3 Disturbing TRUE Roommate Horror Stories

3 Disturbing TRUE Roommate Horror Stories

Mr. Nightmare

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@evenarce1270 - 23.05.2024 16:46

Is it me, but how do they notice this stuff. I would never notice if my stuff were moved, especially my laundry.

@FlipTheBard - 23.05.2024 09:06

Honestly, the girl in the last story was dumb as they come.
SO MANY red flags and yet she ignored them all until the very end.

@olilileliatrope8590 - 22.05.2024 18:38

And thats why a roomate should be a relative or a close friend

@JonathanRodriguez-cl8gq - 22.05.2024 17:26

You should never move in with an unknown man as a woman. Men are dangerous in those situations.

@JonathanRodriguez-cl8gq - 22.05.2024 17:22

Maybe David would simply play “Photograph” by Nickelback when looking at those pictures?

@jmoriarty8000 - 22.05.2024 09:08

Don’t go in the basement and a really bad smell, ya anyone in that situation would be calling the police, definitely a made up story

@roccomiller2647 - 22.05.2024 01:24

Dear young people, is ok to report creepy people to proper authorities (like your school and the police). You never know if its the missing piece or a smaller piece to the creep puzzle

@Aisha-sn4hl - 21.05.2024 09:05

AYOOO Wat was in David's basement does anyone know.?????

@josh_1354 - 21.05.2024 02:35

if your moving in with a person you met online ik some of u guys aren’t stupid to do that but meet up with them in public first to catch their vibe💀

@jacktrimble5987 - 20.05.2024 22:27

david a FREAK

@mihaelakinna2344 - 20.05.2024 21:43

About the first story, it kinda blows my mind that when he saw him at the end of the stairs, he didn't leave! Now, even if he found it hard to do it in the middle of the night, he could call the police and pursue this through a "what the contract says" way, but he didn't sign a contract at the beginning, so that can't happen

@linchenlulu - 20.05.2024 18:13

And they were roommates… 👀

@godfather855 - 20.05.2024 16:35

Keep in mind that all these stories had good endings cause the stalker didnt went to extreme actions, while the ones with bad endings are ones where stalker went for extreme actions. What I am saying is that if the stalker decided to kill them none of the three stories would have good endings. So keep in mind they all were right on the trap , at the mercy of the stalker. Never let things go that far cause you never knows the stalkers response. If their response was the worst then you ain't coming out alive, never let things go that far or it your life would be decided by another person.

@EquineKaylee - 20.05.2024 07:49

The end of the rob story TRIGGERED ME.

@christibarrick1768 - 19.05.2024 22:55

I haven’t gotten 2 minutes in… if he gave you a key to a lock on your bedroom, you better believe he has a key too. He’s not giving his only key to a renter…

@patriciaolivera7716 - 19.05.2024 19:48

Last story: she should’ve just responded with “ok understood” when the creep asked her to change the knob back then pack my shit and immediately leave without saying a word.

@seriousorganizer - 19.05.2024 08:59

You're a female FaceTiming a male before even seeing the place no

@seriousorganizer - 19.05.2024 08:48

Of course he had a key what landlord gives you a key & gives you both copies... every door thing comes with two keys you get one and they get one but obviously they're not supposed to go in it without your permission

@SMHS2004 - 19.05.2024 07:47

Was it $1200 or $1000? Which one?

@CacklingJack - 19.05.2024 07:37

Funny how many people think "looking nice" equals sanity.ive met homeless junkies that would give me their last dollar and holy men who would rob a blind kid for 50 cents

@chrisprilloisebola - 18.05.2024 23:26

no drinking living room lmao

@trace-n-tobyhaugen3354 - 18.05.2024 22:21

N mmm mmm n k. O K

@Skate-Board34 - 18.05.2024 22:09

My brother had a scareier roommate the guy only spoke GEN Z!!!!!!

