Sex in Marriage | What is a Christian Couple Allowed to do in Sex?  |

Sex in Marriage | What is a Christian Couple Allowed to do in Sex? |

Got Questions Ministries

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mike christian
mike christian - 23.10.2023 03:36

It seems to me that the claim that both husband and wife are bound to not require that the other do something that they are not "comfortable wth" is falsified by Paul's command that, within Christian marriage, our bodied are not our own. ,(I can always get my girlfriends to do what I like, and love it, so, in my own case, i would be much more worried that my (future) wife would want to do something to me that i didn't want.)

mike christian
mike christian - 23.10.2023 03:22

1 Corinthians 7:2 doesn't seem to specify that marriage should be exclusive, but instead that it's the means, the institution, the outlet for desire, to avoid sexual immorality.

🦅Deep Thoughts🧿
🦅Deep Thoughts🧿 - 22.08.2023 19:21

None of anyone’s business

Amy Hoover
Amy Hoover - 15.08.2023 20:16

I'm not religious, but I really do not like the scrutiny or judgment that comes with Christianity as a whole, whether it's from other so-called Christians or just from the bible. I guess I just feel that the things stated in the bible shouldn't be taken so literally when it comes to the whys and hows of sex. God gave us the freedom to choose. Education is the first step so that you can feel more prepared, and the next step is knowing when the time feels right. I wholeheartedly believe in waiting to have sex after marriage, but I also believe that sex can enhance a marriage or relationship and doesn't have to be limited to just procreation.

Justa Pilgrim
Justa Pilgrim - 02.08.2023 01:12

Wouldnt the use of sex toys be like commintting inordinate adultery? Isnt it saying that i need more than what you are able to do for me? What about sex with a robot?

Paul Gill
Paul Gill - 30.07.2023 04:48

Anything they want between a couple who is married, as long as it's just between the two of them.

don ho
don ho - 25.06.2023 05:22

davidm5415 the words Trinity and bible are NOT in the bible but they exist. So does Sodomy or a man many not lay with a man as with a woman.

epic - 05.06.2023 12:56

What’s the best way to start on the road to disappointment and frustration, on to a cold and a dead marriage?
Let sex with your spouse become a duty.

Lia - 01.06.2023 09:38

What if one person consents but is visibly uncomfortable? Is it sinful to one or both people- how does what work?

Trunks traffic school
Trunks traffic school - 19.05.2023 23:07

As a religious person myself I feel like god will still love me the same if I have sex before marriage which I will

Michael L
Michael L - 06.05.2023 23:38

Thoughts: Sodomy is a man who has sex with a man. Therefore, can a husband and wife ever be sodomites? Is it the type of sex that God is concerned with or whom is having sex with whom? As long as both are willing and there is no adultery, then it is my belief that they may do what they wish. Not sure about "toys." (Edit- The Lord gave me a subtle 'no' on any anal for man or woman. Not appealing at all anyway)

Neptune997 - 05.05.2023 21:07

Riiiight! Biblical perspective also says Abraham, Jacob, Jacob’s sons had many wives. Solomon had many wives and Concubines.

Neptune997 - 05.05.2023 20:51

I do have questions. But it’s not in the Bible. Like how does collision between 2 neutron stars create heavy elements.

Neptune997 - 05.05.2023 20:45

Sticks & stones May break bones. Chains & whips excite like what happened to Jesus 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Unca Reid
Unca Reid - 05.05.2023 16:53

But where in the Word is it forbidden to take a second or third wife? David, the man after God's heart, had eight named wives (and probably many more) and at least 10 concubines (again, probably many more). When he took Uriah"s wife, God did not condemn David's harem, but his adultery, and said God told David he could have had more wives! When David was old and cold, why did they search out for a beautiful young maiden to keep him warm? Couldn't Bathsheba, Abigail, Michael, and Ahinoam have taken turns with the job? No, this post menopausal gang handed off husband warming to a younger woman. And when David could not do the deed his reign had come to an end. Multiple wives was a matter of finance not morality. The Western monogamy only teaching has no root in scripture.

