(631) NorsemanLockpicker's GeGe Challenge Lock

(631) NorsemanLockpicker's GeGe Challenge Lock

Bill Johnson

10 лет назад

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@pabbip9 - 09.11.2014 01:43

What is the best padlock

@victorreed5590 - 09.11.2014 01:56

Do you prefer hook picks with flat or rounded ends?

@javidpatel344 - 09.11.2014 02:10

Wow super picking im working on a gege like that at the mo any advice please wat srt of tennsiin i should be using plz

@PapaGleb - 09.11.2014 03:15

LMAOOO Bill are you a criminal? Complement and insult all wrapped together. Great vid mate.

@EGIL94 - 09.11.2014 04:59

Norway :D

@petejohnson38 - 09.11.2014 05:03

Any suggestions on where to buy a set. I'm interested in trying this as a personal hobby at home.

@drachhart839 - 09.11.2014 05:16

Hey like to send you a lock that I like to see you try to pick open  where do I send it to ????????????

@jeffmoss26 - 09.11.2014 06:08

Great job as always Bill!

@waddac2 - 09.11.2014 06:23

Nice one Bill... Never  knew what Norsemans tags were, got a red one on a Sargent that I picked

@PickingandEntering - 09.11.2014 07:54

Now that's a REAL challenge lock !

@coplock6689 - 09.11.2014 09:33

Nice job on that lock Bill. I'll say one thing, you sure as heck don't quit.  Good video. 

@jorgamund07 - 09.11.2014 09:48

Maybe I'm missing something basic, but... how do you know which direction to apply the tension? (clockwise vs counter-clockwise)

@NorsemanLockpicker - 09.11.2014 11:01

Well done. You made it look almost to easy. I do have a few more. One with a "new" pin design. I'm very curious how it will York out. I think I'll have to send it your way as well.

@svengroenleer - 09.11.2014 11:10

Hey bill. Do you know a website where you can buy key blanks and pins, and ship them internationally (netherlands)? I really love your vids, keep up the good work!

@Arheko - 09.11.2014 14:20

nice work Bill ;) I think the pins in chambers 1 and 4 are original GEGE pins, my GEGE's have them in all chambers, make em very hard to pick.

@TexasJim - 10.11.2014 00:42

That is a tough one. Glad it is you and not me.

@ShadowReaperSlayer - 10.11.2014 02:16

I just ordered some SouthOrd picks :) I'm kind of on a budget, and dont have too much for locks atm. What brands are good for people JUST starting out?

@lucasmarendy3390 - 10.11.2014 09:07

Nice Picking!

@jkramaster - 10.11.2014 12:13

I've been thinking of getting into lockpicking as a hobby for a while now but I don't really know where to even start, any advice? Also great videos! Keep up the good work.

@lockskeystechandmore3400 - 10.11.2014 12:14

I luv locks from Norway they are uncommon

@randallappell9606 - 11.11.2014 17:49

Heyya Bill, If you ever have a problem pulling a core due to weird tail pcs etc. a shim is a great way to jump a gap from plug to follower

@NicholasAarons - 12.11.2014 14:21

bosnianbill Norseman Lockpicker Amazing Picking Bill as always and what a Lock Norseman. Just Amazing work from you guys. Hope all is well with you all and keep up the great work. :D Nick.

@BD-qd9hp - 13.11.2014 03:14

So after watching these videos, which are very informative, I've decided to attempt to make my first pick set. Great job on the videos. I can't wait to pick my first lock.

@blade913 - 13.11.2014 06:55

You have made me give so much respect to lock makers, and locksmiths. So much so I wanna learn to do some picking ^^.

@markloving11 - 17.11.2014 03:39

What would be the best starter pick set to buy in the UK/EU?

@ItzMurphhh - 17.11.2014 06:20

Do u happen to have any locks you could send me im new to lock picking and would like to get a little better than picking master locks lol

@user-rw3qq2sr1z - 17.11.2014 08:36

OMG ! BRUTAL ! I was working up a sweat watching; had to put a couple Police calls on hold til you cracked it !! Awesome job man. Do you have a video showing how to pin a lock/core with wafers and/or how theyre used - the purpose of wafers??

@TC_Fergs - 18.11.2014 14:11

Just got into watching your video's and I think I've found a new hobby I can enjoy.  I would love to receive any locks that you may deem worthy of a noobie lockpicker.  Hope to see more video's in the future!

@wayneswanner4575 - 19.11.2014 06:53

Hi, Bill just wondering what would be a good lock to pick for a newbie I've picked all the locks I have and a couple cheap one I have bought. And my wife won't let me touch the front door so just wonder what a good one would be

Thanks, Wayne

@jasminelognnes989 - 29.11.2014 16:40

Why is it, that not even one lock have the cylinder made out of steel to prevent someone from drilling it open?

@douro20 - 18.01.2015 03:10

If you go to visit South Africa, there is a place which specializes in Swiss-made locks in the Fourways area...

@jamescinnar7814 - 17.07.2015 20:38

Hi what kind of vice do you have. I'm talking the older vice big round bottom. There was nice vices at Ebay. The guy said it did everything but stick to any service. Yours does not have that. So thanks. Jimmy c
