First Time Playing - LINEAGE 2 Official EU

First Time Playing - LINEAGE 2 Official EU


1 год назад

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Ala - 14.09.2023 13:28

anyone remember L2x or L2 eXtreme ? :)

Pr0 GengOo
Pr0 GengOo - 14.09.2023 03:39

In other words - what happens if you turn your game into a cash grab and fire any real talent available
NcSoft don't even care anymore and here I am still hoping for the next Lineage to be better ( at least it's announced now)

Lord Chumpington
Lord Chumpington - 13.09.2023 15:29

Lineage 2 was way better than WoW back on realese. WoW was a "my first MMO" type game, L2 was a bit more grindy (korean) and generally involved more "skill".
In the west, WoW did a ton better because Blizzard were a ton better than NCSoft at advertising.
Reason people play WoW still now is only nostalgia, the game hasn't aged well and people still chase those good old days, which they won't get back.

glOock2 - 25.08.2023 16:41

The game was good back then just because it had different role model, you could do your sessions in many different ways which was something different from other games which was offering you only Quest based progress, also it had big varity of classes which made them unique together with different type of sets.

undead12345678 - 10.08.2023 15:17

If he would play longer to a higher level then he could as well comment on the Wall. The wall when get almost no xp from monsters and you are not stronf enough to grind in hugher level areas because the monsters are too strong.
Basically stuck with beginner set and items and no money and no means to obtain better gear.

FiR3Dr4g0n - 08.08.2023 10:23

l2 official used to be extremly hard to level up, the real reason people choose that game was for open world pvp [everywhere as long as it was outside of towns] olympiad systems, clans, sieges

Mike - 08.08.2023 05:37

Best thing to play right now is private servers but they are going extinct too..

Jordy - 03.08.2023 12:25

You could play older versions of the game on private servers.

Tchublen - 25.07.2023 14:21

Definitly C6 was the best version of Lineage2!

Elfas - 16.07.2023 19:09

Can't believe how bad this game have become.. up to h5, it was still playable, but from what you showed.. even Josh's worst games aren't as bad.. 😅 Good job on the video, my fellow eastern european 😁

LHHC - 16.07.2023 08:58

thats actually a damn shame. game was fun back at its prime

Arnold Lineage
Arnold Lineage - 10.07.2023 13:43

I'm going to be correcting some stuff. Dark elven prophets don't exist. the only prophet is human. Shillien Elder was the class and it could recharge and buff and heal. Elven Elder can also buff recharge and heal. Orcs had 2 buffers. Warcryer for party. Overlord (3rd class Dominator) for Clan/Ally. Also Elves and Dark Elves have bards for dances/songs. You never Needed to have every class in a party, only specifics. As you can only have 9 people in a party. You saying Dominator(orc mage/buffer) and Gladiator(human fighter) being the best is the weirdest thing, as they are the furthest things apart. Unless you meant Destroyers (orc fighter). Dominators could only be the best if you have infinite mana, as their skills consume a lot!

Danilo O
Danilo O - 08.07.2023 05:25

L2 players play private servers

Fendy Rivas
Fendy Rivas - 05.07.2023 20:02

My dude could you help a brother? I downloaded this game through Tap tap but it asks me to use a phone #, is there a way to bypass this and play on mobile? if not, do you have an specific video on how to play it on pc if anything

Aragoth - 04.07.2023 00:10

Everything after Interlude is not Lineage

Powerimp Electronics
Powerimp Electronics - 28.06.2023 23:01

What other mmorpg's similar to Lineage 2?

Hien Son
Hien Son - 21.06.2023 10:44

Thank you a lot Alex. As a L2 veteran played the first time from 2005, I love this review

Perfecto - 07.06.2023 02:40

L2 in 2000 it was from other world game...

