I read 100 self-help books. Here’s what I learned…

I read 100 self-help books. Here’s what I learned…

Matt D'Avella

2 года назад

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@mattdavella - 16.05.2022 16:00

I’m just here for the comments about my new sweater.

@Noonesbusiness777 - 16.02.2025 00:32

Stop watching this guy talk about ehat he did and go do it and get all the self help.

Like he did.

Your welcome.

@JonesMalioski32 - 24.11.2024 21:11

3 things that helped me and literally changed my life

1. I stopped watching porn
2. I read hidden book on kuvelster
3. Stop drinkingg

@JonesMalioski32 - 24.11.2024 20:49

3 things that helped me and literally changed my life

1. I stopped telling myself I'll do it tomorrow
2. I read hidden book on Kuvelster
3. I had faith and religion

@ShyamkrishnanNair - 30.10.2024 11:13

Couldn't agree more! Self-help has truly evolved into a mainstream phenomenon. After reading over 100 self-help books, I realized that taking action is key. It’s not just about theories; implementing small changes makes a huge difference. I even jumped into a cold shower to face my fears after reading about it in 'The Flinch'—definitely a game changer!
I also found the Sense of Humor Improvement Program by Habit10x super helpful in embracing the lighter side of life. Remember, humor can be a powerful tool in personal growth. Keep exploring and implementing!

@hustlenationpodcast - 14.10.2024 18:55

Ok, Matt! I need to know 2 things. #1 will you be a guest on my podcast. #2 What is your favorite book?

@PJerry-l8c - 04.09.2024 17:03

Did you read these 5?

1. How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie

2. Stumbling on happiness
(You need to have the ability to think in the future. The future which you want to experience)

3. The war of art

4. Self reliance - Ralph Eldo Emerson - Brief essay - Under an hour's job (To be great is to be misunderstood)

5. The artist's way - Julia Cameron

@indestructible8111 - 23.08.2024 12:55

Awesome learnings! For additional hidden strategies that could take your growth to the next level, Nixorus has some must-read books.

@OriginalBalkanShop - 13.07.2024 19:42

it’s kinda crazy how nobody’s talking about Antozent, they are selling 150 self help books for the price of one

@aralsea1 - 23.06.2024 10:11

You have to wonder why there are so many self-help books.

@SC-kd5ln - 23.05.2024 12:20

Honestly it's is better off to just read any book slowly in a way that it maximizes comprehension. And every and any new thing you learn from the book, you should immediately think about how you can use that advice practically irl. That's why a lot of people should read How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler. It's genuinely one of the most helpful books that you will read as it will immensely change the way you understand and read books

@katya1031 - 01.05.2024 14:40

Power of Now - is not a self-help book 😊

@Mr.Coffee576 - 01.05.2024 08:14

So the flinch is a fancy word for saying "face your fears".

@Pixellri - 29.03.2024 16:39

If you want an unfair advantage over other people, go to Nixorus and read the forbidden money books. You can thank me later

@JimmieLamping - 26.03.2024 20:15

For all who didn´t finish the books: don´t worry. I started a lot of them, never did the exercises, almost never finished one. But I loved to get into new self helping books and got more of them. And slowley my thinking changed. Maybe it took longer time, but it changed. And also my hole life changed.

@matthewthompson0 - 25.03.2024 03:23

Such an amazing video, kudos! If you want self-improvement and you haven't read - the hidden truths of wealth ebook, stop everything you're doing now and find the book. You'll thank me later

@Ashleyopt - 17.02.2024 19:18

For someone who is introvert like me with years of trauma, mental health issues and struggling to keep up with life. I recently came across a book The solitude code. It’s absolutely amazing how it helped me see things clearly and made me feel I am not alone. It has helped me a lot to live a normal life again. So anyone looking for recommendations for 2024 check out that book.

@Jonathan-Hunt - 15.02.2024 11:33

Great Video Matt. and I absolutely agree with this one. I'm lucky that I started highlighting and taking notes after only reading 3 books without doing so because I felt like I was not able to recall any info from them. Now I highlight the key ideas in every chapter, and every Section or so I copy these highlights and try to rewrite them in my own words. It lets me recall the ideas and keep a small summary of the book to refer for later when needed.
I'm not doing my best at taking action but I'm definitely trying to.

@joshuabuchanan1141 - 04.02.2024 05:54

You read 100 books? Not only is that a lot but it must've been draining and exhausting reading all 100 of them

@JaneneRakestrow - 31.01.2024 08:47

ou and the books! How much longer are you going to be a pupil? From now on do some teaching as well. Why, after all, should I listen to what I can read for myself? "The living voice,' it may be answered, 'counts for a great deal.' Not when it is just acting in a kind of secretarial capacity, making itself an instrument for what others have to say.”Loved this video, Matt!

This calls to mind a quote from Seneca,
“Let's have some difference between

@MyElevationHeight - 08.01.2024 03:44

Very insightful video, thanks!