Jim Deferio
Jim Deferio - 29.04.2023 18:48

This was a horrible and faulty presentation. There are definitely some things that a married couple should not attempt to engage in no matter how "loving" and "other centered" they pretend to be. Would God approve of irrational behavior, especially behavior that may result in an infection or disease?
There are 12 biological systems within the human body and eleven are complete within each body but ONE isn't, the reproductive system. For the completion of the reproductive system a person needs someone who is perfectly complimentary - the OPPOSITE SEX.
The reproductive system should ONLY be engaged with the reproductive system of the opposite sex. So-called oral sex and so-called anal sex is not what God designed the human body for. You should not be mixing the reproductive organs with the digestive system of another (the anus & rectum are part of the digestive system and they are sewage conduits). "Oral sex" and "anal sex" are irrational and depraved expressions that are in no way connected to God or love for they are based purely in lust and in an irrational mind. I could go into all of the severe medical consequences of mixing systems but you an search that out for yourself. One more thing: God destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah and Adah & Zeboiim for sexual practices that ignorant Bible teachers are advocates for.
"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in KNOWLEDGE and ALL DISCERNMENT,"

Dave Wilby
Dave Wilby - 29.04.2023 04:06

Wow. Alot of comments from "the weaker brother". If you believe something is a sin, then for you it is. So it is very simple; don't sin!

GSpotter63 - 28.04.2023 16:58

I have always had trouble with the meaning "and the two shall become one flesh". I think some people read into this passage things that the original author did not intended... The Greek word here is σάρξ (sarx) and pertains to the physical flash... I think the original intent here was simply a reference to children where the flesh of the father and the mother become one flesh. Which is actually what happens at the biological level.

I have heard the LGBTQ community use this passage to help justify their behavior. But if taken strictly as the passage indicates (procreation) then it excludes their relationship as a marriage.
Do married people become one with each other emotionally and socially, yes they do but is that the intent of this passage?

Dennis McDonnell
Dennis McDonnell - 26.04.2023 13:31

All these made up New Testament Laws of Constantine’s Bible need to be checked against the rule book you were born with.
Otherwise, God must have different standards for different generations.
Assuming that everyone is born with the same degree of God consciousness, then our ability to make judgements about what He desires us to do and be should be within all of us.
If there really is a reward for good living and a penalty for bad living, then we must have been born with the correct amount of discernment, and knowing the obligation of living above the line between these two states, assuming that God only wants us to experience the good living.
If on the other hand, He wants us to to understand the extent of good and evil, either by experience or observation, then perhaps some stumblings are allowed.
Since we are not to believe that we can pay personally for any part of our salvation, and since we know that Jesus paid the full price for all of our sins, and since He is not required to die more than once for our sins, and since God put us into this earth environment and opportunity to be tested, then it seems to me and the intellect that I have been born with that God is quite happy for me to go through life according to the influences of my conscience and that of His Holy Spirit, and even to make a few mistakes and corrections along the way.
….May I say that your well intended efforts to make people sidestep their testing may not be what God intended.
What if the Books that have been handed down have been altered, or pieces lost.
With the scrolls that have been found in the past, and the ones they have recovered from the tunnels and catacombs under the Vatican, and we also know that many early church documents and letters were burnt if they were not politically expedient…..what has God said about all that ??
Scriptural learning is very necessary, but being led by the Holy Spirit as our teacher is far more trustworthy.
I do not see that the character of God requires this harsh level of perfection demonstrated in the New Testament, when the New Covenant was to be written in softened hearts by His Hand and Spirit.
Jesus is the Word, …..He is not a book.

Maractus the Cactus
Maractus the Cactus - 25.04.2023 19:12

Missionary position. The entire marriage. Nothing else 😂🎉❤
