@selohcin - 10.02.2024 17:20

Did you notice how the only times this mod actually looks photorealistic is during cloudy days? It makes the sunlight tone too cool to mimic real life, and nighttime shots are also too cool in most instances. The color temperature at stock is actually more true-to-life for sunny days and nighttime.

@uncletrashero - 10.02.2024 16:47

i absolutely hate that depth of field
its ONLY good for screenshots. DoF in gameplay is absolutely horrendous

@GobIinSIayer - 10.02.2024 15:55

Which gaming laptop do you recommend? Your top 3. My budget is $1000-$2000+ US

@joyl7842 - 10.02.2024 15:54

And to think these mods were made for a 4-year old game.

@jacobvriesema6633 - 10.02.2024 15:49

I've never liked depth of field. While our eyes do it, the game doesn't know where my eyes are looking, only where my mouse is pointing. So this mod would only really work (for me) if it were in VR or using the new Apple vr headset which looks where your eyes are moving to update DOP on the fly at 90Hz.

@TheGreekStifler - 10.02.2024 14:19

the vanilla preset is made by the devs for a reason....

@DDxRaptor - 10.02.2024 11:10

I appreciate this video and your honesty about this specific Reshade preset and that it's locked behind a paywall. I very much dislike the idea of selling a stupid preset that you can create on your own. All you need to do is to fiddle around with Reshade a bit, it's way easier to do than people think.

@BlackOwl-fz2oo - 10.02.2024 09:06

My gtx 1660 ti will love this

@Schizm1 - 10.02.2024 03:49

I mean it looks cool and all but I prefere a bit stylized look of the original. Overall - I wanted realism I'd step outside... And that's not why I play games;P

@alexdevey3188 - 10.02.2024 02:31


@ivan5604 - 10.02.2024 02:28

Make a guide on how to go outside next time

@Notesens - 10.02.2024 02:14

One of the biggest things that ruin my gaming experience is how characters look at diff perspectives. For example: up close, you see all the detail and it looks fantastic.. but even 5-10m away, it just looks like a black face and the character suddenly looks like an ant. IRL if someone is 10m away, they dont look tiny. Why does this happen in video games? It almost seems like the FOV increases the further you look, to create a 'hallway' effect, which i guess is supposed to add depth? But really, it should be the opposite. FOV should decrease. Another big issue i have is how cameras work in games. You look to the left and it changes perspective of the right.. absolute worst mechanic. Everything in space should always look the same.

@Lucindavay - 10.02.2024 00:39

If you look at the ramp in some of the video you can see this is how i tell Game or Reality, that the textures sometimes dont align. Life you dont usually have Lines that dont meet.

@RHaenJarr - 09.02.2024 23:15

I remember this from the San Andreas modding scene way back. The tradition of making graphical overhauls that are a huge bother to install, look great on screenshots and vids but suck to play lives on!

@bornfugly - 09.02.2024 22:55

Finally, a way to experience playing Cyberpunk 2077 on a washed-out monitor

@Macmanexe - 09.02.2024 21:35

I want the lighting stuff but also really still want the heavy colors from the neon signs etc

@innxcence - 09.02.2024 20:23

Oi nah sorry that DOF is not properly set whatsoever

@Rambl3On - 09.02.2024 20:15

I don’t really like it.

@snifferx1655 - 09.02.2024 19:40

blur is sh3t , turn it off now!

@Whitestar127 - 09.02.2024 17:23

You had me until "depth of field".

@SWATOPR8R1 - 09.02.2024 12:35

It does not look lifelike. It looks more liked filed through a camera with wrong color settings and too much sharpening. Especially the black/dark colors look terrible... almost non-existent.
It looks more like that one game that uses that bodycam view. And that is in no way realistic (unless you perceive your daily life exclusively through a bodycam)

@severalracoons9315 - 09.02.2024 11:07

Why yes, I'll blow my PC up for 5 minutes to see my spicy nomad babe be mad at me

@philgraves4998 - 09.02.2024 10:51

Real life GTA 5 graphics require wet conditions with overly shiny everything! Cyberpunk real life graphics require no sun, sky or shadows!

@donedwards4428 - 09.02.2024 06:42

OK, lets get something very clear. If you have 20/20 vision, the human eye does not have any depth of field. If you have blurry vision at a distance, your near sited and have compromised vision.

Depth of field is a camera effect, not an effect of the human eye. So applying this to a first person game is purely nonsense and I have never understood why anyone would want to do this. If your trying to replicate what you see through a camera lens, then yes go for it. Depth of field is for games like the Witcher, Control, and other third person games, not FPS games.

All of this really started to come to use when ENBs became in vogue for taking detailed screenshots, and then became playable in games. But its not natural for the human eye, and I personally hate it. The other reason it was used was to hide the lack of detailed distant LOD in games, especially older games, and lets face it, its not much of an issue anymore.

Just trying to make the point about DOF.

@cooperj7982 - 09.02.2024 06:15

Was expecting to see massive jugs on the the models, so this is defs not photo real

@l33lduck - 09.02.2024 03:38

Yea I was going to say I think that blur is the huge difference and reason why it looks 'lifelike'. It gives the impression that you're inside real 'miniature' model of a real handmade city, almost like viewing it from a first person perspective through one of them shotgun cameras.