@ToddGreat - 29.12.2023 05:16

Summarized points
- take action
* take 3 most important points from a book and just do it
- take better notes
* read and takes notes, highlight, underline, or have sticky notes, just annotate
- One size fit all will not work
* the best books will make you think critically, so it fits for your life

@DóndeEstáAlejandro - 21.12.2023 00:51

Loved this video, Matt!

This calls to mind a quote from Seneca,
“Let's have some difference between you and the books! How much longer are you going to be a pupil? From now on do some teaching as well. Why, after all, should I listen to what I can read for myself? "The living voice,' it may be answered, 'counts for a great deal.' Not when it is just acting in a kind of secretarial capacity, making itself an instrument for what others have to say.”

@tarareads23 - 18.12.2023 16:36

I love reading on my Kindle. But when it comes to self help books yes, I prefer physical books. I can still highlight and write notes on my Kindle but sometimes there’s a glitch or it takes too long. But with physical books so much easier to annotate, highlight and tab and easier to flip through.

And yes, no point in reading self help books if you’re not going to take action. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Thanks for sharing! 😀

@dovrob - 17.12.2023 04:40

spoiler alert: there's a huge conflict of interest in the last chapter.

@Ibrahim_Alarifi - 26.11.2023 23:34


Is it possible to review my new book "Learning Limitless Knowledge "
Thank you

@rijd2304 - 13.11.2023 03:44

The book "You Suck" by Paulie Amigo is the best self help book ever.

@thebetterblokesproject - 02.11.2023 02:01

Bloody hell, these are the types of videos people need to see more! Might switch up our style a bit!

@nellyymessy - 22.09.2023 07:04


@dhiadidia3519 - 20.09.2023 12:05

Take 3 action For every chapter or every books?

@henmat3000 - 18.09.2023 06:51

"The truth is most people actually don't put the lessons into action."

@MagicMartin314 - 17.09.2023 15:17

I listened to juat afew self help audiobooks so much that I could resight them.
Earl nightingale condescend narrated Think And Grow Rich

- the travel university !! To and from work.

@oli47 - 28.08.2023 05:24

“If you’re not implementing the things you learn you may as well be reading fiction.” I kind of hate this statement. It deminishes the value of fiction to content to be consumed and not to be thought about, when in fact i think a lot of the time there is more to learn from fiction then from non-fiction.

@ChillingwithDil - 24.08.2023 19:22

Self-help has transitioned from a hidden hobby to a mainstream fascination, with a surge in popularity and availability through books, courses, and videos. The speaker read 100 self-help books, gaining insights from classics like "How to Win Friends and Influence People" to newer titles like "Deep Work" and "Awaken the Giant Within."

@GeorgiaHubleyyy - 17.08.2023 17:14

Check out LIttler Books if you don't have time to read all the self-help books you want.

@tcb1175 - 07.08.2023 13:41

Thank you for making this video, I learnt something.

@nathanielpeton516 - 04.07.2023 16:43

1. Take Action - Take 3 concepts and put them into action from each book
2. Take Notes
3. Author's become Mentors
4. Think Critical - going with an open mind. Find three things to test and hopefully one thing that will stick.
5. Ultimately be your own guru!

@supreme5580 - 26.06.2023 23:27

Don't get me wrong I love physical books, but with limited space for shelving, I started fucking with audible and found myself completing books much quicker, I love the fact that many books are split by key pointers rather than chapters, so once I'm done I can kinda recap the parts I found the most intriguing and jot down a couple notes for future reference. I'm still keeping physical copies around and plan on jumping back & forth between both to see if the consuming works better the old school way. I've actually tried a hybrid model with the book "The Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel, where I was reading the Ebook while playing the audiobook. I found it a much more in-depth experience like nothing I've ever read before. I was done in roughly 2 weeks, (and I'm a super slow reader with ADHD)

@CezrDaPleazr - 19.06.2023 06:22

Just read philosophy books, a lot of self help books implement many if not all lessons from philosophy.

@gamalabdullahnasser1029 - 05.06.2023 14:29

George Carlin: There's no such thing as self-help. If you did it yourself, you didn't need help.

@orokfejlodes - 29.05.2023 20:22

Self helping books not only for action, but a lifestlyle as well, because wnen you are reading, you are thinking with your best frinends, and heroes through your entire life,.even when you listening them. So even when you are not taking immediate actions, which I am not recommend anyway, your mind start to build up a completly.different life, and without struggle you will develope your life anyway. So just read all of them which is coming to you anyhow, and after a while you will see.the best sorroundigs too. All the best for all of you

@marcellop.9834 - 07.05.2023 10:37

Question: how do you combine the owning of so many physical books with minimalism? It’s a question that I ask myself very often, and I’ve been keeping only the books I really care about and reading/owning the others on my kindle.
What’s your approach?

Thank you !

@bzicse - 06.05.2023 12:56

Great video!

@animethics - 02.05.2023 11:22

**what a great One, for more on self help ideas that has worked, LIKE THIS COMMENT.****

@ahmedelkhateeb3716 - 26.04.2023 04:03

thank you, mate, this amazing summary is so fruitful, keep going bro, you are awesome
