Assassin's Creed Origins VS Assassin's Creed Mirage - Which Game is Best?

Assassin's Creed Origins VS Assassin's Creed Mirage - Which Game is Best?


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Bodi Games
Bodi Games - 17.10.2023 22:37

how can ubisoft downgrade a game..... its supposed to get better not worse.

EarlpEsno - 17.10.2023 21:28

AC Origins looks more defined. I like the hunting and exploring. The AC Origin Bayek of Siwa character is slim and is in top shape. Basim is average. Once you unlock his legendary armor. He looks too heavy with all the climbing. It’s not calculating.

Zzz Zzz
Zzz Zzz - 17.10.2023 20:54

I've platted both, origins is my favourite since the OG AC's

haydinho10 - 17.10.2023 20:09

i love O

Theo Mcbane
Theo Mcbane - 17.10.2023 19:15

BobMac52 - 17.10.2023 17:03

Great vid but i will say most of these is mundane and i could care less… that being said i know theres a lot missing from Mirage which makes me sad

Lord Of Reason
Lord Of Reason - 17.10.2023 16:16

Origins still seems best in most respects. I remember thinking how great it was that Bayek could climb anywhere, the way a real assassin would and not having to hunt for handholds. I always hated that in the previous games. Now they reverted back.

The ideal game for me would be Origins climbing, graphics, redone in the AC 1, 2, Brotherhood (didn't care of Revelations much), and then Black Flag.

Osama Bin Ishrat
Osama Bin Ishrat - 17.10.2023 15:11

That explains how Mirage can run on iPhone 15.

They reduced overall graphics and physics to make it compatible with mobile. Irony is that both gaming consoles and mobile will have same version of the game.

JayTheGreat - 17.10.2023 11:05

Origin was the shyt. Reason why they had matches u can fight in with alot of moves. N wars to fight in. It was extremely fun. It was way better than mirage. I believe.

hellomikie92 - 17.10.2023 08:18

I still think origins is the better one of the newer assassins creed games. Followed by Valhalla and mirage in my opinion. I like all of the assassin's creed games. From the 1st one to mirage. And whatever comes next

Chaiyasit Juei
Chaiyasit Juei - 17.10.2023 06:06


kamel alhakimi
kamel alhakimi - 17.10.2023 05:08

Pff it's ubisoft what did you expect 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️💩

X unbekannt
X unbekannt - 17.10.2023 05:00

I would say they are not directly comparable. I mean who likes the classic AC formular will clearly prefere ACM, people with a fable for massive open worlds will like Origins more! I think both have good points. I own both and completed both on 100%.

SLGTv - 17.10.2023 03:10

I knew sun was wrong wit this game I wanted to get it but I feel like it was rushed they can do such amazing things if they Juss take they time and stop being so money hungry

R’dmAnvrs - 17.10.2023 00:25

I prefer Oddyssey and Brotherhood as the best AC

JohnInfinite - 17.10.2023 00:01

Origins Top --- Mirage shit fuuuuuuu top bad game !!!

Alex H
Alex H - 16.10.2023 23:49

Origins cus it’s an actual game. Mirage is revisionism at best

Blade of Miquella
Blade of Miquella - 16.10.2023 23:07

Went from a 9.2 to a 6. Ubisoft really has gotten lazy

Cerf Quintero
Cerf Quintero - 16.10.2023 22:25

ubsoft being ubsoft

FAMOUS - 16.10.2023 22:13

Origins is a work of art. Mirage has downgraded to PS4 graphics for some reason. Wasted my hard earned money on it unfortunately. Save your 💰💰💰👈 folks 👍

Prashant Krishna
Prashant Krishna - 16.10.2023 22:10

That blade looks like blade from prince of Persia

Ayrton Senna
Ayrton Senna - 16.10.2023 21:20

Я не понимаю тех кто говорит что в Ориджин устаревшая графика Вы сумасшедшмие я не пойму? Вам бы пиксели подогнать игры времен 1 плойки и дэнди Котрые популярны Бали во стократ больше тама где были доступны кстати я рад что нет русской озвучки ибо очень захотелось на арабском её поиграть спасибо санкциям

علي ابراهيم
علي ابراهيم - 16.10.2023 20:56

Assassin's Creed Mirage 👎👎👎👎👎👎

علي ابراهيم
علي ابراهيم - 16.10.2023 20:55

Assassin's Creed Origins 👌👌👌👌👌👌

issam beghdadi
issam beghdadi - 16.10.2023 20:36

Origins was amazingly well made!
best assassin origins

leev surename
leev surename - 16.10.2023 20:22

Origins gameplay left the roots but I cant lie it left something. Loved the setting, main character, and story.

