Filipino Knife Fighting Basics - Kali Escrima Arnis

Filipino Knife Fighting Basics - Kali Escrima Arnis

Kali Center

3 года назад

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Leonard Schoenborn
Leonard Schoenborn - 11.11.2023 06:26

Great job on the tactics, strategy, and mindset. I've been a longtime practitioner of the Philippine Martial Arts, namely Eskrima, and I approve this message. I wouldn't want to be Bob. ;-)

Buckshot_Mouthwash - 02.10.2023 22:43

Homie looks like he is a student of Kali Eskrima Arnis(Filipino Knife Fighting). He went right for the vital points with skilled accuracy.

John Rodriguez
John Rodriguez - 28.09.2023 04:04

As a Marine and a Soldier from 1987-1998, with 1 Year and 4 Months in the Army National Guard ( ARNG) and US Army Reserve ( USAR) , I Myself can,and do learn from Civilians, like Paul , Who can teach this Prior Service USMC and US Army Veteran, the finer aspects of 🔪 Fighting , Martial Arts 🥋, and other Combat Skills ,to add to My Military Service, Training and Experience.

Figfydg Fds
Figfydg Fds - 05.09.2023 21:11

nice whats the difference between this and doce pares?

Barbell Nomad
Barbell Nomad - 03.09.2023 11:14

Can anyone recommend a knife fighting teacher in the Philippines?

Fullford - 16.08.2023 03:30

Awesome. Subscribed!

pat walker
pat walker - 31.07.2023 21:33

You got good skill as a instructor
One thing i learn in my 12 years of PT whit thuon Leo
In the real knife fight guys dont go down that easy even whit multiple slash and stabs and may end up Killing you at the end the quickest way i found was multiple stab to the nutts aria kind of slow down the rage of a man
Keep that good stuff spread that amazing martial art style ;)

SHITUSHNA CHETIA - 27.07.2023 13:52

Very nice knife technique

Olga Velichko
Olga Velichko - 23.07.2023 17:37

Во время съемок ,ни один нож не пострадал.

Legendary BT
Legendary BT - 19.07.2023 19:43

Cool I just learned a lot td❤

SkRolla - 15.07.2023 20:25

21st century, people talk a lot about humanism, humanity and learn to cut other people on video :)

Gilson Moura
Gilson Moura - 15.07.2023 02:52

Melhor seria se traduzido para o português

Cole Marsh
Cole Marsh - 14.07.2023 04:41

One thing i know about knife fights is you are going to get cut.

Willis - 12.07.2023 04:08

I always come back to this

محمد فاس
محمد فاس - 06.07.2023 23:02


Michael Millwood
Michael Millwood - 06.07.2023 07:26

slapping your arm while you do it makes it SOUND better! ;-}. MM

Raven Rising
Raven Rising - 04.07.2023 07:36

I dated a woman in Mexico 🇲🇽 City who was a Kali expert. Her movement was very strong and smooth. As deadly as she was lovely 😍 👌.

Benjamin Froussos
Benjamin Froussos - 03.07.2023 10:19

Damn. This jab to the eye is beyond nasty.😮

MaaN3earPiiG - 30.06.2023 04:09

you're unarmed hand makes me nervous. you leave it very open. no defense while slashing

batmanonsteroids - 28.06.2023 22:36

Tried this on my mother in law. It worked.

Samo - 27.06.2023 14:04

Дурнику, навчись спочатку сам ніж тримати, тоді будеш когось вчити

Михаил Кушнарев
Михаил Кушнарев - 25.06.2023 03:26

It's completely disaster. You show a lot of false thigs, but didn't tell nothing about really useful. No words about distance, right walk and, what is mainly in knife - right trusts and blocks.

Knife isn't my main weapon, i choose saber. But in case of knife sparring, if I'll see such movement at opponent, I'll understand - easy frag)

Ray Gsbrelcik
Ray Gsbrelcik - 18.06.2023 03:48

Why the HE** are we teaching knife fighting? Isn't there ENOUGH
Killing in the U S?

