Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Battle Pet Selling & Flipping! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide

Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Battle Pet Selling & Flipping! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide


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@Dampiria - 18.08.2023 17:17

crazy crazy, for the first i saw that i could put a pet into cage and sell it, ouch i never know about it...many thanks!

@andhalped - 03.06.2023 14:07

Love the content! Do you know if there is an updated pet import for dragonflight?

@TheHolz0r - 09.12.2022 17:18

What means the Setting "Show Value on cage list"?

@TheHollyErin - 06.11.2022 17:50

Was there an alternative or fix for battlepetcagematch? I'm following the battle pet vid and I'm stuck on the bit where I need to setup BPCM. it seems to be broken since the pre-patch..

@LittleRedRubberDuck - 13.10.2022 23:59

Amazing video! :) I am a bit confused tho, my TSM doesnt look the same in game, I cant find my way through mine to make groups or do any of that stuff. Are you using the payed version or am I using a different version? :O Thanks for sharing!

@poshment5435 - 27.09.2022 19:31

I'm not that into pet selling but going to have to download the cage addon

@apegapen - 20.08.2022 17:40

Why do you use battlepetcagematch instead of Rematch-tsmpetvalues? I find rematch easier to use.

@specialk3116 - 20.08.2022 09:06

Hello, so I followed ever step but it doesn't seem to be working. I bought a pet for 2200k, the region price is 5800k, went to another realm and the min buyout is 6800k. However it didn't cage the pet I guess it doesn't meet the criteria. Could this just be the AH is busted rn, or should I change the custom TSM value to min buyout? Thanks for the info and help

@krisveldhuizen1003 - 18.08.2022 15:09

are battle pets by any chance region wide too suddenly? I put up 500 pets 30 minutes ago and now 400 are already outbid. Been dealing in pets for a while now and this is unheard of...

@ausfoodgarden - 17.08.2022 09:48

I've done a bit of pet selling in the past. It's a great way of moving gold across servers.
I thought I'd follow your setup steps and of course, the AH is offline - bummer. Apparently, Blizz was accidentally giving people the selling price when they canceled an auction - oops!

@waagemensch - 17.08.2022 09:18

Your videos are great I have been following your stuff for while now! :) Very helpful and interesting, I keep learning new stuff.
What I would be interested in, My Pet/Mog Auctions keep being listed as "posting at normal prize" They rarely undercut, and I'm usually doing 70 to 60% of dbwhatever.. Are there any ideas to get them to undercut more, or do I just have to go cheaper and cheaper? I have been tinkering with TSM for long but its been an on /off thing since I do alot of long breaks. Maybe you know some way to improve this situation?

@timgersh6787 - 17.08.2022 01:05

I dont do all this nerd shit for me its simple I sell pets I have already just get my token for the month each extra 10k is used for those scouting maps, mostly its the flawless worm but lanticore and pretty much any rare drop pet

@psykotedy4590 - 16.08.2022 22:59

Great stuff!!! I've been caging by hand because I couldn't figure out how to get Cage Match to work. Turns out it's because I have Rematch checked. lol! I need to get back on this as it was terrific fun when I was doing it, and I think it has the potential to be more profitable than crafting. Thank you for the tutorial!!!

@samuel9294 - 16.08.2022 19:38

Pet and tmog selling has to be one of the two hardest stuffs to sell in the game.

@chaddixon9764 - 16.08.2022 19:20

Any advice for getting gold to other servers to get started?

@chaddixon9764 - 16.08.2022 19:07

0.03 is a good sale rate for a pet?

@hassam9837 - 16.08.2022 18:51

Thanks Penguin! very helpful!

@atreusduvelll600 - 16.08.2022 18:19

I had no idea about creating groups using categories like this (ie /battle pets)! Been using TSM since Legion and I'm still learning stuff :) Does the slash command map to the default UI AH categories? If so, can you also target subcategories? I will have to test these questions out when the servers come back online. Thanks for all you do Penguin!!!

@NotItsMeDark - 16.08.2022 18:04

gold=life lol

@feveredpanda - 16.08.2022 18:02

haha I had literally just subbed and hit the notification bell. Love the content!
