From Laravel 5 to Laravel 10: What ACTUALLY Changed?

From Laravel 5 to Laravel 10: What ACTUALLY Changed?

Laravel Daily

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Antony Antony
Antony Antony - 04.06.2023 15:09

it massive changes compared with CI, I just foll since 4.x structure directory changed i don't follow again. just follow email news everything updated time by time 😅

Ali Muhammad
Ali Muhammad - 29.05.2023 06:20

To streamline the process, kindly specify the video you're referring to and incorporate it into the video by adding an "i" button. Your cooperation is appreciated. Thank you.

Zohaib Hassan
Zohaib Hassan - 24.05.2023 10:21

For me. moving away from bootstrap/Vue to Tailwind is the what actually changed.

Alfred Nutile
Alfred Nutile - 14.05.2023 15:36

I personally am making an effort to be more open to changing with Laravel because, in the end, it tends to lead me in a positive direction. Transitioning from Bootstrap to Tailwind, switching from Mix to Vite, and exploring Vue, among other things, have helped me stay updated on the latest industry practices.
When it comes to communication, it's an interesting point to consider, but I'm not sure if there's a better approach. Excessive communication can potentially hinder progress and dampen the innovative work taking place. However, I appreciate the fact that he responds to community feedback, which is beneficial.
Thank you for sharing the video.

Hristijan T
Hristijan T - 13.05.2023 19:21

Also worth to mention that laravel changes the minimum required PHP version with each major version, so it’s good to have that in mind as well.
Great video by the way, would be very interesting to see a video on upgrading from v5 to v10 😄

Keltoum Meziani
Keltoum Meziani - 13.05.2023 15:01

please help me, How to implement the inheritance? (Thanks for your videos I enjoyed them).

Wande Shokunbi
Wande Shokunbi - 12.05.2023 17:06

I started learning laravel not very long ago at version 8. Then I picked up old projects written by other Devs in version 7. It wasn't a problem at all.

When I picked up version 5, I was pretty confident till I came across the Form blade directive. I had worked with laravel for several years and didn't know this existed.

So, yeah I can agree laravel doesn't move too fast. But some changes could be very polarising. Imagine how many forms exist in any project, to have to deal with that.

Steve Solomon
Steve Solomon - 11.05.2023 20:27

Over here Wondering why this guy pushed for functions to define what hey return.... that's so unnecessary....

Let people return what they want to return

Kasts Echo
Kasts Echo - 10.05.2023 03:41

In the default project skeleton (laravel/laravel) alone, there have been 95 files changed between 5.5 and the current release. In the framework itself, around 2.2k files have changed between 5.5 and the current version. So, yes, Laravel has changed significantly since 5.5. While some code might work from back then, there will probably be some adaptations required due either changed method signatures, deprecated/removed methods, class-based factories, etc.

litvinenkow - 09.05.2023 19:04

really simple project may take a day to move and some project needs some more days, but it's not critical if you have unit tests or somekind testing environment

Artur Pasnik
Artur Pasnik - 09.05.2023 01:37

Spotted Cosmic Gate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man, all the best and a big Thank you for all your work.

Martin Zeltin
Martin Zeltin - 08.05.2023 19:48

I have also heard older devs say that nothing has really changed in years in Laravel 😅

Bülent - 08.05.2023 18:19

I think PHP's and Laravel's biggest problem is the lack of desktop and mobile app support. While Javascript, C#, Flutter and probably some other languages/frameworks are offering an ability of creating everything with a single language/code base, we have to use at least one more language to be able to cover multiple use cases. I think PHP or Laravel team should focus on that area, otherwise sooner or later both will die.

Muhammad Rafi
Muhammad Rafi - 08.05.2023 16:48

Hi Laravel Daily, I'm a junior php developer in a company , they work with core php , in that case should I leave the company and move to any other opportunity who works with laravel ? I'm pretty confused about that .