TDxDan - 31.05.2023 07:58

Funny how you complain about the Old Game making a Quick Way for new players to catch fast up to the Majority of the Playerbase whilst later on you gona need to grind 1 Month long daily for 1 level at Lv 112 xD. If they did not make a quick way to catch up. You could play 10 years old fashion style to make lv 100 instead lol

TDxDan - 31.05.2023 07:47

Thanks for the Video BUT "Quote" from Video ; For Example, Dark elven Prophets were the Only Class in the Entire Game who could Restore other Players' mana, and it was the only means of recovering mana for the Mages and Fighters. "Quote End" Ehh I know you said you played Official Servers but maybe just maybe you dont remember correctly .. Dark and Light Elf "Healing" Classes could recharge. Also Duno if you named it Dark Elven Prophet cause you dont remember the correct name of its Class but Prophet was a Class only accessable by Human Race.

I found so many Wrong Information already in first 5 mins of Video, please do Proper Research before giving out False Infos.

George Chiqovani
George Chiqovani - 29.05.2023 17:53

Lineage fell HARD... its a joke of a game now... as a fan im deeply disappointed.

t a k e o
t a k e o - 27.05.2023 03:17

nah, iam gonna disagree. I play lineage ll for almost 17 years. The "New" Lineage ll is different of course from the L2 that you where playing. Auto hunting have been introduced because people where doing keyboard/mouse macros either way cause most of them work. Level cap has changed significantly, balance is real and in a siege, a boss fight, a clan pvp and xp parties you still need your supports as they provide higher level of buffs and special buffs each race. I do play as a buffer got decent gear from grinding. No donation at all. I can follow high level players and support. But the truth is that you have to grind to get gear/levels. Buying gear or lvl's is just an option. Now from a damage dealer view its different. Its hard to xp after 110 for a free to play player if they dont run all the daylies task and instances. Plues there are a lot of side quests that could help a newb free to play player to enchance even a little his damage output. And there is a lot of active players and community but not at low levels like 100 as you are. I mean every day there are parties in Blazing swamp to xp people from 99-105 in les than 2 days. After 105 you can find a better party to xp. and you move on to the next zone. The early quests give you gear and they are not so hard to farm honestly. You were playing with 2-3 skills while you can use almost all your skills and kill faster and bigger clusters of mobs instead of single target. 99-105 is easy.

Bloody - 16.05.2023 01:00

if you realy want to show what is L2 now your video cant end on lvl 99 that is 2 hours of playing next time when you want to make video for some game first talk with some players gather some info then start because in video people who play L2 now see only how you left on tutorial

Bloody - 16.05.2023 00:59

you entered the first zone where you should join party and farm in group and get reward from quest and video ended before this

HappyLv - 15.05.2023 03:50

Good and stable servers are hard to find

Larev Barroa
Larev Barroa - 13.05.2023 16:51

HAHAHA c4 interlude man those quest for nobless buff .... 1 month till respawn 1 boss hahaha imagine.. players pking each other outside the boss room.... but we manage to get the quest done hahaha old days.. tower of insolence 1st floor up until 13

Pogonomyrmex Rugosus
Pogonomyrmex Rugosus - 09.05.2023 21:49

The only people still playing this game are whales and rmt goobers.

Bulgarian - 09.05.2023 05:02

LIneage 2 is definiely a dead game when it comes to popularity. However everyone that has played it in the past will undoubtedly feel the nostalgia and return ( to private servers ) every once and a while, I certainly do. What's left however is mainly enjoying pvp servers as nobody has the time anymore to farm 24/7 for gear.

RiddleMeThis - 08.05.2023 22:40

Played the BETA all towns were full with people giran was a giant marketplace

Noel Tage
Noel Tage - 02.05.2023 13:52

Only EU and RU people played that back in a day. Besides KR ofc.

FuzzyBear - 01.05.2023 21:06

Thank you! Now I can skip Lineage 2 ads 0.1s faster.

bewsket highlights
bewsket highlights - 26.04.2023 19:14

The only server that is left worth playing right now imo is Asterios. Its a modified High Five chronicle, its obvisouly russian, its been in the market for a decade or so, and very friendly to the internationals. They keep launching a classic server every second year or so which beats all records of online players (16k concurrent players on a single server i think?). They have an always online x5 server and a seasonal x7 server. Best time i've ever spent was on Asterios, even tho i started back in C4 days.