PoopiePants Mcgee
PoopiePants Mcgee - 27.05.2023 12:24

Bobby looks dirty

power play 4 real
power play 4 real - 24.05.2023 01:28

Karv Megra or something like that Jack

Gerhard Mayer
Gerhard Mayer - 16.05.2023 14:24

how got in state to must learn 怎 朝 阿 勺 须 教 小 冂 汉 男 款 zen chao ah ci xu liao xiao dao kong sao nan jong jing liao jiao hai shu

Allen Gordon
Allen Gordon - 15.05.2023 19:47

Is it odd that I find these usable with rondel daggers (which are only used in an icepick grip and only used to thrust).

robert andy
robert andy - 07.05.2023 13:52

It tought was going to teach how extract from anus some secret he only new

Richard Guerra
Richard Guerra - 06.05.2023 06:40

I been in knife fights. I had to defend myself at age 51 from a gang attack I am now 71 years old. I teach MANO DE GUERRA Eskrima Kali Arnis. I know the streets. The street Fighters. Don’t care what you know. They only respect the fighter who is still standing ,

Enrique Spangenberg
Enrique Spangenberg - 03.05.2023 16:15

Your slashing movements don’t work against winter clothes…

Amaterasu - 02.05.2023 00:43

Great video!

Greg Hoffmann
Greg Hoffmann - 29.04.2023 02:34

Jason Hanson says....spear the person in the eyes/face with several jabs... then run away.

WESTON KNIGHT - 21.04.2023 09:49

...beautifully done sir, thank you for sharing your skills and your knowledge with us, please be well

Nils Ingvar
Nils Ingvar - 19.04.2023 01:04

What is the philosophy behind swinging the knife to cut so much? It seems ineffective and risks opening up your knife arm to holds?

goLUCKYgo - 16.04.2023 08:34

POV: You ask anybody in England for directions

Юрий Тихонов
Юрий Тихонов - 15.04.2023 10:52

не всех мудаков война убила

Darth Revan
Darth Revan - 12.04.2023 20:39

I no bulshito when I see it and this ain't that. This is real good combat advice if you're not learning from this man and subscribing you're losing out.

MegaOzzy28 - 12.04.2023 01:58

One of my best friends was at a party and he was defending one of our friends. And the aggressor stabbed my friend on his cheek bone and just missed his brain by a centimeter. He was in the ICU for weeks thank God he made it through!!!!

Mike Williams
Mike Williams - 10.04.2023 15:19

Yet prisoners..dont "need" to learn all these "fancy" moves..and use a small set of gross techniques..they must be doing it wrong..

David Rojas Jr
David Rojas Jr - 05.03.2023 02:15

Paul great introduction of the knife fighting basics I appreciate all the Kali videos you put out keep them coming and thanks for your dedication to the Art Awesome stuff Brother.

Skybuck Flying
Skybuck Flying - 03.03.2023 10:01

A real knife is razer sharp, if you swinging like that and you get pushed you might cut yourself... seems a bit dangerous...

ray herron
ray herron - 19.02.2023 02:22

Got a gun permit.But love the knife work

eye am kam
eye am kam - 15.02.2023 18:20

I respect the art form. But I can't respect your technique, those super extended swings would get me killed in a real situation. If the wooden dummy had arms you'd be in trouble, with the way your teaching people to swing one step inward from an attacker would crush the entire offensive position your teaching. The in box cuts are good techniques. But your over head chops suck bro

Tadeu Reisenberger
Tadeu Reisenberger - 10.02.2023 16:43

Very Good teaching…

Gweedo Hatsis
Gweedo Hatsis - 05.02.2023 14:37

why don't they tech the shiv? The most practical and deadly move. like seriously. break the distance. get in there. do it repeatedly. slashing, great. hitting the organs, better.
So many dudes teaching hitting when all that matters is finishing.
I am fine with keyboard warriors coming at me. how many times have you been cut?

Edward Krahn
Edward Krahn - 04.02.2023 07:13

Okay bro so I'm brand new to your channel. I did Kendo for a number of years years ago. And I have practiced with a knife. And I've also told some of my soldiers any kind of conflict with a firearm usually is within close distance. And in this case myself I prefer a knife. The questions that come up when carrying a firearm are should I have a magazine and it and if I do should I chamber a round? Of course my response to this is all of the above. If you pull it you use it, if not it may be very well used on you. I've always believed the knife is quicker within close range, and I was wondering if you actually teach not to necessarily disarm but to hold a weapon and initiate a knife attack/defense? My learning so far has been basically against another right-handed opponent but what is the best in the same scenario with a left-handed shooter?

TheWarriorScholar - 29.01.2023 20:22

Been a while since I did any Kali, great video

Taha MM
Taha MM - 28.01.2023 17:39