Bryce Matheson
Bryce Matheson - 08.05.2023 16:26

Upgrading from Laravel 8 to 10 broke a BUNCH of stuff, because I was still using some DB:raw() queries, and that was no longer supported in 10. I had a hell of a weekend re-writing nearly every single one of my queries. Some were quick, but the more complex queries with multiple joins and inner select statements took a while to figure out.

Ahmed Salah
Ahmed Salah - 08.05.2023 16:21

Nice thumbnail👍

psgbjj - 08.05.2023 15:55

I'm very new to Laravel (started a month ago) and this explains a lot. Searching online for solution for problems can be confusing because the framework has apparently changed quite a lot. And it doesn't make it easier I use the new Vue Composition API, which you rarely see being used in examples! But I'm getting there. It's a great stack!!

Filip Petrovic
Filip Petrovic - 08.05.2023 15:48

I've worked with many frameworks so far, but Laravel is a well thought out framework with great versioning. You can jump back to any package at any time

Andy - 08.05.2023 15:22

At my company the application code base is around 15 to 20 years old. We are looking at building a new platform based around laravel but how are you meant to make a long term application like this when things change so much? There is no way we are going to constantly upgrade it like this.

Marijan Kopcic
Marijan Kopcic - 08.05.2023 13:45

Nice video, cheers!

kizuna astin
kizuna astin - 08.05.2023 13:11

It's hard to adopt changes, but in reality we need to, our server Linux version need to update because of LTS and does the php version and Laravel affected.

Ercog - 08.05.2023 12:47

How about a video of the most breaking things from version 5 to 10?

Zircuitz - 08.05.2023 10:42

Moving fast or not: Laravel has completely changed the course of my life and career. I can't imagine my life now without it. It seriously is the greatest thing for any PHP-dev since sliced bread.

ward - 08.05.2023 10:20

It's not about slow pace as in less "big things" have happened... the general API has changed quite enough for more intricate development.
Say "it hasn't changed a lot" when you have to do manual upgrades.

Denakino - 08.05.2023 10:14

I think one of the biggest change was how routing works.

Before: Route::get('/', 'PostController@index');
Now: Route::get('/', [PostController::class, 'index']);

You can enable the old way, but when this was introduced I was pretty confused.

Faiz - 08.05.2023 10:06

I'm a person who's not very good with change in general, I was hurt about webpack and laravel UI

Mykola Slisarenko
Mykola Slisarenko - 08.05.2023 09:53

It’s so hard to watch this video for people who still have Laravel 5.5 version and forcing PM to update it to 10 version🥲

Yes, it’s me😅

Eugen Lisov
Eugen Lisov - 08.05.2023 09:52

The factories have also changed, from factory(Model) format to Model::factory()->create(), around Laravel 8. Initially I installed the compatibility package to allow them to continue working, but after a while I spent a couple of hours going through hundreds of tests and updated all.

Tutorials Guy
Tutorials Guy - 08.05.2023 08:59

Vite seems to have broken the Laravel Modules package? How would you use Laravel Modules with Vite bundler and have a modular app now? Since Laravel Modules uses webpack

Smith - 08.05.2023 08:44

I've been using Laraval since version 5. It updated to version 6 before I had even finished my program. I am still using Laravel to this day, now it's at version 10. From version 5 to version 8, Laraval changed drastically in my experience. Not so much from version 8 to version 10.

MikTrango - 08.05.2023 08:30

Most of the work in upgrading from 5.5/6 is to adapt methods to PHP 8.1+ syntax...isn't it?

Gameplay By Faks
Gameplay By Faks - 08.05.2023 08:24

Eloquent relationship changes that are not mentioned, and many more.

Gameplay By Faks
Gameplay By Faks - 08.05.2023 08:22

Hi, there were changes in laravel auth and guards in 5.x you coulnd't get a lot information in controller, there are far more thing'S then you mentioned.

Ahmad Hanafi
Ahmad Hanafi - 08.05.2023 08:14

Good, I have same in opinion with you. Nice video, thank you.