@matejholubec3607 - 09.02.2024 02:03

Mate me and you... we won't agree on this... I hate depth of field in videogames, because it's trying to stimulate a function in your neural communication and basically what happens with the picture, that is formed in your brain, to make you focus on what you're looking at in the game (which btw your brain already does - that is in most cases... probably)... the thing that's wrong about this is that it's assuming that you're looking at certain places of your monitor (mostly center) and on top of that it's not going to make your own depth of field, that's generated in your brain, disappear. Just by watching this video makes me feel like my head's about to explode from pain... thanks for that... it doesn't look "life like", it looks like sh!t. And if I want to look at sh!tty and blurry pictures I'll watch JAV instead :D
Also DoF affects performance so having it turned off might increase performance... so I opt for that, cause I don't like seeing double depth of field... and I like to look around on the screen as well.
Anyway I like your videos, so don't feel dejected and have a nice one! Keep up the good work and don't overwork yourself! :)

@davidarnold7147 - 09.02.2024 00:50

Why would anyone want a video game to look real? Especially an extremely violent one as this game?

@weekendtrailerparksupervis3216 - 09.02.2024 00:40

Why does Cyberpunk need to look “Real life”??

@vpwavv - 08.02.2024 23:42

colors are way too washed out, and removing too much bloom looks bad

@loganmitchell2878 - 08.02.2024 23:25

Honestly, I think these mods make most scenarios in the game actually look a lot worse. There are a few fringe cases where it looks very nice, but I'd never want to play with either the LUT or reshade on.

@omen_apollo - 08.02.2024 23:09

Wish you didn't promote paid patreon reshades.

@imyournme6632 - 08.02.2024 22:54

7 bucks for a config in a mod. Okay buddy.

@mdalion - 08.02.2024 22:33

So people are DRMing Reshade presets now?
What a time to be alive.

@ip_freely - 08.02.2024 22:01

Can anything similar to this be done on PS5?

@Vipppala - 08.02.2024 21:50

all these nova mods kill the vibe and atmosphere of the game, i much prefer something simple like e3 lut

@PasDeBrasFR - 08.02.2024 21:42

Honestly it's impressive from a technical standpoint, but it destroys the feel of the game.
Like almost every "reshade" and color correction packs, it's made by modders that aren't artists and it shows.
Muted colors due to over exposition & hard image sharpening do not make the game look any better, the Skyrim modding scene is also full of them, and the cyberpunk mods showcased here present the same terrible take.
DoF is also a hard pass for me, even forgiving the unreadable action, it's migraine inducing, again, there's a reason developers usually made it discreet and always at the horizon out of cutscenes, even if it does look good on still scenes or for screenshots.

All in all, it's good if these mods work out for people, but for most i think this just denature the game's visual design way too much to be even remotely pleasant.

@tschmal2579 - 08.02.2024 21:02

This has a very claymation vibe to it, like it looked real but also fake? Maybe it was a limitation in the fps or something?

@waylingtons - 08.02.2024 20:52

Do I need the cooling system if a nuclear power plant to play this?

@tomeshec1122 - 08.02.2024 20:50

looks goofy

@yota71 - 08.02.2024 20:33

nice but i would love that someone take action on so many closed door in CP2077 we need someone like the devolper of A World Of Pain or fallout interiors project (for fallout 3 and NV) that will be a great mod, i really dont care much for photorealism, i care much for exploration

@rhythmmandal3377 - 08.02.2024 19:54

7$ a month should be nothing for people who are 2 4090's to run this setup.

@wonipowa7542 - 08.02.2024 19:09

I have the video card to support this and I've been looking around at how to do this because I want to do a play of my game like this.

@dominickeverest6471 - 08.02.2024 19:05

If only they kept a small dedicated dev team on CP77 to add stuff like these photorealistic mods to the game. I may have to drop 7 bucks on my next playthrough. This game really has delivered years later.

@evorick - 08.02.2024 19:04

I forgot not everything is in focus IRL lol. I'm so used to having all motion blur effects either off/low in game.

@kituwahband - 08.02.2024 18:38

I was expecting "Photorealistic Night City" enb...akin to PRC for FO4

@insiainutorrt259 - 08.02.2024 18:21

Think im just using Preem lut and texture modpack...
More than enough for me

@GodSponge - 08.02.2024 18:09

I don't understand why people say that heavy dof is realistic. Dof is not how eyes work. It's something that you see in cameras. One of the first things I do in any game with dof is turn it off.

@revolver2750 - 08.02.2024 18:01

man idk this looks awful to me i cannot play it like that. Why do people add blur i don't get it. If it was VR yea. But i usually look around with my eyes and not me mouse. Here i have to directly look at something otherwise it's blurry that's awful. Pretty sure i would get a headache when i drive around in such a modded game. Some blur is fine but not like this. Irl i don't directly turn my head to look at every little thing i move my eyes. For screenshots it's awesome. So where do we need to go to make it lifelike without the blur? But like VR this could be one of those things were you just have to play it? All i see are things that don't necessarily look life like but more different like filters. Maybe my eyes just suck but if you made multiple screen shots of different configuration i probably won't be able to tell much if any difference. I need to see it back to back.