@arya3216 - 18.05.2024 17:27

I moved to another country for my college and moved in with a roommate. She was older than me doing her masters and I had just started college . Her house was a 4 bedroom 4 bathroom and she had recently started renting . It was her family house because there were family photos everywhere and it looked like a family house but she never mentioned her parents . We never talked much because moving to another country and having free time wasn’t possible .my room was near the basement I don’t know much about basements because from where I am we don’t have basement and the idea of having them always creeped me out . most of the time I stayed away from the basement door not because she told me to or anything but it was just creepy and I had no interest in ever going in a dark creepy underground room . I don’t sleep easily and with being away from home and adjusting in a new place made it more difficult. I had my headphones on and I was listening to songs with my head under the blanket and then I heard a door slam shut it was so loud that I could hear it through my headphones. I paused the music and concentrated to listen where it came from . I didn’t go to investigate because I’m not a white person in a horror movie so I tried to calm my myself and ignored it . The next day I was doing my assignments and it was around 2 am and that sound came again by this time I was scared so I texted my roommate and asked her if she heard any voice but she didn’t reply she could be asleep . I was getting hungry and I had my leftovers in the fridge and I was literally dreading going out of my house . I decided I will go wake up my roommate and tell her about the noise because it could be an intruder . I had a baseball bat with me so I took for my safety . When I opened the my door I saw that the basement door was wide open but there was no light coming . I literally ran to my roommate’s room and her door was open too . She wasn’t there so I called out her name . Her name was Nancy . I walked towards the basement and called her name again but there was no reply . The light switch was outside the basement so I turned it on. There was a scraping sound coming from down there and went down a few steps and bent down to see . What I saw made me shit my pants . She was naked and sitting on the floor with a machete like knife and just scraping it on the cement floor . She was talking to herself and I ran back up closed the basement door and locked it and then went to my room and locked my door . I didn’t sleep and waited till morning and then I heard banging on the basement door and she was calling my name and asking me to open it . I didn’t know what to do so I stood outside the door and she asked me to open it and she’ll explain . I wasn’t stupid to open the door when she had a weapon so I asked her through the door . She told me that she has sleeping walking issues and it gets bad when she’s stressed. I didn’t believe her so told me that I could call her mom . She sounded normal when we were talking and some what embarrassed so opened the door . She was wearing her clothes now and her hair was tied in a bun . She told me everything about her situation and how she was embarrassed and sorry that she freaked me out like that . I was more than freaked out . I felt bad for her situation but her having that big ass knife unsettled me and I moved out the next week . By that time I had made friends so they helped me find a new place . I didn’t tell my family about this until I was done with college and back home .

@allthatg00dstuf - 18.05.2024 06:29

The 3rd story is why women choose the bear

@saigeelizabeth8284 - 18.05.2024 01:21

the last girl noticing her underwear missing is crazyyy i’d NEVER notice that

@SinisterSecrets.HorrorStories - 18.05.2024 01:05

This collection exposes the darker side of shared living, revealing what happens when roommate relationships go terrifyingly wrong. From manipulative behaviors to outright dangerous encounters, each story unfolds with increasing tension and fear, reminding us that sometimes the most unsettling threats live just across the hall. Brace yourself as you discover the true horrors that can lurk behind closed doors and shared spaces.

@cbus - 17.05.2024 16:09

thank the maker i live alone!

@AfraidMonsters - 17.05.2024 13:12

Last girl should’ve asked them to get a warrant to check for her und?

@Cubefire1234 - 17.05.2024 13:10

lol landlord sus and kind 😂

@zaksharman - 17.05.2024 12:17

This story took place when me and my roommate Cameron were living together in the same house, Cameron and i had been friends since we were in the 3rd grade and were pretty much inseparable (no homo i swear). Cameron and i had both wanted to have a new person in our house since we lived in a 3 bedroom apartment and the spare bedroom was going to waste so we thought to make good use of it by having someone else living with us, I entrusted Cameron with the task of finding us a new roommate and he advertised on multiple sites including Reddit, Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. After about 1 week Cameron told me that he had found someone on Craigslist who he thought would be a perfect fit for our new roommate and he asked if i was okay with our roommate being a girl. I was a little bit surprised since i had assumed that Cameron was only looking for guys to live with us but i didn't make a fuss of it and so it was agreed that this girl would move in with us.

Soon enough the day came where this girl arrived at our apartment who I'll call Emma, What struck me as weird straightaway was the fact that Emma was 34, Me and Cameron were only 21 so why in the hell had Cameron gone with a woman 13 years our senior as a roommate? It didn't make any kind of sense to me since 1 both me and Cameron had partners at the time and 2 apparently Emma knew that we were much younger than her and still decided to live with us. As Emma was exploring the house i pulled Cameron aside and told him "bruh why the hell did you go with someone who's that much older than us" Cameron just shrugged and said "i thought it's be kinda cool to have a woman who's way older than us she just seems like a nice girl" I was pretty weirded out with Cameron for suggesting such a thing but i dropped it as it was too late for me to change my mind as Emma was now here with us. Over the next week things were just so uncomfortable in the apartment as Emma would continually try to flirt with both of us despite me saying to her on multiple occasions that i had a girlfriend but that never stopped her with doing weird things such as constantly winking at me whenever we walked past each other, continually walking round the house in nothing but her lingerie and 1 time telling me that "It's much better doing it with someone older ya know" I also started to notice weird things would happen, e.g. Cameron would non stop stay in bed until late in the morning which made him late for work a number of times, Emma would often be heard pleasuring herself during the night which kept me awake for hours on end and the strangest thing was when i caught Emma coming out of Cameron's bedroom and when i looked in found that Cameron had not been disturbed by her walking around his room,