MrUnknow2011 - 26.04.2023 10:43

i started on hb chronicle on dex...well farming and get some afther it whas a rlly good thing,now you need to farm w/o get any reward and adena drop is so low that you can't afford to buy even de consumable:))) hey,they wanna combat rmt but even in store they are so expensive that i should make my char from therre only if i whas bill gates:)))

Drop Down
Drop Down - 23.04.2023 11:51

IMHO L2 was actually fantastic until C6, very good until Kamael and payable until Gracia Final. Still remember my first time entering Dion and the town's nostalgic tune, and also the very start of the grind in order to get second class advancement and gear. The best online gaming experience that there has ever been, I have stopped gaming over 10 years entirely but would hop on anytime in anything resembling old skool L2.

ninpo -
ninpo - - 17.04.2023 14:35

Remake is bs. In old LA2 you would do quests in exchange for items or as work for good pay. It was casual monster hunt to me. I don't need a game to teleport me around and investigate crap.

Tispellion - 16.04.2023 19:49

The nostalgic music of all those towns brings me back to memory lane, I played since L2 C3 till like interlude (which imo is the best version)

Hi Imhere
Hi Imhere - 28.03.2023 09:30

There is a 1 window x1 one C2 server And it's so slow And so old school

Hi Imhere
Hi Imhere - 28.03.2023 09:29

Two hundred mobs, that's like maybe three hours worth of grind not even

oliver beaumont
oliver beaumont - 25.03.2023 16:52

you successfully returned to this game and failed to see its true value of being a platform for anything you want it to be. you're a pessimistic suicide case judging by your commentary.
if you join and just grind to make a character with stats then this is no place for you. if you were to convince a group of friends to join and then create a clan and make alliances getting involved in the battle for land, forts and castles. you would probably enjoy the game more. but to roam around like a loaner hitting things with your magic stick would draw me to your own conclusion

Mario'sTrashDispatching - 24.03.2023 14:51

There are soem serevrs taht you can play, tehre's a lot fo people and the game is fun, like ElmoreLab, but the moment you start playing, you realize how you dont have that ammount of time to play it. We grew up we have stuff to do :/

Mithril Mines - Lineage 2
Mithril Mines - Lineage 2 - 24.03.2023 11:33

zack L
zack L - 21.03.2023 19:33

you know how broken L2 is when the private servers were more popular than the official server since 2004. Shout out to my Russian friends who keep the game alive.

PSYCHE TV - 21.03.2023 11:15

really miss the music in Giran . nostalgic

mihai costel
mihai costel - 17.03.2023 20:56

Dude once u reach 100 u have a quest tgat says to fight and grind 40k yes 40.000 things back :)) that is about 3 -4 days 24h/day

Tobiffe - 17.03.2023 01:32

Lets go play L2inera 4x rate starting in 7days !! Gracia Final

Chris P.
Chris P. - 06.03.2023 23:14

Lineage 2 was best from c3 to kamael, when guides were not available to ruin gaming experience, clans actually meant something and the game relied on tax and economy handled entirely by players meaning you actually had to buy stuff from npcs and therefore contribute a sum to the zlliance that held said territory, while crafters and players were real time trading loot and items on markets set up in popular towns. The only mmo where mass 300 v 300 pvp wars were fought with actual crafted siege weapons and hired npc mercenaries. At some point nc soft fired all talent for leaking engine and from that moment the game continued in a terrible direction

damasterpiece08 - 25.02.2023 22:13

damn, i never played lineage but everyone told me it was a great game when they played it years did they manage to muck it up so bad ?

Alexander Dimitrov
Alexander Dimitrov - 23.02.2023 13:37

Yes you should play L2,just not on the official servers.

h0x - 19.02.2023 21:57

just play masterwork global, or rpg-club servers if you want real experience ;)