Jp 24
Jp 24 - 16.10.2023 10:53


thilina dhananjaya
thilina dhananjaya - 16.10.2023 09:01

AC Mirage does not fit the price tag or the AAA title.

Raymond Brown
Raymond Brown - 16.10.2023 06:59

Mirage is ok I wouldn’t put it no where close to origins odyssey or Valhalla, it feels like a half ass game, the animations for killing people is so basic and repetitive also the fighting system compared to the last 3 is ass no wonder why it only cost 50 dollars on ps5

Chocolanny _
Chocolanny _ - 16.10.2023 06:56

Basim ❤ Basim ❤ Basim ❤ Basim ❤

Legendary Witcher
Legendary Witcher - 16.10.2023 06:31

Honestly mirage seems like a downgrade

Gaze Grazee
Gaze Grazee - 16.10.2023 06:30

From the Video's name "Which game is best" me be like: "Assassin's Creed is the best"

Brian Michelle Barron Gasca
Brian Michelle Barron Gasca - 16.10.2023 04:51

These games are like FIFA

Lilithmoonpower - 16.10.2023 01:51

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is the best,it still has the best graphics,best music,best locations,best fluid gameplay -I love it

Lilithmoonpower - 16.10.2023 01:49

I just finished Mirage,it's not my favorite and it's not worst,it has a lot of glitches and I felt the game empty.
The best Assassin's Creed is Odyssey

LambsXVI 🐑
LambsXVI 🐑 - 15.10.2023 23:45

The way Bayek and Basim push civilians is precisely the same lol. I don’t know why you’re describing Basim pushing civilians as “merciless” because it’s not. He has the same animations as Bayek, which btw pushes very lightly imo

Vincenzo Chiechi
Vincenzo Chiechi - 15.10.2023 23:39

Questo è un gioco per bambini, non capisco come io possa leggere commenti positivi. Se l'obiettivo è continuare a raccontare la storia è meglio se fanno un film. L'ultimo Assassin competitivo e veramente bello è stato odyssey sia per competitività (abilità e equipaggiamenti da potenziare e caratterizzare rendono il gioco molto più bello ed interessante) sia per giocabilità (boss fight ecc) , storia e lunghezza del gioco.
Questa giocabilità, uguale a quella di valhalla, fa veramente schifo! Una storia brevissima, zero difficoltà nelle fight, 3 armi in croce che puoi tranquillamente non potenziare perchè non serve a nulla. Spero vivamente sia l'ultimo, perchè è un gioco imbarazzante e veramente banale.

SlippyFISH - 15.10.2023 23:37

All in all mirage is much better

Scott Boyer
Scott Boyer - 15.10.2023 23:22

Origins is still my favorite ever AC game.

Erol‘s Höhle
Erol‘s Höhle - 15.10.2023 23:13

I feel like they made Mirage on purpose less good, to give power to the argument that the old AC style doesn’t work anymore, so that they can stick to the better selling RPG Games

Ralphie Ralph
Ralphie Ralph - 15.10.2023 23:05

Why did they bother making Mirage? There is NOTHING groundbreaking it seems.. Lost interest for AC games a long time ago.

lewiqe - 15.10.2023 22:09

You're not a coward if you seek safety when someone throws knifes at people in city...

Lonewolf Gaming
Lonewolf Gaming - 15.10.2023 20:25

I think both origins and mirage are great games and additions to the assassins creed franchise imo. I didn't mind odyssey or valhalla at all but i just felt that they strayed too far from what assassins creed is.

Speedness - 15.10.2023 18:29

ac MIRAGE dosen't have MIRAGE can't be

s3rial4k1ll - 15.10.2023 17:43

Origins also has an animation to light other torches and you can light up the caves completely, Basim can't do that either. Origins is the better game

MaxTac Agent
MaxTac Agent - 15.10.2023 17:36

Well they did say its going back to its roots, when it comes to climbing, it was like that in the early games, you needed to find something to grab on to

John Blake
John Blake - 15.10.2023 17:20

AC Mirage with no mirage in it ..noice

Kilian Lcn
Kilian Lcn - 15.10.2023 17:02

Origins > Mirage