I'd had enough so i confronted Cameron and told him "dude she has to go she's fuckin weird as hell and i'm worried she's gonna do something with either of us when we're asleep" Cameron was starting to realize how weird Emma was as well so he agreed that she had to go. When he asked Emma to leave she didn't say a single word only giving us very strange looks like we had offended her. That night i got woken up by the sound of Cameron's bedroom door being opened and shut and i had enough of this weird as hell woman so i decided to go to his bedroom to find out what she was up to. As i stepped out into the hallway my eyes were diverted to a bunch of white pills on the floor of our landing. I picked 1 up and noticed they were sleeping tablets. Neither me or Cameron took sleeping tablets so why the hell were they there. I checked inside Emma's bedroom door as quietly as i could to see if they were her's and was absolutely horrified to discover 3 things 1 they were at least hundreds of sleeping tablets in bottles all over her bedroom, 2 there was a picture of me and Cameron asleep in our beds on her laptop and worst of all pictures of her naked taking a selfie of her on top of a sleeping Cameron. I rushed into his bedroom and saw her R'ing my best mate in his sleep. I screamed at the top of my lungs "GET THE FUCK OFF HIM YOU PSYCHO BITCH" and punched Emma in the face. She fell off bed screaming that i'd SA'ed her but i was more concerned with Cameron. I managed to shake him awake and explained what i'd just seen. Cameron started yelling and swearing at Emma to leave the house straight away or we were calling the police. Emma tried to convince me that she was the victim and that Cameron had been trying to seduce her ever since she moved in but i was not having any of it. Together we made her pack up her things and order a taxi to get her away and out of our lives forever.

After she had gone me and Cameron pieced together that she must have been putting sleeping tablets in either his food or his drinks to make sure he wouldn't know a thing and that the pleasuring herself was her doing it to our pictures of us in bed sleeping which we ended up finding more of them on his phone . After that me and Cameron both agreed to never have another roommate in our apartment ever again.

@fiverfive7147 - 17.05.2024 06:43

Roommate story time: I had an chill roommate, red flag: He didn't like the rules, then staff found out he's hiding drugs in the room :/

@MrsNightmare59 - 17.05.2024 01:46

Dam roomates are spooky

@NyxiousYT - 16.05.2024 23:32

$1200 a month to be forced to live with your landlord and not even have full access to the house? That's NOT a steal unless it's a fucking Mansion

@MidnightManTrueHorror - 16.05.2024 21:00

I'm Midnight Man, If you want to listen to ghost stories combined with the sound of rain, come find me.

@rebeccahicks2194 - 16.05.2024 17:51

Buddy telling the second story sounds like the creep why are you standing outside your roomies door for all he knows he’s on the phone whispering so he doesn’t wake his roommate lol and then goes through his room wtf

@sladetuner8661 - 16.05.2024 15:15

my barracks roommate can be very disturbing at times due his ''lifestyle''

@Aaliyah_musiclife - 16.05.2024 12:57

Hey Mr. Nightmare Team,

Your Creepypastas never fail to give me chills! The eerie atmosphere you create is absolutely captivating. Recently, I've started producing piano music that would complement your spine-tingling stories perfectly. I'd be thrilled if you considered using my music in your videos!

@vaidehiiii - 16.05.2024 12:40

A genuine question, Why do people take pictures of people sleeping? What do they do with that?

@abandonedart3139 - 16.05.2024 10:59

Still wondering why story number 1 didn’t call the cops after moving out. Dumb ass.

@maduwasinera878 - 16.05.2024 07:54

I haven’t watched Mr nightmare in a while feels so refreshing to come back to his channel again

@jenniorozco - 16.05.2024 05:01

You should do cleaning lady horror stories ! I haven’t seen many vids on these for a while

@TEEMAG69 - 16.05.2024 02:32

Girl from story #3 was stupid, but nevertheless

@lachellee - 16.05.2024 00:04

3rd story, she should’ve never moved in with a guy she don’t know 😭

@KaiCarne - 15.05.2024 21:10

who else listens to these while playing minecraft

@mr_scaarry - 15.05.2024 21:02

wow! this video very very nice, real horror story!

@YChromosome99 - 15.05.2024 20:51

I love the images. Brings the stories home.
