Blue Thunder Scale Model Kit Full Review

Blue Thunder Scale Model Kit Full Review

Scale Model Kit Review Studio

4 года назад

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@johnc9546 - 07.05.2020 01:34

Great subject, not so great kit.

@bigcharliesmodelgarage296 - 07.05.2020 02:46

Great review.

@TrekWorks - 07.05.2020 07:44

Nice review Steve. It's a good little kit that has a lot of detail. It builds out nicely if you take the time to work on the gaps
here and there. It's mostly around the canopy area.

@jimdempsey767 - 07.05.2020 09:17

I remember seeing that kit on the store shelves. Nice find!

@MrChief101 - 08.05.2020 02:17

I was a Scheider fan since The 7-Ups. If I knew there was a kit I don't remember. But I was not enough of a fan to try to find and build one. So I do like this overview. Also like the slideshow at the end-- kind'a sad pix but a cool enough prop and very cool RC version.

@alanyale4611 - 10.05.2020 12:47

Are you going to build this kit? Or are you keeping it in the box?

@MajorDisappointmentModels - 12.05.2020 18:51

Years ago I watched Dirk Pitt and Chris Cortel build the Kiteck/Hiteck version. How do the two compare?

@devernpinnock8176 - 05.06.2021 11:09

Need a sprue cutter

@dcdrew3 - 23.09.2021 16:42

Did you ever get around to building the model Steve?

@marcosgoncalves2075 - 01.01.2022 05:17

Congratulations for your modelkit, Blue Thunder !! I was fan of Tv show in '80 !!!

@davidgoldsmith756 - 26.03.2022 07:00

Didn't see wats so special about it only weapons it had was wat Gatling gun. I don't remember having any missiles I seen the movie a few times I think air wolf outlasted blue thunder

@jorgetodd4649 - 09.04.2022 04:27

Hello, a question where I can get the blue lightning like the one you present in the video, I'm interested in getting it because I'm a fan and I have the original movie. Thank you

@UrizenOmega - 18.07.2022 03:28

i have this model but i dont have the instructions? where i can find the instructive?

@Aroo_0 - 17.08.2022 08:18

This helicopter is just the most beautiful ever… I used to dream I was Murphy and pilot the amazing machine…

@shannonchurchill4556 - 06.01.2023 08:19

Built this kit when I was a teenager, and have been wanting to build another. The OG Monogram kit was fairly well done-decent details, good fitment and engineering. I’ve heard horror stories about the Kitech lit, which seems to be crappy plastic. Just literally this week snatched a Monogram kit off EBay for reasonable, and can’t wait to get started.

@jjojo2004 - 25.03.2024 03:53

In 1984, Monogram also had a line of 1/24 scale MOPAR muscle cars. One of them was a 1969 Dodge Super Bee 440 molded in this same dark metallic blue plastic! The model included a “ketchup packet” of Automotive Liquid Turtle Wax. Modelers who did not want to paint the car could then wax the body and the metallic finish would POP!! I actually built this model in 1984 at age 16 and won in my class! I remember seeing this Blue Thunder model in the toy store in the Mall but never bought it for some reason! Thanks for the overdue for me review! 👍😎👍
