Does YOUR JOB define who you are?

Does YOUR JOB define who you are?

Petr Herold

10 месяцев назад

610 Просмотров

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@just4eagles - 05.09.2023 00:21

Hej Petr, I wanted to let you know that I was praying for you, your lady and your son who is on his way into the world. I thought that I would share an idea for a new video with you. Everyone takes video of the large Lutheran Church in Reykjavik, but looking through videos, no one has done any video tours of the inside of the church.

@benburns5995 - 05.09.2023 00:29

Hi Petr, must say that the home that you are in charge of cleaning looks very clean and well organized. You must have mastered the art of getting your job done efficiently and keeping your managers happy from year to year. House Keeping is a very necessary job and a hard repetitive job to keep one motivated. Wishing you, your girlfriend and about to be born little boy, all the best in Iceland.

@sigurdurgretarsson8527 - 05.09.2023 17:27

Thank you Petr for this video, it really resonated with me.

You see, I am 56 years old and through my life I have worked in so many places and worked so many different jobs. I have been a chef, a store manager, assistant store manager, various constructing work, worked in fish factories, wholesale jobs and many many more.

Today I work two jobs, one is where I go to the local supermarkets and stock up the soda department. You know, fill the shelves with Pepsi, Red Bull and so on.
My other job is where I come after the work day at one of the local fish factories and we clean the place from top to bottom.

And the thing is, I´m the most happy work-wise as I have ever been in my life. I´m making a good living and I have never had as much free time for myself as I do now.
But on the other hand, it´s not exactly anything impressive, is it? I mean, as I said I´m 56 years old and I have two not-so-glorious jobs.
While most people my age have "more important" jobs than me, or so it feels to me sometimes.

So I totally get what you mean.
On the one hand I´m not exactly proud of what I do for a living but on the other I really don´t care what other people think, I´m happy with what I do and I make quite a decent living off of it.
I shouldn´t care and 99% of the time I don´t. But there´s that 1% when people ask me what I do for a living when I sometimes wish I could tell them that I´m a bank manager or the like ;)

That said, if I can I would like to finish my work career doing exactly what I' m doing now. I´m not looking for anything more prestigious just to look "better" in other peoples eyes.
But I do know what you´re saying and a small part of me feels the same way.

Thanks for that thoughtful video, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

@jedifoxster - 07.09.2023 14:53

In America, we are generally taught from an early age that we must go to university and work as hard as we possibly can to achieve the most financial success possible. We often judge our success by our material possessions. We generally have less leave time from work to travel, and in many cases are made to feel bad if we take “too much” time off. I’m always so envious of the apparent freedom of Europeans to live simply and travel the world. Your current feelings are understandable, especially because you’re about to be a father. What ultimately matters is that you have a livable wage from somewhere and are able to give your child the best life possible. Your love for your child and your emotional availability is what they will remember, not what you did for a living.

@Aesthletic1998 - 08.09.2023 07:51

If anyone goes to Iceland for Msc/MBA program and only know English, Don't know Icelandic. What's the possibility of getting job there and how much time it may takes to get a job.
Thanks in advance💟

@DS-nk7vd - 08.09.2023 15:58

Hi Petr, your videos are great and I know where you're coming from - been in your shoes in the same type of situation. Being a father definitely puts stability and security at a more prominent priority. Feels great to have lived a life full of adventure without regrets before starting a family. Hope you get to enjoy some final adventures before your son comes. You are a hard worker and an excellent content creator. Don't feel defined by the means at which you aquire resources. Keep doing you. All the best.

@mohamedmezouar8899 - 09.09.2023 22:29

❤ verry good, thank you for charing

@Ferhat_Yilmaz - 23.09.2023 22:07

Wonderful video, you‘re great man!

@RealtorMitchRussell - 26.09.2023 17:13

This video quality is through the roof!

@MOMLOVER100 - 10.10.2023 17:53

I absolutely love your videos so open honest and true

@JessieCori - 17.10.2023 16:05

Short answer, in my opinion: Absolutely not. I think I can understand where you are coming from. I've never identified with any job either. Important is how you treat others and how you raise your children.

@Sindrijo - 08.11.2023 04:57

First off Petr, congratulations to you and your girlfriend on the new person you are about to bring into the world!
Second, having a 'fulfilling' job isn't mandatory for a good life, yes, there are those lucky few that get to work a long career in an industry they love, but for everyone of those there are so many more that have unfortunately managed to achieve their goals of getting into some industry only to become dissatisfied, jaded and finally they just coast on until the end of their career but this is terrible for people who's passion was limited only to their job, this might have been self-limited as well and so when they have lost that passion they have somehow lost a lot more than someone that doesn't work in their 'dream job' but have other passions that are not their 'job'. This is the danger of being able to realize your 'dreams' early, at some point it becomes the norm, it's not exciting anymore. Sure some people do manage to reignite their passion for that job that is their 'main' thing in life and others are able to discover a new passion and are lucky enough to be able to pursue it. So, I guess I just ranted a bit, but yeah, if your passion isn't your job it's never mandatory and therefore the risk of loosing it is so much smaller.

Anyways, I want to encourage you to keep making videos, every new video is getting better and better. What I like about your channel is the varied content, but I think it may also be a minus in the eyes of the 'algorithm', because a repeat visitor who hasn't watched enough of your videos might be a bit confused in what your channel is 'about' and so it will grow slower than a more focused channel would. I have a hunch that if you keep making engaging and interesting videos your channel will eventually get to a point where it will start to have a financial impact on your life.

Kær kveðja frá Ósló, Noregi.

@Sindrijo - 08.11.2023 05:02

Been subscribed for a couple of years now. Thanks for making cool videos. Congrats on fatherhood!

@kristianduda974 - 26.11.2023 23:31

Every time I watch your videos I get a warm feeling inside. Your videos are always so calming and “down to earth”, I have no idea why you don’t have more views, your content is definitely one of the best on the platform and I hope you succeed in your business you’re planning out. Wishing you the best luck, pozdravujem zo Slovenska❤❤

@raccooninUK - 05.03.2024 01:10

I love your videos. Keep going! I would love to hear more about you and your life.

@club1fan552 - 17.03.2024 11:03

Wow. Very interesting. Like a short film. Brilliant!
